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Collection: Do college loans enslave young people today? Return to Group

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  • almost 2 years ago


  • almost 2 years ago


  • almost 2 years ago


  • almost 2 years ago


  • ~ 5 years ago


    If I asked you what you got out of college, what would you say?

    I don’t like saying any answer is wrong, but if you say “student loans,” I might be tempted to go there.

    When you attach the negative emotions that come with focusing on thousands — or tens or hundreds of thousands — of debt to a college education, it’s easy to label ...

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  • ~ 5 years ago


    "Experts debate whether student loans are a crisis for students and the economy" Information-grey

    Brown Center Fellow Beth Akers recently participated in a lively debate over the controversial motion, “student loans are a crisis for students and the economy,” at the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) annual conference. Akers was joined by Andrew Kelly, director of the Center on Higher Education Reform at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), in arguing against the motion, while Kevin Fudge, manager of Government Relations and Community Affairs at American Student Assistance, and Mark Huelsman, senior policy analyst at Demos, argued in favor. In the words of moderator John Donovan, the faceoff was “a battle of persuasion,” with the objective being to sway as many audience votes as possible.

    In the course of one hour, both sides were given opportunities to make arguments, to react to one another, and to respond to audience questions, and in that time all four participants made many compelling points.

    Huelsman argued succinctly that “The most important reason we face a crisis in the system is that a degree is far from guaranteed.” He went on to explain that four in ten low-income borrowers and four in ten black borrowers drop out of school, with the vast majority citing student loan debt as the number one reason for dropping out. Most concerning...

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  • ~ 5 years ago


    College Debt Information-grey


    Student loan debt in the U.S. now totals more than $1.5 trillion, but students in some states are getting hit harder than others.

    Students in the Northeast have the heaviest burdens. Nearly 75 percent of college graduates in New Hampshire have outstanding student loans and they owe an average of $36,367 — that's the highest rate in the country, according to the Institute for College Access and Success's 12th Annual Student Debt report.

    The report, published annually, breaks down both the percentage of students carrying undergraduate student loan debt, and the average amount each graduate owed in every state (with the exception of North Dakota, where there was insufficient data). TICAS's...

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