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Study Group: Quality Education

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blog icon Collection: Why is Utah Baning DEI Programs at State Institutions? 6 none yet Ayan Juang Feb-27-24 Information-grey
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blog icon Why is Utah public schools so under-funded? 18 none yet 2024 Lian Keller Feb-27-24 Information-grey
blog icon Study Group: Quality Education's Collection 4 none yet magnolia prince Feb-23-24 Information-grey
blog icon Education: How we learn: The Correlation Between medium and message, and how it changes thought. 15 none yet Christopher Stokes Feb-23-24 Information-grey
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blog icon Collection 1 none yet 2024 Evan Chisholm Feb-22-24 Information-grey
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blog icon Collection:How can we help public schools in Utah get more funding without increasing taxes for citizens? 6 none yet Kalli B Feb-22-24 Information-grey
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blog icon Collection: Utah Banned Book Legislation 73 none yet Han Nguyen Feb-22-24 Information-grey
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blog icon Study Group: Banning Books in Utah and the US 11 none yet Anna J Feb-21-24 Information-grey
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blog icon Collection: Assessing Students with Disabilities 0 none yet Julys Guzman Jul-28-23 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: What other ways can we measure student's understanding? 2 none yet Gabriella Jordan Jul-25-23 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: Assigning AI: Seven Approaches 83 none yet Paul Allison Jul-04-23 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: Media Literacy & Social Media 1 none yet Paul Allison Jun-01-23 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: How can racial bias and prejudices be prevented by teaching them in a school curriculum? 23 none yet Georgia Stockham Jun-01-23 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: AI on NowComment 210 none yet Paul Allison Feb-22-23 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition 239 none yet Christopher Sloan Jun-23-22 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: Ukrainian Poetry 12 none yet Paul Allison Mar-24-22 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: How does Critical Race Theory benefit all students? 9 none yet Brianna Valcarcel Mar-03-22 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: Cultivating Genius by Gholdy Muhammad (2020) 2 none yet Paul Allison Jul-20-21 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: Why are parents, students, and educators opposed to tests? 2 none yet Mr. Jake Jacobs Mar-24-21 Information-grey
blog icon Collection: How has COVID-19 affected students’ level of education in United states? 17 none yet Elizabeth Child Mar-20-21 Information-grey

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Facing the Challenge 3 6 months 2024 Alejandra (Allie) Rasmussen Feb-27-24 Information-grey
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Book Banning 3 6 months 2024 Alejandra (Allie) Rasmussen Feb-21-24 Information-grey
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Book Banning 3 6 months 2024 Alejandra (Allie) Rasmussen Feb-21-24 Information-grey
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Republican book banning brings forth echoes of a dangerous past. 4 6 months Anna J Feb-21-24 Information-grey
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Abolish Public School 4 6 months 2024 Lian Keller Feb-21-24 Information-grey

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