Money, money is something that you have to have to get something or get somewhere and if you have a car you have to work hard to get the money so you could buy stuff for it. Like if the car gets a broken piece you need the money to repair it. to trave around the places that you most like to trave If you live in an apartment you have to have the money to pay the rent monthly because if you don’t pay it monthly they are going to kick you out. then you going be on that street struggling something that you won't like Paying the rent money is necessary to live there and if you do not get money somehow you are going to die because you are not eating enough for your to have the energy nesesary for your body be active because then your body is going to dehydrate. This why I said that the money is so important because if you do not have it you cannot get the things that you most wanted. But before you could get the money you have to work hard or get you a job, like if you do not have a car you have to take the bus or the train and for that you need a metrocard because if you don’t have one, you are going to get a ticket. You are not gonna like it cuz then you gone pay it but if u do not have the money you gone have a case on the court and if you do not pay the money on the day they told you to pay it you going to have an open case or sent to jail so yes money is important because you need it for everything.
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You are not gonna like it cuz because then you gone are going to pay it but if u you do not have the money you gone are going to have a case on the in court and if you do not pay the money on the day they told you to pay it you are going to have an open case or sent to jail so . So yes, money is important because you need it for everything.
Reason: cuz=because / gone=are going to / u=you / gone=are going to /
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