When | Why |
Jun-11-20 | Transcript of chat during our conversation |
Last week on TTT, Joe Dillon, @onewheeljoe, shared with us a game he plays with students, asking them to decide "Which media is most important?"
On Monday, he presents three multi-modal sources about an important issue and he asks his students to decide--before the end of the week--which of them are most important.
Together we'll annotate the images, videos, and texts in this collection — as readers and viewers.
Click this image. Then click the comment in NowComment and hit play to hear Joe's brief presentation last week. https://nowcomment.com/documents/204856?scroll_to=1909915 |
Added June 11, 2020 at 8:49am
by Paul Allison
Title: Transcript of chat during our conversation
From Paul Allison : https://nowcomment.com/blogs/204086
From Paul Allison : youthvoices.live/annottionsinstructons
From Paul Allison : http://youthvoiced.live/annotationsinstruction
From Jeff Dierking : http://youthvoices.live/annotationsinstruction
From Jeff Dierking : There was a typo in the other one.
From Paul Allison : https://nowcomment.com/blogs/204086
From Paul Allison To Nicole Welling(privately) : Hi Nicole — This is where people are working now: https://nowcomment.com/blogs/204086
From Nicole Welling To Paul Allison(privately) : Hello!
From Paul Allison To Nicole Welling(privately) : We are annotating items in this collection up until about 9:40?
From Paul Allison To Nicole Welling(privately) : Let me know if you need more help getting there… getting logged in… etc. We have also looked at https://youthvoices.live/annotationsinstructions
From Paul Allison To Nicole Welling(privately) : Welcome!
From Nicole Welling To Paul Allison(privately) : I successfully logged into NowCommet and ready to jump in. Thank you
From Christina Cantrill : Harriet - you might be interested in the LEARN: Marginal Syllabus project which uses another annotation platform available often at the University level: https://educatorinnovator.org/campaigns/literacy-equity-remarkable-notes-learn-marginal-syllabus-2019-20/
From Christina Cantrill : Why Annotate? https://s15138.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Why_-Infographic.pdf
From Joe Dillon : Thanks everyone! I really appreciate hearing what each of you focused on, and the conversation about process we helpful as well.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
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