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Selections from WE MADE IT TO SCHOOL ALIVE by Quartez Harris

10 additions to document , most recent over 3 years ago

When Why
Mar-10-21 Intro to the Collection: James Baldwin
Mar-10-21 "Ocean"
Mar-10-21 "Ocean" (continued)
Mar-10-21 "Testing Doesn't Tell the Whole Story"
Mar-10-21 Poem
Mar-10-21 Poem
Mar-10-21 Poem
Mar-10-21 Poem
Mar-10-21 Poem
Mar-10-21 A Conversation with Quartez Harris

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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 9:01AM) : This image on the cover of the book allows the reader to infer a small portion of the contents ahead. The butterfly wings can symbolize innocence, creativity, or the potential for prosperity in the children's futures.
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 1:41PM) : Cover Page more

I thought that too! Butterflies have been seen as creativity and growth. Adding them to this cover, give the audience a preview to what they will be reading.

Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 11:32AM) : Cover Page more

The image on the cover page with the child and the butterfly wings can symbolize creativity and gives the audience something to make an inference to what they might be reading about.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:24PM) : Front page more

The cover is most of the time the selling point of a book. I agree with Carter I think this cover page could symbolize creativity.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 1:21PM) : Cover Page more

The butterfly wings does show a form of innocence among the children and does give the audience of this book a sneak peak in what they will be reading.

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 1:45PM) : I agree more

I also thought of the butterfly wings symbolizing innocence, as well as inside of knowledge as what’s to come.

Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 1:35PM) : Front Cover more

The image presented on the front cover to me represents change and growth. In order to become a butterfly one must undergo the change from being a caterpillar and into the transformation of becoming a butterfly. As a caterpillar forms a cocoon and later comes out of that cocoon as a new person, this can symbolize the growth of a student. One experiences summer break and from summer break to the next year people change in many ways whether it be in their style, their hair, their attitude.

Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 2:21PM) : wings more

A butterfly starts out as a caterpillar, and cocoons into a butterfly. This could represent the children growing in their creativity and blossoming into beautiful butterflies

Mar 15
Katie L. B Katie L. B (Mar 15 2021 1:35PM) : Relating back to the Audience more

Colleen, I like how you described how a butterfly could represent children growing. We all started as babies, but we grew into who we are now. Just like how caterpillars grow up to be butterflies. We all grow up to being something beautiful and unique.

Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 1:43PM) : Agreeing more

I think Colleen explained the cover page really well. A butterfly can have many different meanings and one of those meanings is growth. This could relate to the child because they are growing in up and their minds are growing.

Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 3:13PM) : Title Page more

After I have read through the entirety of what was published to this site of “We Made It To School” to me the title represents a parent helping their child to grow wings so they can one day fly on their own, meaning they will one day take their knowledge and experience the world for themselves, leaving the parent as an empty nester.

Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:34PM) : cover page more

This whole cover really draws you into the title. It looks as if the kids are running for school or maybe at each other. It really gives off a sense of freedom and playfulness as kids.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 1:24PM) : Response more

It seems like the kids could possibly be having some sort of recess. where in one moment of the day they can release all of their pent up energy.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 9:20PM) : son more

The parent’s son in the story has a vast imagination and high hopes for the future. I can tell from this text," My son runs his hands across a puddle out our apartment, pretends it’s an ocean he can swim in."

Mar 13
Ross S Ross S (Mar 13 2021 4:23AM) : The Cover of the book has two children on the cover this shows creativity, or may be a way to show the charter going out on their own.
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:29PM) : Butterfly more

The butterflies on the children can symbolize what is to come within the book. The children could grow into themselves and have the same effect as a butterfly, to grow and fly away with life.

Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 1:51PM) : Reply to Kali more

I agree with this! Butterflies can be seen as growth and as you said, the children are growing into themselves like butterflies grow and fly away. The butterflies symbolize the growth that the child will go through.

Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 7:49AM) : In this part it is interesting how it shows it took him a while to figure out he was oppressed.
Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:07PM) : Reply more

I agree it took him quite a while to figure out he was oppressed

Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 7:53AM) : In this section I think it is saying that school did not teach him anything and she hopes he can learn.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 7:55AM) : I think in this section, is saying that the saying you can do anything you put your mind to is not true.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:23AM) : I think the title is very interesting, maybe showing that the kids were making it in a system that could use work.
Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 9:58AM) : cover more

the image with the butterflies shows symbolism because caterpillars can turn into butterflies

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 1:51PM) : I agree more

I also think that the butterfly wings symbolized maturity because caterpillars can turn into butterflies.

Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:08PM) : Reply more

Yea I think it showed a sign of maturity kind of like growing up into his own person

Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 11:00AM) : title more

The title implies the idea of facing but then overcoming struggles or difficulties.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 1:30PM) : title page more

The title page is what can either get people to read the book or not want to.

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 1:35PM) : The cover intrigues the readers and encourages them to open the book and see exactly what the butterfly wings on the boys symbolize.
Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 1:50PM) : Cover page more

The wings could mean that they feel more free since they have made it to school. They don’t feel grounded down anymore, their parents might not have to watch them 24/7 everyday now.

Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 1:52PM) : Cover page more

I wonder if making it to school was a struggle when first reading the cover page. Was it more of a huge step to make for them?

Mar 15
Eli H Eli H (Mar 15 2021 1:56PM) : Color more

Everything but “ALIVE” and the butterfly wings are in black-and-white. Perhaps there is a link between the butterfly wings and living. Butterfly wings could be there in contrast to angel wings. Whereas angel wings are associated with purity, an ending, butterfly wings imply room to grow and childhood innocence/curiosity.

Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 2:15PM) : Title Page more

This title page is inviting and sets the tone of the story with few words. The artwork intrigues the audience and causes curiosity about the reading for the book.

Jun 19
M E C M E C (Jun 19 2021 12:48AM) : educacion more

Hoy en día los recursos tecnológicos sin duda están revolucionando la función docente, desde paginas web como así como blogs educativos y foros en general están facilitando la educacion a distancia, medios eficaces donde nos podemos poner en contacto con nuestros alumnos y padres de familia y de esta manera enriquecer el proceso educativo.

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Imagery 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 7:59AM) : This butterfly imagery comes back in a later poem within the collection called, "Butterfly in the Flesh." more


a butterfly settle
near a herd of boys

they draw closer
the butterfly
doesn’t flutter

they raise their hands
to prove they are unarmed

hundreds of mahogany-
colored butterflies
burst out of them like lightning
joining hands with fireworks

only god seems to notice the glitz
because in the beginning

he said let there be light
& a butterfly boy, as black as beginning
appeared in the flesh

Harris, Quartez. “Butterfly in the Flesh.” We Made It To School Alive. Twelve Literary Arts, 2020.

Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 10:32AM) : These wings on the children's backs can symbolize innocence and creativity, but they can also symbolize a child's ability to "take flight" and find their individuality in their lives.
Mar 12
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 12 2021 12:18PM) : Seeing a Story Through the Cover more

You can see this picture as a visual representation of students learning and evolving within their time in the classroom. The wings may represent a student blossoming from a caterpillar into a butterfly ready to take flight.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 1:26PM) : Children must grow up more

The butterflies seem to not be fully grown, so in order to be able to take flight they must grow some more. They can grow through learning.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 1:26PM) : A butterfly is a beautiful creature but is delicate and can be harmed easily. I feel as if the wings were used to symbolize the beauty of being a child, but also the dangers.
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 2:13PM) : I noticed this too more

At first, I thought it was associated with childhood innocence but after seeing your comment I notice the dangers of that innocence. This includes: child death, kidnapping, hospital visits, and other scary situations that can takeaway that innocence.

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:40PM) : Since the butterfly wings come back in a later poem within the book I wonder if other imagery seen on the cover will as well.
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Butterfly Wings 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 7:57AM) : The appearance of butterfly wings attached to the child's back allows the viewer to sense innocence embedded in these children.
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:24PM) : Butterfly Wings more

I noticed this too, Lindsay. I think including this idea of innocent children allows for the readers to engage with the book before they even read it. This creates a relationship with the author and the audience before dialogue even begins.

Mar 12
Grace C Grace C (Mar 12 2021 10:56AM) : wings more

I think the children wearing butterfly wings symbolizes how rare and beautiful their innocence is.

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First Rhetorical Choice 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:06AM) : The emphasis is put on "Alive" in the title by making it bigger than the other text, as well as giving it a red hue. This is the first rhetorical choice made by the author, and it should be interesting seeing how it aids the purpose going forward.
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 1:10PM) : In regards to this primary rhetorical choice, I wonder why the author chose this title. Why should a child have to question if they will make it to school "alive?" Some food for thought when entering the text.
Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 1:37PM) : response more

This is a great thought that many people probably haven’t even thought about.

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The Title Suggests a Doubt 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:06AM) : This idea that this is a communication to the world that a student has made it to the place where they will learn today. . ."safely?"
Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 11:02AM) : title more

alive needs to be big and bold to show emphasis

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Alive 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:09AM) : The addition of the word "alive" really makes you think about the conditions these children had to face going to school. A strong literary device the author uses is that he bolds the word to give emphasis to it.
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:22PM) : The emphasis on the word "alive" is first rhetorical choice that I've noticed so far.
Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 9:59AM) : alive more

rhetorical choice used by the author.

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No Shoes 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:57AM) : In this image you can see that the child has no shoes on. This could be to show how poor his family is.
Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:15PM) : the child having no shoes I think really does symbolize how poor her is and how poor his family is , and how this might have a degrading effect on his life
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Butterfly Friends 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 10:55AM) : It looks like the butterflies are holding on to the kids. I think it is symbolizing innocence and childlike imaginations.
Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 10:00AM) : butterflies more

the butterfly friends holding on to the kids shows the love and appreciation for the kids.

Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 1:40PM) : Butterflies more

It looks like the butterflies represent the kids. This could show love and imaginations that children may have.

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Author 0
Mar 12
Connor W Connor W (Mar 12 2021 11:07AM) : Quartez Harris more

Quartez Harris is an educator and an author. He also lives in Cleveland Ohio with his son.

Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:21PM) : Quartez Harris more

Quartez Harris is the author of this poetry collection called “We Made it To School Alive.” This book was published by Twelve Arts Press.

Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 1:54PM) : Quartez Harris more

Quartez Harris wrote a book called “We Made it to School Alive” which focused on self-worth.

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Wings 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:06AM) : Another possible interpretation. more

The wings could symbolize the metamorphosis of leaving childhood to go into adulthood. It could also symbolize the fragility of childhood and innocence.

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Title 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 11:08AM) : The title implies the idea of facing but then overcoming struggles or difficulties. Difficult situations are inevitable in life but it all depends on how the situation is perceived and then can be conquered.
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 1:45PM) : The title informs the reader that it is a struggle for these kids to do the little things in life.
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"we made it to school alive 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:13AM) : The title draws interest to the book by adding a interesting title.
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 1:47PM) : It makes the readers wonder what the author means by the title and want to know more about the children's difficulties.
Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 3:31PM) : The Significance of Words more

These words mean something more than they ever would a year ago. It is as simple as that, we made it back to school. We did not know that we would be able to come back to school so soon last year, so these words are very symbolic.

Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 1:50PM) : This title could also show what happened last year and what is happening this year. We did not know when we could come back to school or if we would be able to at all. We had to learn to do a lot of things online and how to do meets and other things. [Edited]
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Alive. 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:23AM) : The word alive in the picture of the book stands out more than the rest of the title, maybe this emphasizes the action being brought about.
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Wing Imagery 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 11:23AM) : What might the wing imagery say to us about "fragility" and "durability" of this element which should afford "flight?" more

One thing we know, too, about butterflies is the desire of some to collect these. . .what must happen to the butterfly in order to be “collected” and added to a “specimen?”

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Butterflies and Hope 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 11:28AM) : Throughout world cultures, butterflies are often seen as symbols of hope. The choice to include them is fitting, as the title makes me think that the two children have hope that they will get an education.
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"We made it to School alive" 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 11:29AM) : The title of the book brings out several of my own life. School has been rough throughout the years between students, teachers, and the work. School can be degrading, which is depressing, but it's the honest truth.
Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:13PM) : Reply more

I agree school is degrading. we put so much effort in and we dont even know what we are going to get out of it in the end. It so stressful sometimes

Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 11:01AM) : personification more

the title cannot be truly alive

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:33PM) : The cover of this book allows us to infer what the contents of the book may be
Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:12PM) : the cover of the book may allow us to infer the contents of the book.
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Background on Quartez Harris 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 11:34AM) : Quartez Harris is a second grade teacher in Cleveland, Ohio. All of the works in this poetry collection are based off of Harris´s current and former students.
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A-L-I-V-E 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 11:38AM) : Emphasis more

The author changes the color and makes the word alive bigger to emphasize the word and could be foreshadowing for the reader

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Life. 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 11:57AM) : On the cover page, one child is not wearing shoes, one child has a large rip down their shirt, but they both have butterfly wings. To me, the wings seem to symbolize joy. The wings are bright and colorful, and the children are playing, which makes the > more

<the clothing situation not matter.

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The boy 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:13PM) : Butterfly Wings more

The wings on the boys may symbolize the innocence in the children who may or may not be aware of mistreatment they are receiving.

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Free wings 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:13PM) : Freedom seen in wings more

The children having butterfly wings in this cover here can tell the reader about a sense of freedom and the childlike wonder adults usually lose when they get older.

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Alive Style 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:19PM) : The word alive is larger than the other words and colored orange rather than black like the rest. This makes the word itself feel alive compared to the others.
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We 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:18PM) : "We" ambiguity more

Who is “we”? Harris’s fellow classmates? Siblings? Us?

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Wings Meaning 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:23PM) : I think the wings of a butterfly symbolize and visualize life and also help to show to purity of the children.
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The Title 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 1:25PM) : I think the title is unique because the fact that it says "We Made it to School" draws the reader in already. But, when it says "...Alive" after that, it draws the reader in even more.
Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:36PM) : The fact that the word alive is bold and red draws emphasis to the word
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Children's Attire 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:26PM) : The clothes that the two are wearing are very loose and one of the boys isn't even wearing shoes. This could reflect their wealth or show that they are from the inner cities.
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A symbol of innocence 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:28PM) : Butterfly Wings more

The wings on the children on the cover of the book can represent many things. Inferring from the wings and the title of the book, these kids do not have it easy, but they are innocent.

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Title's Meaning 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:29PM) : This title most likely refers to a poem within titled, Alive, which details a teacher recognizing the life and humanity of their black students.
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An interesting pov 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:30PM) : No shoes more

In the cover photo, we also notice the children are not wearing shoes. Again, this could be a sign that these kids do not have it easy. The title and image play into this thinking.

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Poems Inclusion 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:32PM) : This shows that the book is a collection of poems instead of being mistaken for a novel.
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Butterfly wings relation to later poems 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 1:33PM) : I like that the wings connect to a poem in this set called Windows. He compares students to birds "lifting off the ground" and the butterfly wings on the cover add to the imagery and symbolism of the text.
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Quartez Harris 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 1:58PM) : Quartez Harris more

Quartez Harris is the author of the debut full-length poetry collection We Made It To School Alive, published by Twelve Arts Press.

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front page 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:28PM) : the kids with butterfly wings seems to infer innocence and freedom
Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:38PM) : The clothes the boys are wearing could symbolize their social status or living situation
Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:10PM) : the kids could be wearing what they might be portrayed as by other people, showing injustice
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the author 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:32PM) : Quartez Harris is a teacher and author who lives in Cleveland
Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:11PM) : Harris is an author out of Cleveland, Ohio
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front page title 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:34PM) : the title sparks interests in the reader
Mar 16
Connor W Connor W (Mar 16 2021 11:52AM) : I personally do not think that this title is much of a hook.
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impression of title 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 5:00PM) : The title of this book gives me the impression that the author is going to provide the experiences some have to go through just to receive an education, such as in 3rd world countries
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symbolism of butterfly wings 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 5:03PM) : The butterfly wings on the children's backs alludes to the youthfulness of the kids and their eagerness to grow.
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3rd world countries 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 5:07PM) : I believe the fact of the children not wearing shoes complements my initial idea of the author exhibiting the struggles children within 3rd world countries are faced with, such as receiving basic amenities like clothing and education
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Cover page 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 6:43PM) : I believe that the wings represent the innocence, adventure, and creativity of childhood.
Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:27PM) : i believe the wings represent a sign of hope
Mar 16
Connor W Connor W (Mar 16 2021 11:54AM) : You should capitalize you I's, also Happy Birthday.
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New area 0
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New area 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 6:50PM) : Cover more

Neither children appear to be wearing shoes, perhaps they are too poor to afford shoes. The title “We made it to school alive” may be referencing to the struggles and possible dangers of being poor.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 6:54PM) : Cover. more

Quartez Harris is an educator and author, his only poem/story so far is “We Made It To School Alive,” He currently lives in Cleveland Ohio with his son.

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Cover 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 7:33PM) : Cover page more

The imagery along with the title makes the book look interesting and makes want to read it.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 7:40PM) : cover page more

It is interesting that the illustrator put butterflies on the children’s back and I am interested in finding out the meaning behind this

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unique 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:15PM) : imagery more

The butterfly wings gives the boy a sense of creativity and innocence.

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flying 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:18PM) : flying more

The wings and the title can be tied in as if it was a long fly or trip to get through and to school.

Mar 13
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 13 2021 7:33PM) : Flying more

I think that makes a tremendous amount of sense. Some students might not get their wings until later, and then they come in beautifully. Other students might get their wings torn or clipped along the way. The flight is different for everyone, but it’s a flight nonetheless.

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Book of poems 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:18PM) : The book is entirely made up of poems.
Mar 13
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 13 2021 7:53PM) : Book made of poems more

The term for a book made up of poems is Anthology. An anthology can also be made up of songs, plays, and short stories.

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Title. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:24PM) : The title "We made it to school alive" is rather dark, it's a good title if you want to grab the readers attention quickly.
Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:44PM) : The fact the title draws your attention to the word alive could mean it tells the story of someone who's life is in danger.
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freedom 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:31PM) : run more

This image can tie into the title as well. He looks like he is running to towards “school.”

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"...ALIVE" 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:33PM) : Alive is presented in all red and caps, presenting the idea of the importance of the word. It showing through the title the struggles of making it to school alive.
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Cover 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 9:15PM) : The cover holds both the title and a cover illustration. The title infers to the reader that some children are not making it to school with their lives. The wings on each child's back could symbolize the freedom they have by making it to school alive.
Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 1:30PM) : The butterflies' significance more

In some cultures butterflies signify death. Could it be that this is used as a sort of false assurance to make the viewer think the children are alive?

Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : I think butterflies are a sign of hope. How they mature from a Catipillar to a Butterfly and how they spread they wings and fly away.
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symbolism 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:16PM) : butterflies more

The butterfly normal symbolizes personal growth or just growth in general. Since the butterflies look like wings on the children they could possibly symbolize a sort way to keep the young children safe to school; like a guardian angel.

Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:21PM) : I think the butterfly shows personal growth in general since the butterflies look like wings on the children.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:47PM) : Quartez Harris more

Quartez Harris is a renowned poet and especially popular for his poetry book called We Made it to School Alive.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:48PM) : cover image more

The cover image can show the reader what the book is going to be about young African American kids living life and having fun.

Mar 13
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 13 2021 9:09PM) : Cover Image more

At one point, Black American children were not allowed to go to school, and were not given the freedom to play and have fun and do whatever. So to see a cover of these black children living freely is huge.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:19PM) : Title more

The title “We Made it to School Alive” symbolizes many things. This title can create curiosity of the hardships they may have went through to get to school.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:21PM) : Color to butterfly more

The color orange found on the word “Alive” resembles the orange found on the butterflies. The butterflies can represent the aliveness which the children may have found while at school.

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An Image of Innocence 0
Mar 13
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 13 2021 7:23PM) : I think there is beauty in this image of children being children, playing as butterflies, and just living. They made it to school alive, but will they make it out alive?
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New area 0
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New area 0
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young kids 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:09AM) : the kids in the cover picture give context to what level of schooling they are in maybe middle school or high school
Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:22PM) : the kids are really young. they do look like middle school kids. and they might have to take on big responsibilities in their life
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Book Cover/Title 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:15AM) : This title and cover page gives us an idea of what the book is going to be about. It may let us infer what the poems are going to tell us and the overall message the author is trying to convey.
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title area 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 1:25PM) : title more

This title interests me because the big focus on ALIVE makes me wonder if that was something difficult to do. It makes me wonder what these kids would be going through to make to where getting to school is a life threatening challenge.

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 1:48PM) : I agree more

The Title makes it feel like they have to traverse obstacles just to get to school.

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Why wings 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 1:25PM) : Why the wings [Edited] more

Why do they have wings on what is the meaning of the wings?

Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 1:48PM) : Do the wings mean something more

I was thinking the wings may have to show they blossomed from a caterpillar to a butterfly. It shows they have blossomed from a child into a kid that has made it to school.

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why alive 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 1:27PM) : What does Alive mean more

Why is it such a big deal to emphasize that they made it to school alive?

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we? 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 1:29PM) : who is we more

who is we and why are they going to school?

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Boys 0
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 1:42PM) : The boys are in loose clothing that doesn't really fit them and have no shoes on. I think this is representing that they don't have a lot.
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New area 0
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Butterfly Wings Symbolism 0
Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 1:47PM) : Symbolism more

I think that the wings symbolize maturity/growing up since butterflies come after caterpillars.

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Monarch Butterfly Euphemism 0
Mar 15
Jesse B Jesse B (Mar 15 2021 1:44PM) : "Those who feel they've had a direct sign and communication from their deceased loved one through a butterfly report the event happens soon after their loved one died. Those who have a visitation from a butterfly immediately feel relief, joy, and comfort. more

Above is a quote from an article describing the significance of the monarch butterfly after death

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"ALIVE" represented in the title 0
Mar 15
Katie L. B Katie L. B (Mar 15 2021 1:47PM) : "ALIVE" seems to complete the title more

The word “ALIVE” seems to resemble significance. If the title was, “We made it to school,” wouldn’t it seem off? The word “ALIVE” seems to bring the title together.

Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 7:30PM) : i agree [Edited] more

I agree with what you’re saying here Katie. The “ALIVE” part of the title is very significant to the message the author is trying to get across.

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"Alive" in the title 0
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:02PM) : In the title, the word "alive" is bigger than the rest of the words. It also is orange, like the butterfly wings, while the rest of the cover is in black and white.
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Book Title 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 6:22PM) : ALIVE more

I think it is really interesting how the alive in the title is red and bigger than the other words. I wonder if the author has made it like this because there is a meaning behind it, or maybe he just wanted it to stand out more than the other words in the title.

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Book Cover 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 6:30PM) : Wings more

When I first looked at the cover I immediately looked at the Butterfly wings that stood out the most because everything else on the cover is black or white. I think that these wings could symbolize that in school you have the choice to take off on a journey of learning or just go through the motions of school and not get a lot out of it.

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Kid with wings 0
Mar 16
Joshua H Joshua H (Mar 16 2021 9:25AM) : They have wings, yet they do not fly. more

This kid has monarch butterfly wings. The type of wings may be important here, but I think of metamorphosis when a butterfly is used in symbolism. Maybe the author is referring school as a cocoon to protect the students while they become adults?

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:30am by Paul Hankins
Title: Intro to the Collection: James Baldwin

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Paragraph 2 (Image 1) 0
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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 1:23PM) : Oppression more

This quote seems to infer that we are unaware of our oppression until we are experiencing it first hand.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 1:24PM) : I agree more

Austin, I agree with how you responded to this quote. I think it was hard for him to really understand what has happening until it happened to him directly. People could think it’s normal, but when it happens to them, they will begin to understand.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:26PM) : Quote more

We do not know our oppression until we have it is what this quote sounds like to me.

Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 1:47PM) : Reply more

Austin, I think you did a great job of explaining what this quote meant. To be honest, when I first read it I was not completely aware about what it meant. Your explanation of the quote helped me see that it means that we do not know our oppression until it happens.

Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:26PM) : Reply more

Great job, Austin. We can be truly blind to what is happening to us. I also think the oppressor can be unaware until they get punished for their actions.

Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 10:42AM) : shape of his oppression more

I think that this quote is a perfect entry statement for the text that lies beyond this page. It connects to his son wanting to see the world, but him being afraid to show him because of the swamps and whales. I feel like this statement is the father showing that sometimes you have to let your children see the world for themselves no matter how hard it is, and that starts with going to school.

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"when he is in school" 0
Mar 10
Paul H Paul H (Mar 10 2021 10:50AM) : Suggests that the student may not know this for some time until enlightened or awoken to the idea. more

Another suggestion here is that school may be the first place where oppression and exclusion are realized. . .and perhaps internalized.

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Interesting Word Choice 0
Mar 10
Paul H Paul H (Mar 10 2021 10:51AM) : A synonym for "shape" might include "figure(s)."
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Oppression 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:02AM) : Oppression is malicious or unjust treatment or exercise of power. But, he discovered this when he got in school. Which leads me to ask how well was he being educated?
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:28PM) : Oppression more

The idea of oppression has been present for thousands of years throughout the world. In todays world it has changed into racial slurs, exclusion, and even a social biased towards those of color. This quote explains that it starts in school, right once the innocence starts to fade.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 1:30PM) : Impressionable Young People more

When kids are young, they are impressionable, easily impressed, and quick to trust. Baldwin’s teachers could have told him 2+2 equaled 5, not 4, and if he was young and naive enough, he could have believed them. What I’m trying to get at is that kids will trust what the adults in their life say to an extent. What his educators thought was normal became oppression as Baldwin gained the knowledge necessary to make that claim.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:30PM) : agreeing more

Meredith has a point was he taught enough in school or was he not?

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 1:53PM) : I agree more

I also feel like something might be happing inside the school that makes him feel oppressed.

Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 1:12PM) : Oppression in the educational world can come in many facets. This "exercise of power" could come from teachers and "malicious" treatment could be labeled as bullying.
Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:31PM) : oppression could be seen as bullying but I do not think this was the case in this poem.
Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 1:33PM) : learning your oppression more

When you were a kid, you did not notice these small micro-aggressions that can create a much larger problem in the future. It is something that can be controlled by proper training and being self aware.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 1:33PM) : The part of the quote that stood out to me is when it is brought up that he begins to discover his state of oppression. A child should never have to have that realization.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:01AM) : Discovers more

The young boy may not realize he is oppressed until an action or specific words are spoken against him. This suggests that he is unknowing of the injustices that seem to rule our schools, or our country for that matter.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:38PM) : He will not know what the oppression is until it happens.
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:09PM) : Realization more

The boy probably knows growing up he is different from others but in a school setting will discover or realize what that truly means for his life.

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"Oppression" 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:10AM) : The use of the word oppression seems to be quite prevalent in today's society and has various forms. The sage of it in this sentence begs the reader to ask, "What type of oppression is being faced." [Edited]
Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 1:57PM) : I agree more

Lucas has made a point since there are many reasons someone might be oppressed many of them not correlating to one another.

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"Ambivalence" 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:36AM) : Another Poem from the Collection more

school districts
with the same things:

how to teach a black child.

how to keep him alive
after dismissal

what role to play: teach or build a cemetary?

Harris, Quartez. “Ambivalence.” We Made It To School Alive." Twelve Arts Literary, 2020: 30.

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"Discovers the name of his oppression" 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 9:12AM) : This sentence could have many meanings to different people. To me, this highlights yet again the innocence of childhood. This aspect of innocence, to me, is highlighting the inexperience with cruel people. Children do not know about bullies or "bad guys".
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quote 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:16AM) : In this quote James Baldwin makes known that school and brought an oppression over him.
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James Baldwin 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 11:39AM) : James Baldwin was an African American novelist, playwright, essayist, poet, and activist. Some of his most famous work focuses on class distinctions in western cultures. He was born in 1924 and died in 1987.
Mar 13
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 13 2021 7:19PM) : In addition more

Though at times criticized for his pacifist stance, Baldwin remained an important figure in that struggle throughout the 1960s. James Baldwin had become one of the most important and vocal advocates for equality. He is perhaps best known for his books of essays, in particular Notes of a Native Son (1955), Nobody Knows My Name (1961), and The Fire Next Time (1963).

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:39PM) : Kennedy added more background knowledge to his name which helps the readers understand his pieces more.
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 1:31PM) : James Baldwin more

Ethan comments about who the person is who said this particular quote

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 1:58PM) : Background Knowledge more

Background knowledge is important for this cause It can tell where exactly James Baldwin’s head was or how he thought.

Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 1:13PM) : Ethan recognized the speaker and built credibility upon his name.
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James Baldwin 0
Mar 12
Connor W Connor W (Mar 12 2021 11:39AM) : James Baldwin more

James Arthur Baldwin was an American novelist, playwright, essayist, poet, and activist.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:44PM) : Connor putting what he does for a living gives him the credit of all of hi hard work.
Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 2:11PM) : James Baldwin more

James Baldwin wrote a lot on racial social issues. He was also well known for writing about how it was being a person of color in America.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 12:03PM) : This line from James Baldwin describes how children can be innocent and not know the true reason behind their situation.
Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:45PM) : Children do not know the wrong or right usually it is what their parents think.
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Oppression. 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 12:10PM) : This should not be something that is hammered into young children minds. more

I do not understand why this is something that would ever be said to or about any child. “discovering the shape of his oppression” I think that this is nonsense, if this boy is raised and never taught about what the word oppression even means, he will never face it. I do not think any kid should be raised being taught that they are oppressed because they are not born oppressed. Lets assume he is taught this, then he will live his life believing this when it is not necessarily true. If this kid is never taught that he is oppressed he will never think in that point of view, he will never feel the need to feel less than anybody and will accomplish all of his hopes and dreams. If he is raised being told he is oppressed, then he may not, he may just grow up and think about how much less he is, when he is not. This is where culture plays a big role in how kids are raised, if you want your kid to be successful, raise them that way. Or you can feed them ideas like this and TEACH them that they are “looked down upon” and “oppressed” when in reality everyone can have the same opportunities in life if they just work for it.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 1:39PM) : Children SHOULD be taught this more

While I see your point Tavian, it is not all black and white.

If a child is not taught about oppression then they have no idea how to react to it if it happens. Children should be taught about this so if it is to be brought up children will know how to handle it. If they are not taught the meaning of oppression then they are not living an easier life. They are living a life of ignorance and will be faced with the harsh reality of life once they grow up. You can be oppressed if you do not know what oppression means, it is what you do with your knowledge that can help you over come your oppression.

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:01PM) : I agree more

Without proper guidance on what oppression is and how to deal with it, it could really scar the kid. I feel like parents/guardians/teachers should teach kids about this instead of basically leaving them in the dark and letting them deal with something that’s hard to deal with.

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Oppression 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 12:09PM) : School is where most are first people learn about oppression. You go to school and get picked on by "friends". You go to school and get called out only because of your gender/belief/race. You go to school and are judged based on gender/belief/race. It > more

<starts at school. Yet it still hasn’t changed because people are blinded with their dream of something better.

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Learning 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 12:12PM) : Learning [Edited] more

In this quote I think it conveys the idea of learning. While being oppressed is a negative thing, the significance of saying this is learned while a person is in school is that school is intended to be a place for learning. It does begin to question the environment of the school since the negative idea of oppression.

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His 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:15PM) : Masculine pronouns more

Wonder if there’s a reason that the subject has been identified as a “he”

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Shape of Oppression 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:17PM) : Making oppression tangible more

What is “oppression” shaped like? Is it the same for everyone? Is it different?

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:51PM) : I would say it is different for everyone because everyone is coming from different backgrounds.
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"It" 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:36PM) : It may refer to the moment that someone is first discriminated against, probably with out their knowledge, for their skin color.
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Origins 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:38PM) : This racial discrimination is believed by Baldwin to originate when they are children in school, not adults.
Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:02PM) : Realization more

now that I think about it it makes sense that many people would experience racial discrimination as well as when they’re older.

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Before He Discovers 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:39PM) : This shows how racial discrimination may take place long before one realizes they are victim of prejudice.
Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 1:54PM) : I never thought about that but that could very well be the case.
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Shape of His Oppression 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:40PM) : This refers to the large scale and severity of one's discrimination, that it is not recognized at a young age when it begins.
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Naive 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 1:54PM) : "Before he discovers..." more

The author is speaking of his naiveness on the matter of oppression when he is younger. That comes in many different forms i.e. the “shapes”.

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before he discovers 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:36PM) : the author is speaking about how blissfully unaware of oppression when they were young
Mar 16
Connor W Connor W (Mar 16 2021 12:00PM) : They did not teach young children about this oppression.
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Background on the author 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 5:29PM) : James Baldwin was an American novelist that often depicted racial, sexual, and class distinctions within the United States.
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Problems within the school system 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 5:32PM) : James Baldwin makes mention to the topic we have been discussing recently in class, which a change needing to be made within the schooling systems
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:06PM) : Baldwin is trying to say that one doesn't realize how bad it is until put into a social situation like school.
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James Baldwin. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 7:18PM) : James Baldwin is best known for He is perhaps best known for his work of a Native Son,Nobody Knows My Name, and The Fire Next Time.
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James Baldwin's writing 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 7:21PM) : This is probably referring to that most black people don't learn about slavery and segregation until they are in school.
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Author 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 7:31PM) : Baldwin [Edited] more

James Baldwin is an American novelist, poet, writer, activist, etc. He focused primarily on exploring racial and social issues and bringing them to light in the 20th century. Baldwin is no longer with us as of 1987, but he is greatly admired for his work.

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blank 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:41PM) : school more

Before he discovers the problems is really what the author is trying to bring out in this passage. He is not aware of oppression at this young age.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:45PM) : who is he more

James Baldwin was an essayist and poet. As Ethan Nattermann has described in his comment.

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Sentence 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:21PM) : meant to be a safe place more

School is supposed to be a safe place for students and they should not be burdened by oppression when in school.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 1:42PM) : perfect world more

I agree that children should not be faced with oppression when in school, but the fact is that they are. Children are being taught that some are lesser in some ways, whether it be through such obvious measures like race, to much more discrete talks about socio-economic status.

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It Begins 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 9:42PM) : This line infers that when given the tools in their life, thy realize the issues in the way they're treated, socially or other.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:51PM) : James Baldwin more

James Baldwin is an novelist, poet, essayist and overall writer focusing on racial, sexual, and class distinctions in the 20th century.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:56PM) : Quote more

The quote “in fact it begins when he is in school” gives many insights. Everyday when we go to school we have an opportunity to have a new beginning in each of our classes. An opportunity to learn and take something away. Our futures can all begin when we step foot in a classroom

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:24PM) : Time more

“It isn’t long”. I feel that as we move through the motions of life, we don’t realize how fast we are moving. We have so much opportunity to advance ourselves, if we would just take the time.

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Baldwin 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:10AM) : Novelist, essayist, and poet of the 20th century
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oppressed 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:12AM) : Maybe this means that the kids are slowly beginning to realize that they're oppressed in school
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James Baldwin Quote 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:19AM) : Oppression means prolonged, cruel, or unjust treatment or control. This is used in this quote to describe what we usually feel when we are in school.
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quote area 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 1:33PM) : Discovering Oppression more

I find it interesting that this quote would talk about discovering oppression while you are still in school. School is supposed to be a safe place to learn for everyone, but this is saying it is where some people discover their oppression.

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-James Baldwin 0
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 1:37PM) : About James Baldwin more

James Baldwin was a essayist, novelist, playwright, poet, and social activist of the 1900’s. He received his education from Dewitt Clinton High School. He specialized in writing about the lines between people in the U.S. in the 20th century.

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Who is 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 6:40PM) : James Baldwin more

James Baldwin was a American novelist, who was known for his essays on the Black experience in America. James was a big believer that human beings, no matter what race were to love each other and live together.

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Random Quote 0
Mar 16
Joshua H Joshua H (Mar 16 2021 9:32AM) : I think this quote functions as a hook more

This quote is clearly out of its context. Quartez uses it to create his context. It sets the theme for later on. Most beginning quotes (I don’t have any idea how to word that) do this. It is a hook.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:31am by Paul Hankins
Title: "Ocean"

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Paragraph 3 (Image 1) 0
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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 5:17AM) : The use of the lowercase "i" is an interesting rhetorical choice employed by the author. It makes the reader wonder what the deeper meaning is there. Does the author not value themselves enough to use a capital "I", or is it simply a way to catch the eye more

of a reader. If the author does not think enough of himself to use the capital “I”, it cause the reader to ponder how that fits into the theme of the writing itself.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 1:39PM) : response more

This is a great way to look at the lowercase. I would have never thought to look at it as he doesn’t value himself enough to have upper case letters.

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:15PM) : Lowercase "i" more

I agree and think the lowercase “i” also helps establish a tone and gives you a sense of the education of the writer. It may bring on the question, does the writer not care enough to capitalize it or is he trying to prove a point?

Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:24AM) : The use of explicit language is another choice employed by the author, helping give the author a certain tone. The usage of such words also helps to signify the importance of the relationship and situation between father and son.
Mar 12
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 12 2021 8:22AM) : Explicit Language more

I agree and I think that the use of explicit language really just lets us into his mind to feel what he feels. When he cusses, we can empathize with his passion and raw emotion more so than we would if he decided to utilize immensely large dictionary words to impress others. The cussing overall just adds the author’s personal flair to the poem.

Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 11:03AM) : agree more

I agree also because the use of explicit languages shows emphasis

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:12PM) : Choosing to use explicit language more

I think the author does this to help establish the tone and also show the level of writing used.

Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 5:39AM) : Brought about by the notion that the father dropped out of school, is an idea that may be the exigence for the entire piece. more

If the father dropped out for school and has this dim, dark outlook on life and what the world holds in store for his child, could it be that this is simply because the world in which he finds himself is the dark one only due to his experiences and thoughts? Is the father hoping throughout the entire piece that his son finds a way to succeed and ind joy in life because he himself was not able to? And was the father limited to a swamp only worth dipping your head in because of the education itself, or did he not properly apply himself to that education beginning the spiral of a dim outlook? Does the father send his son to the same school because he knows it provides opportunities that he did not take advantage of, or is it simply the only school that he can possibly send his son to? The idea that the father has dropped out and has a dim outlook, yet has so much hope for his son truly brings about many deep questions about the father’s true feelings.

Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 1:16PM) : The choice of the lowercase "i" could be an attempt by the author to appear relatable. Often times in society today, people type in all lowercase letters when casually texting. The author may simply want to connect to the audience.
Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 11:03AM) : lowercase i more

It could be a typo possibly?

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 10:27AM) : The wonderful Mind a child has more

“My son runs his hands across a puddle outside our apartment, pretend it’s an ocean he can swim in.” The creativity and imagination of a child is so precious and crucial to their upbringing. The mind of a child is the most pure state before growing older and seeing and understanding the imperfections of life.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 1:28PM) : A telescope more

The implication of line 4-5 really just shows how influential school tries to be on it’s students. The author seems to imply that he was allowed to see life through his eyes and was forced to see it through a different lens.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 2:04PM) : "He watches YouTube in class as proof that somewhere water is wider than his classroom" more

I feel like the author implies that this student has never experienced any form of luxury or the water.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 7:49PM) : "Where there is no cliff, no shore, no horizon". more

The author implies that his son can’t reach his dreams due to the circumstances he is in.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 7:54PM) : Travel more

“My son keeps begging me to take him to see the world. i am afraid there are only swamps for him to dip his head in”. I think what the author meant by this is that there may be nothing left for his son to see if things don’t change.

Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 10:44AM) : Innocence more

This line shows the innocence of the child, and how his imagination still runs wild. The father knows this won’t last long, because he will soon go to school and all of his dreams will be crushed by the whale of the world, and the swamps he discovers will drain his creativity.

Mar 15
Ava S Ava S (Mar 15 2021 11:04AM) : innocence more

I agree lauren because children’s imaginations are always running free.

Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 10:38AM) : The author is using different way to show they reader what she wants the reader to see. more

The author uses detail and imagery to help the reader imagine what that might look like. She does this with “my son runs his hands across a puddle outside out apartment, pretends it’s an ocean he can swim in.”

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:47PM) : The fact that all the letter within this poem are lowercase is an interesting rhetorical choice.
Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 2:16PM) : lowercase i more

I noticed that in the text the author is using a lowercase “i” but also capitalizes youtube. That was the first thing that stood out to me when looking over the text.

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A Telescope 0
Mar 10
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 10 2021 8:46AM) : "...hoping this time the teacher will hand him a telescope so he can see the world for himself." I think that when the father is saying this, he too wishes that he was handed a telescope to see the world. more

I found this particularly interesting because, I would think that instead of keeping his son at the same school he dropped out of, he would send him to a different one. But he wants what’s best for his son. School maybe wasn’t the best option for him, but he wants what’s best for his sun, and he wants him to see the world.

Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 2:29AM) : Like THE EMPEROR'S CLUB more

Martin Blythe had a big disappointment while enrolled at Saint Benedict’s but also found later a reason to continue on with the idea of “legacy.”

Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 5:35AM) : As a part of the audience, I begin to compare the author's choice to incorporate the "telescope" and "ocean." It is unique word choice, but, both have underlying meaning. more

The author wants his son to see the world through a telescope lens instead of through the peephole of a door. He wants his son to swim in oceans abroad instead of jumping in puddles.

Mar 12
Grace C Grace C (Mar 12 2021 9:12AM) : telescope more

The author uses the telescope as a metaphor to say that he hopes the teacher will show him all that life has to offer and all of the opportunities that are within reach

Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 11:01AM) : Seeing the world for himself more

As a parent at some point you have to understand the there are somethings your child needs to experience on their own without the guiding hand of their parent but maybe another influence in their life. I think the author wants his son to feel like he belongs, and to be encouraged by his teacher and not diminished. The author wants his son to be shown the world from his own perspective and not have it influenced by negativity.

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Streets of Benghazi 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 4:59AM) : Simile more

The author uses a simile to compare his swinging skills, when he was younger, to be as high as a moths. “I used to swing high as moths.”

Mar 15
Katie L. B Katie L. B (Mar 15 2021 10:58AM) : Replying to Flora more

I really like how the author uses this simile in the text. I feel like it helps me understand the message being conveyed better. The author uses different similes, which seems to draw readers in.

Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 5:00PM) : simile more

I noticed this simile too. I thought it was a good rhetorical choice to really help the audience understand how you he felt at that time.

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Like a Legacy 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:01AM) : Is this because it is the ONLY school available to his son might be a question to ask here. more

Or could it be that the father wants to see if there could be possibility, or a sort of guarantee of at least survival?

Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:32AM) : This idea of the school h dropped ot of not only calls into questin the integrity of the school and whether or not it is the only one that his son may be able to attend, but it also begs the question of why did the father, the author, have to drop out. more

Was it because he felt he was only destined to dip his head in a swamp rather than swim in an ocean, just as he feels is destined for his kid? Maybe the author is so concerned for his kid, because this “sea of whales” type world is the only one he has experienced.

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moths to butterflies 0
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 8:04AM) : The author of this poem refers to his childhood recess when he would "swing high as moths." within the cover image of these poems it features two children running with butterfly wings, possibly referencing to the potential he sees within his own child.
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:39PM) : Title page and moths more

This sentence directly correlates with the title page and makes me wonder if he used the term “moth” instead of “butterfly” to correlate childhood innocence turning into adult hood: moth to butterfly.

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Access to Technology/Services 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:02AM) : Interesting piece on the recent news that a bill is being announced that would bring more internet service to those communities who do not have equitable access.
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:09AM) : The mom is walking her son into this classroom that she was taught at. She recognizes that they are watching a Youtube video for educational purposes. At the time she was in school, this probably seemed unrealistic [Edited]
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Sea of Whales 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 5:06AM) : The father worries his son has not been taught about the "sea of whales." This metaphor suggests the world as a disastrous cage.It is saddening to try to replace his curiosity about the ocean with issues placed upon himself he does not know of yet.
Mar 12
Grace C Grace C (Mar 12 2021 9:18AM) : Obstacles more

His teachers have yet to inform him that the world is a scary place with a lot of horrible people that are always going to try to one-up you. The whales symbolize the people who have an easier way of life and more privileges. His son is a butterfly, small and unnoticeable. Other people are whales, huge and dominate most of the ocean. People who are more noticeable get more opportunities.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 10:31AM) : "I pray he can swim as far as his hands choose to reach" more

This quote seems to imply that he does not care what his son’s dreams are. As long as hes happy he can reach for the stars if he wanted to and he would be proud.

Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 11:04AM) : The world is a sea of Whales more

At the end of this page it says “My son keeps begging me to take him to see the world. I am afraid there are only swamps of him to dip his head in.” To a person a whale is seen as gigantic and dangerous, and I believe what the author is alluding to. He is afraid for his son because he doesn’t want the whales to destroy his imagination or creativity. He doesn’t want the world to fill him with negativity as he is flourishing on positivity as a young child.

Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 12:35PM) : The Way Scenes Tell a Story more

It really is fascinating how something with no words can tell a whole story on it’s own.

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The Boundaries of the Schoolyard 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:03AM) : From my playground at Ottawa Elementary School, I could see the farm at the top of the hill I would go up to get to my house in the country. It was very real to me that there was school and there was home.
Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 11:01AM) : Beyond rooftops more

As a child, I remember trying to swing so high that I felt like I was in outer space, because everything in the distance was so small but the view was so big. I felt I could see the entire world around me, and felt like I was “on top of the world.” I like to think of those days, when all I cared about was getting so high on the swings that I felt as if I was one with the clouds.

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Imagination 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 5:06AM) : Sometimes as you grow up you forget that kids have not seen the world like most teenagers or adults. Kids are not fully aware of how big this world actually is.
Mar 15
Katie L. B Katie L. B (Mar 15 2021 11:06AM) : Agreeing with Meredith more

I agree with you. When we were kids, we may have looked at life through rose colored glasses. We did not realized what reality is like until now. Some of us are still trying to figure out how big the world actually is. As kids, we may have seen things in a positive way. There are still many positives in this world, but as we grew older, we noticed the negatives.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 10:42AM) : A Child's Innocent Mind more

In the eyes of a child, truly anything is possible if you wish hard enough for it happen, work hard enough to make it happen. A child’s imagination is so priceless. They tend to lose it much too soon, after the effects of modern education strip them of it. We should be encouraging our kids to never stop imagining. After all, it’s the creative and new solutions that will help us with new problems.

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Imagination of a creative child 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 5:07AM) : This sentence highlights the innocence and creativity of a child's imagination. This creativity can either be strengthened or diminished throughout years of schooling.
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 10:31AM) : Innocence more

This sentence bring back the innocence present within a child and their imagination. This sentence goes hand in hand with the title page of the young children with butterfly wings.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 10:58AM) : It is crazy to think at one point all of us were that kid playing in puddles and not stressing about a thing.
Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 10:57AM) : This is showing the kids imagination that could be continued or maybe destroyed depending on schooling.
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 10:36AM) : This sentence goes to show a feeling of creativity. We live in a very cruel world where we are forced to think realistically and not take a moment to let our minds run free.
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Moths 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:08AM) : The word usage of the word "moths" sparked curiosity in me. I believe the reader feels as if he did not deserve to feel he flew as high as "butterflies." This comparison began with the cover page being his son acquired with butterfly wings.
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Comparison 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 5:13AM) : The line that reads "holding down mop buckets to keep the water running," symbolizes the true intentions towards his son he loves so dearly. He must hold down his son's aspirations to ensure his safety. [Edited] more Tags: mop buckets

He is worried how the current injustices and oppression may affect his son.

Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 12:06PM) : "holding down mop buckets" more

every parent has at least some thing that they choose to do differently than their parents did. He wants his son to grow up and not be diminished by reality. “holding down mop buckets to keep water running” seems like maybe he is or was a janitor. Taking a job that people see as low, to keep his power on and water on. He wants a different life for his son than what is currently provided

Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 8:02AM) : Parenting more

I feel like anyone who has a child hopes that their child will have a better life than them, and they will do everything in their power to make sure that is true.

Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 10:41AM) : Parenthood more

As kids, we always get angry with our parents for not wanted us to grow up, even though we are. This text explains that worry that all parents have towards their children losing that childhood innocence forever.

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Not Like Him 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:11AM) : The father in this poem wants his son to have a better future than what he has. The father dropped out of school and now has to "hold down mop buckets to keep the water running". This really makes you think about how bad some people have it in life.
Mar 16
Connor W Connor W (Mar 16 2021 12:03PM) : I feel like that is the goal for most parents, they want their children to surpass them in every way.
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only swamps to see 0
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 5:14AM) : The author sees great potential within his own son and wishes to give him the world, as his son wants to see, however his father fears the disappointment that the "real world" would have on his son as he is still innocent and has no worries yet.
Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 10:40AM) : Only swaps to see more

I agree. I feel as if the author is afraid his son’s creativity will be drained if he lets him experience the world as it really is.

Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 10:47AM) : Innocence more

I agree, parents are fearful of their child growing up and have ambition to be adults. That sense of childhood innocence is something they want to keep forever.

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 11:26AM) : Fear more

I think the father has a lot of fear about his son seeing the real world and how dark it can be. He doesn’t want him to be exposed to everything, especially all the cruelty and problems in the world.

Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 10:28AM) : shielding more

I infer from the poem that his son is young. So his mind is still creative and not oppressed. The real world has the effect of a fog, surrounding the creative and smothering it, making it difficult to escape and keep the imagination alive. He doesn’t want his son to grow up and lose his creativity and imagination.

Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 10:50AM) : See the world more

I feel like the author’s heart as a parent is broken. He longs for his son to thrive off of his imagination and creativity and he doesn’t want that to be stripped away from him when he sees the world isn’t as he perceives it to be. His heart as a parent is broken in fear of his child being disappointed in what the world has to offer.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 10:46AM) : money more

When you are young you don’t realize the money aspect of being from place to place all you know is how pretty other places are.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 10:54AM) : The fear of the unknown is powerful. The author has no clue what the world holds and do not want to ruin his sons perception. For all he knows it only gets worse.
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Oceans and Education 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:14AM) : This page stands out as it relates to the Ted Talk we watched just days ago. Both considered education and spoke of it using the ideas of the ocean. The Ted Talk discussed "Oceans of adolescents..." and how they received their education. more

It is an interesting connection or “braid” of themes working through multiple pieces with different authors.

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Growing Up 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 5:15AM) : This paragraph sticks out to me because I believe many parents feel this way for their children. They want what's best for them, and many want better for their children in their adult life than what they have had themselves.
Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 10:46AM) : Growing up more

A parent’s job is to help their children grow wings essentially so that one day they will be able to flee the nest and experience the world on their own. The term “empty nesters” is often used when a parent has helped all of their children gain their wings and they have all gone out into the world on their own. Parents want what is best for us no matter how hard it is for them. Parents want us to be better than they were when they were our age because they see our potential.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 10:49AM) : The author has hope. He has hope that the child will achieve greatness, unlike himself. He wants to be the child's "push" ,his drive will be what allows the child to see beyond the roof tops.
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Home 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 5:16AM) : Sometimes you don't leave a place for so long it starts to feel like there is no where else in the world.
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 7:59AM) : Echo chamber more

The author mentions that he “thought Glenville was the whole damn universe.” There is often this phenomenon where people create this bubble around themselves, often just around their immediate surrounding areas. They either do not know or struggle to sympathize with those outside that bubble. That, or they may not care or have the ability to.

Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 10:48AM) : Text-to-self more

I feel like right now the world feels like there is no where other than where they are because of the pandemic. No one has been able to travel like they used to or go places like they used to, everyone feels trapped within their own home. Forgetting that there is a world that exists beyond our city limits.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 10:29AM) : Relating more

Even outside of the pandemic, the town of Sellersburg could almost be considered similar to the author’s town. A great many of people feel stuck here, that there is hardly a way out anymore.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 10:44AM) : whole universe more

Once you live somewhere for your who life time moving sounds so nice. All he ever knew was Glenville but there is way more of the world that he is currently missing out on and he knows it.

Mar 15
Katie L. B Katie L. B (Mar 15 2021 11:17AM) : Agreeing with Lacey more

What your saying can relate to the audience. Someone who has lived in Sellersburg their whole life may not know what world they are missing out on.

Mar 15
Jesse B Jesse B (Mar 15 2021 10:48AM) : there has been many pieces of evidence stating how places of low socioeconomic value are created to keep generations of minorities oppressed
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 10:52AM) : The feeling of creating a small location a ones world is limiting to such a crippling degree. Life has no room for expansion, there is no room for new growth in a self created universe.
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Proverbial Hyperbole 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:22AM) : Though there is no location on this earth with "no cliff, no shore, no horizon," it is a choice of the author to explain just how far he wants his son to go in life. There are no boundaries for what his son can accomplish if he sets his mind to it. more

This choice by the author helps to set a style of writing found throughout the piece with many forms of figurative language. The proverbial location with no end aids the author in denoting what he believes and hopes his son accomplishes.

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Simile 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 5:24AM) : We see simile here, by the author's statement "i used to swing high as moths."
Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 11:05AM) : Him using these words gives us a visual of what is happening.
Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 11:06AM) : He is using a metaphor saying "high as moths".
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 5:39AM) : This is a great example of diction. Why did the author use moths instead of any high flying bird, or a plane? He feels as though he only reached the level of a moth, drawn to the light but never able to soar above it.
Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 10:31AM) : Exploring further more

There is also the fact that swings have chains, like even though he could soar like a bird, he is chained down to a place he felt he couldn’t leave.
Perhaps, even, the hands he mentioned are the people trying to push him further, only for him to be a moth. To want to see the light and touch it, but never being able to get closer.

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Interesting Contrast 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:28AM) : This line, explaining the fear the father has for his son in the real world is an interesting contrast from what he hopes and prays his son will accomplish. He wants more for his son than what he believes the world will afford him to accomplish. more

This is the culmination of the theme of oceans in the piece, as throughout he has described the viciousness of the world by “sea of whales”, then he goes on to hope the “water is wider” somewhere else for his child, but ultimately feels that the world will offer his son no oceans, but rather merely a swamp to dip his head in, with no opportunity to swim to that location with “no cliff, no shore, no horizon.”

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"The Sun and Moon" 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:27AM) : The author indirectly reveals that his son is his world because the sun and moon revolve around his son, from his perspective.
Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 2:07PM) : This was hard for me to pick up on until I read Emmes comment and now it makes sense to me now.
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Oceans to Swim In 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:30AM) : Th author sees this action as a representation of his sons optimism, that he has not experienced the harsh realities of the world just yet. He just wants an ocean to swim in, the freedom to grow without restriction.
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Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:37AM) : We see the author alluding to his childhood by saying he "almost say beyond the rooftops." He almost made it out of that town, he almost swam in oceans instead of puddles. He just did not swing high enough.
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A Future Already Written 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:41AM) : As the father looks around his life, he is easily disgruntled with the hand he was dealt. He seems to have lost hope for the future of his son's life. He is indefinitely searching for ways his son could be disappointed. His son's future is already written
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Only Discovery 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 5:43AM) : The father worries that his son will only view or experience the ocean through pixels embedded on a screen.
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 6:29AM) : This is a powerful statement because it talks about how the student may never really see the ocean.
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 10:42AM) : I like how the author is using technology as a way to expand the readers mind. Instead of comparing the ocean to a something else large, they are using YouTube. YouTube is a tool that the reader can use and adds more of a real life connection. [Edited]
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Remembrance 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:46AM) : This line indicates that the father was in some time told "the world is a sea of whales." It suggests that at a point in time, the father may have had hopes of an extravagant future as well. [Edited]
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Leaving home and traveling 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 9:27AM) : Most parents want to give their children the experience of a vacation, but they are financially unable to do so. These shortcomings can be taxing on the family, especially when the child so desperately wishes to travel and see the world.
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A childhood of memories 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 8:07AM) : The father is talking about his past and how free he felt as a kid, and how much he wishes his boy could feel the same way. The dad feels like his kid's school is squashing is imagination instead of pushing him higher. Which could be the hidden meaning.
Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 10:33AM) : Opposite direction more

Maybe this shares a different option, how perhaps the people around him were pushing him forward. They wanted him to be better and reach above the rooftops. The hands that left as soon as he told them he couldn’t reach. Perhaps they still try to help.
Maybe there are people still trying to support him, but he feels as though he wont be able to grow further.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 10:45AM) : This to me expresses that he wasn't able to reach his heights without the help of someone else. In life to reach our heights we need a push and without it we wouldn't go beyond our current level [Edited]
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Telescope to see the world 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 11:19AM) : "hoping that this time the teacher will hand him a telescope so he can see the world for himself" more

To me, it sounds like he wants his child to take control of his education and use all the resources the teacher gives him.

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see the world 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:20AM) : This parent is writing about how she sent her son to school because she is hoping times have changed and she can send her son safely to school
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 1:38PM) : This section shows that the narrator is not expelling their negative experiences on the child, they are letting the child find their own way. I feel as if people think it is a bad thing to be lost, but in reality it is when we truly find ourselves.
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her son growing up 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:22AM) : Her concern is that her son will one day be working a low end job with little pay because of a teacher that did not give him a chance because she went through the same thing.
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her fear 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:24AM) : She is afraid to go out into the world because she has seen things in her life and is now trying to defend her son from these things.
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"the school i dropped out of" 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:24AM) : Here you may be able to infer that the boy is in a lower class school or even family due to his father dropping out, although this is not always the case.
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Second Chance. 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 11:32AM) : (Ocean) When the parent states that they sent their son to school "hoping this time the teacher will hand him a telescope so he can see the world for himself", it shows that school can hold us back. We hope it doesn't, but it can.
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Swim 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 11:38AM) : "I pray he can swim as far as his hands as his hands choose to reach" more

Everyone wants the best for their child and wants them to succeed.

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Valuing Your Work and Your Life 0
Mar 12
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 12 2021 11:54AM) : "I hope he doesn't grow up like me." more

It’s sad to see that the author of this poem regrets where his life has gone. Although in no way does he regret having a son. Times are rough for them as we see that he says “holding down mop buckets to keep the water running.” The infinite love for his son and the care for the future of his son can be seen in these 7 words. He doesn’t want his son to grow up to live in poverty, and uneducated. But in a different way, I do hope his son grows up to be like him. In the way that he wants what is best for the ones that he loves. In the way that he works hard for the one that he loves. In the way that he is determined.

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : Response to Kennedy more

I agree and think this quote has a really deep message. It shows how much love the father has for the son and explains the longing he has for his son to have a better life than him.

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Common Problem 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 11:44AM) : This is a common problem for people in lower income areas. People say if they do not like to live in those areas, then move, but due to the low incomes, they cannot.
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Explitives 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 8:45AM) : Harris uses foul language here to express his ideas, something common to people who want to be heard.
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Parents 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 11:48AM) : Fears more

It seems like every good parents biggest fear is their kids growing up to make the same mistake they did

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Creativity 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 8:49AM) : This goes back to the cover page with the creativity of the child
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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 12:04PM) : This is but the first of many examples of the imagination of childhood, something that children often lose as they see the harsh reality around them.
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a better future 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 9:05AM) : This is something most parents can relate to, wanting their children to have a bright future.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 9:07AM) : Showing students videos is has almost become as common as teaching student in some classes, especially since the pandemic has started.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 9:08AM) : For the second time on this page, Quartez Harris talks about how parents always want a better future for their children.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 9:09AM) : Glenville most likely refers to Glenville High School, a high school in the Cleveland metro school district.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 9:13AM) : This mention of swamps calls back the oceans that the boy wanted to swim in earlier, but sadly,there will only be swamps for him.
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Optimism and Imagination 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 12:41PM) : Optimism and Imagination more

I think this first sentence shows how optimistic children are. As we get older and lean more about the world, this happiness and optimism often diminishes. The child in this sentence is turning something that could be sad with the puddle (as it implies a previous rain which can be seen as dark or gloomy) into something positive and fun like swimming.

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Caring 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 12:44PM) : In this part we can see how the author cares for their son and wants the best for him in life.
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 1:55PM) : Wanting the best more

Yes! I agree with this. In the text it states, “I hope he doesn’t grow up like me.” This could be seen as the father wanting what is best for his son and his life.

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Job 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 12:49PM) : "Holding down mop buckets to keep the water running" more

The line “holding down mop buckets to keep the water running”, represents having a certain type of job that does not pay much but has to be done to provide for the needs of one’s family. The author is hoping their son will have more opportunities and be more successful than they were and have a better job that they will enjoy.

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Similes 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 10:07AM) : This is a simile
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Water 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 10:21AM) : Water = drive more

Water in all its forms is sort of personified here, implying it is more than what Harris says it is—merely water.

Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 12:15PM) : Ocean more

The title of this expert I believe is referring to the world. The world is vast and full of so many different creatures some whales, some butterflies, some dogs meaning people. The world is full of both good and bad, and when a child first goes to school is when they are first put out into the world without their parents hand guiding them through.

Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 11:17AM) : Large world vs small town more

the term ocean is referring to the large world that so many are naïve to. Further down the reading, another excerpt about a small town is presented. This makes me wonder if this was done intentionally to show the audience the difference between the two.

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Capitalization 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:23PM) : YouTube and U-Haul more

The word “YouTube” is the only word capitalized in the entire poem. Though normally this would just be a proper way to label a brand, a few stanzas down, “U-Haul” is not capitalized, despite that it too is a brand.

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Imagination in children 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:32PM) : Imagination in Children more

In this line, we see the real innocence and creativity within the child. They have not seen the ocean before, but imagine what it might be like.

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School funding 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 1:36PM) : The author says his son's desk looks like how it did when he went to school which is interesting. African American dominated areas don't get as much school funding so this could be commentary on that. Funding may be tight and allocated elsewhere.
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Swamps 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 1:42PM) : These statements contradict themselves. He wants his son to succeed and get out, but also doesn't want him to be disappointed by the world. He doesn't want people to look down on his son because he's poor or look past him.
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First Sentence 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:43PM) : This sentence shows both the innocence and creativity of the son, while also showing that they're not wealthy people.
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Second Sentence 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:45PM) : This sentence shows that the parent hopes that their son will get motivated at school and inspired to achieve greatness.
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writing 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 1:50PM) : simile more

When the author talks about swinging “high as moths,” he uses a simile.

Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 1:56PM) : Simile more

I noticed this too. I think the choice of using a simile is helpful to the reader. It helps the reader envision how high the swings would be.

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imagery 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 1:57PM) : imagery more

When the author writes about being on the swing, he uses imagery to give the reader a clear image of what is going on in that moment.

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"I can still feel the hands." 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 3:24PM) : The author makes a sort of connection from his childhood with the readers childhood, hoping that they were also once pushed on the playground swing by parents or friends.
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Ocean 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 3:52PM) : The word ocean itself makes reminds of the vast number of things in life that should be appreciated. Both good and bad just like the ocean is filled with both good and bad creatures but that's what makes an ocean, an ocean.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 4:11PM) : The world more

The world is big place for boy just barely growing up. it might be too soon for the boy to see the world for it truly is.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 4:19PM) : Connection more

When I was younger, I thought that Sellersburg was the whole world. That it was so big to have a lot of people at one place.

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ocean 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:41PM) : i think the title of this poem is referring to the world as a whole
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 1:59PM) : Ocean more

I agree with Riley. The ocean is vast and covers a lot of the world. It also has many things living within it. These things could be said about the world. Naming the poem “Ocean” is a way to link the world and the poem.

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imaginative play 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 1:43PM) : this sentence shows the imagination and innocence of a child
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a father's hope 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:44PM) : this sentence shows the father's hope for his son going to school
Mar 16
Connor W Connor W (Mar 16 2021 12:09PM) : The father wants their child to finish their education to have a better life.
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the school's funding 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:50PM) : the father says that his son's desk looks like his when he was younger implying that the school was not very wealthy
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YouTube 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 1:52PM) : it is interesting to see that his son is using YouTube to teach himself about the world
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reminiscing 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 1:54PM) : the father is thinking back to his childhood and how he would swing on the swing set
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lowercase 'i' 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 5:41PM) : I believe the authors usage of a lowercase 'i' is alluding to his level of education and status in life, since he made mention of dropping out of school and lives pay check to pay check. more
He perhaps wants to portray this to the reader in a deeper way by not using proper grammar.
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overall meaning 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 5:47PM) : The author wants his son to succeed and experience fulfillment within his life, since he is was not able to himself or give it to his son directly. more
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'whale' instead of 'shark' 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 5:55PM) : I found it interesting how the author chose to use the word 'whale' instead of the more common phrase of 'sharks'
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:03PM) : Replying to Destiny more

I find this interesting too. Honestly, I did not recognize this until you pointed it out. The author might have used whales rather than sharks to make the line stand out. Since many people know the ocean is filled with sharks, using the word whales makes you think about the line more.

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Thinking of the past 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 6:08PM) : thinking of the past more

The parent is still thinking about when they were in school and after sending their son to that same school many years later, it brings back memories and also allows them to see a part of themselves in their son.

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Bad childhood 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 4:23PM) : The author hopes that his son doesn't have a rough childhood like he did.
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ocean failed 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 4:46PM) : Failed more

In this stanza the poet leads the reader to believe that this school failed her previously but hopes it does not do the same for her son.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 4:50PM) : Interest more

The poet uses the words “will hand him a telescope” and I can infer from this she was interested in science but was never given the opportunity to explore this interest.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 4:52PM) : Son more

“Her son watches YouTube to prove that somewhere the water is wider than the classroom,” and I would assume from this text he has never been to the ocean before and that they can not afford to make a trip to the beach.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 4:59PM) : life more

I really like the line “I hope he doesn’t grow up like me, holding down mop buckets to keep the water running.” I feel like this line a really creative but very blunt way of putting I did not live up to my potential but I hope my son will. She understands her position in her life and that is to put her son on the right path so he does not in the same position.

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Hope for change. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:26PM) : The author decided to send his child to the school he dropped out of in hopes that the school has changed and is better at giving a better education to everyone equally.
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Water. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:31PM) : Perhaps they're too poor to go travel to the ocean, the only proof of the ocean's existence to the kid is through a computer screen.
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Growing up. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:34PM) : The author hopes his son doesn't have to experience the struggles of being poor like he did.
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:05PM) : I agree with this more

The line before this one states, “I hope he doesn’t grow up like me.” I think this shows that he wants what is best for his son. He wants him to have a good life without the hard times that he had to endure.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:48PM) : pretending more

As kids, it is important for imagination. We use this as a way to express ourselves. That one little puddle can turn into a sea of things for kids and this little boy.

Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:07PM) : Pretenting more

Yes! As a kid, we all used our imaginations to create a world that was fun and let us use our creativity. As seen in this line, the son is doing the same thing. He is using his creativity to picture that the puddle is a vast sea.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:51PM) : goodbye more

This holds so much more power than translated. The school that the father failed to stay at is now the school that the boy is hoping to learn at.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:52PM) : learning more

The telescope stands for life and lesson for him to persue in the real world. This is a good example of a metaphor and figurative language.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:53PM) : whales more

I believe the reference of a sea of whales is mostly reffered to the lessons of the world itself. Maybe it is referring to the people in the world and the trouble that there is.

Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:10PM) : Whales verse shark more

I think this is a good point. Usually people say that the world is full of sharks, but in this case the author said that the world is full of whales. I think this makes the line stand out more and like Mia said, it helps give the line more meaning and could be referencing many things.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:55PM) : pray more

The father is wishing for his son to go farther in life than he did.He wants his son to explore the world instead of mopping the water out of buckets.

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The Telescope 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 9:44PM) : This line shows that the parent feels they were not given the correct tools for viewing the world as they got further in life, but hope that their own son will be given the correct tools.
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Swamps to dip his head in 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 9:48PM) : This next line shows that the parent wants to show the child the wonders of the world, but feels unable to show him anything other than dirty, nasty swamps.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:52PM) : title more

the title of this page symbolizes the openness of going to school. The vast feeling the ocean gives many individuals offers a sense of unknown to the children’s future in the book.

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New School 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:32PM) : Insight more

It is mentioned that she sends him to the same school in which she dropped out of. This could show trying to relive a moment and hope for a better outcome. She is trying to make sure he does not make the same mistakes in which she may have to cause the drop out at the school.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:38PM) : Life more

She says “I hope he doesn’t grow up like me”. I feel that in today’s age there are many first generation children, whose parents want them to be the first to graduate highschool or college. There is a significance. She is showing her regret in her past that she hopes does not happen again

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:59PM) : “I haven’t left” more

She explains that she hasn’t left the town of Glenville. She always thought that this place was the whole world. Sometimes it can be good to explore out and find out that there is more in the world than the small little town we all have grown up in. So many opportunities. So much more life, it takes us to go out and do it for ourselves.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:08PM) : Recess more

This quote took me back to the child within me. The child who played at recess among all of my friends and peers. Little did we know one day would be the last time we all played tag or went down the slides. I sure miss those days as I am sure many of my peers do as well

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:13PM) : Fear more

Sometimes fear of a another place can prevent the opportunities you may find. Sometimes within life, if you never take a leap of faith or try something new you will always remain in the same spot and situation you are in. No progress will be made

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:16PM) : Mentality more

She speaks that she did not have the money to rent a u-haul to move. In her mentality she “can’t”. Sometimes it takes the “I am going to make this happen.” I truly believe that if you have a will then you will have a way. If she would have had a different mind set she may have been able to make her dreams come true.

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Child's imagination 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 6:15AM) : the son pretends a small puddle is an ocean
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New area 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:20AM) : Cant afford a U-Haul more

this gives hints to the economic situation

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:08PM) : I agree more

This is a hint that they could in an economic slump and can’t afford many things let alone a U-haul

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New area 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:22AM) : swamps more

the author states that there are no beautiful oceans for his son in the world only swamps

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Paragraph 2 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:23AM) : "...hoping this time the teacher will hand him a telescope so he can see the world for himself." As he drops his son off at school, he hopes he has a better experience than he did and succeeds unlike his father.
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New area 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:22AM) : tone so far more

The tone the author is using is a more realistic one compered to some others

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Paragraph 4 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:26AM) : "at recess, i used to swing as high as moths." He thinks about his son going to school and ultimately remembers his own experiences in that same school. In this, he talks about remembering recess.
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New area 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:25AM) : doesnt grow up like me more

the author doesn’t want his son to be like him he wants his son to do better than him.

Mar 15
Trevor M Trevor M (Mar 15 2021 2:28PM) : its so powerful for the author to want his son to do better than he did as a child because he wants his son to have a better life
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Paragraph 5 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 6:28AM) : "i hope he doesn't grow up like me, holding down mop buckets to keep the water running." I think this is a metaphor he uses to describe how his life is going since he dropped out of school. He is trying to keep everything under control so everything more

doesn’t blow up his life like he thinks it will.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 10:59AM) : Control more

I think your idea of Quartez wanting control to be very accurate. The older people get, the more control they want over their lives. Independence is so valued these days that people think that they have to control the entire world on their own. If people let go of the mop every now and then, life might be more satisfying.

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 11:10AM) : I agree more

Jordyn, I feel like what you picked up is correct, and the way he feels after dropping out of school can very well be described by that sentence.

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Paragraph 6 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:30AM) : "i haven't left." He used to think the town he lives in was everything. Now he knows there's a whole world out there, but he can't explore it because of how his life has turned out. He can't afford to pack everything up and explore. Now he has to raise more

his son and hope he doesn’t turn out the same.

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Paragraph 7 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:32AM) : "my son keeps begging me to take him to see the world." I think this is said to tell us how his son wants the same things he does but he is scared to show it to him because he doesn't want to disappoint him.
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Ocean - 1st sentence 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 1:27PM) : "pretends it's an ocean he can swim in" more

Already some connections to the title, and some imagery. From the looks of it, this is a bunch of poems under one universal theme. From the rest of the titles, everything has something to do with morality- about life or a part of life.

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Ocean - line 3 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 1:31PM) : "he watches YouTube in class as a proof that water is wider than his classroom." more

We’re getting a little bit of a theme in the writing here- a connection to ocean. Ocean as the escapism. Ocean is the whole world to the son.

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Ocean - line 4 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 1:33PM) : "at recess, I used to swing high as moths." more

We are dividing two characters, ocean and moth. From the rest of the tone, we are seeing that moth is used as bad. Moth is the little bug flying above the big grand ocean.

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universe 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 1:38PM) : universe more

Says how he was so used to Glenville that he thought it was similar to the whole universe.

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Ocean - line 5 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 1:35PM) : "I hope he doesn't grow up like me," more

Here it is now, the main want of the author. The fear of their son making the same life choices as them when they can see how big their son could be.

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Ocean - line 7 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 1:39PM) : my son keeps begging me to take him to see the world. more

The author wants to protect their son from the reality of life. Maybe the author had a similar experience (and that’s what’s being referenced in line 6. Keep the childs eyes only seeing the beauty of the world.

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ocean 1 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 1:41PM) : Puddle Ocean more

Here Quartez Harris talks about his son running his hand through a puddle of water. I think the big idea to grasp from this one sentence is the imagination that his son still holds. as we grow older our imaginations tend to die out or shrivel up. The big idea here is his son is still young enough to have the imagination to imagine a puddle to be an ocean.

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:12PM) : Imaginations more

I agree with what you said about the imaginations. It’s unfortunate that as one grows up the feelings of everything else in life kill people’s imaginations.

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The Future 0
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 10:43AM) : This quote emphasizes chasing one's dreams to the very end. This includes defying all odds and pushing through the obstacles.
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ocean 2 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 1:46PM) : Same School Different View more

Here the author talks about how he is sending his son to the same school he dropped out of and he hopes his gets a different view then he did. From this we gather that the author was a drop out, but also that he was not given a good view in school. He says he hopes this time the teachers will give him the tools to see for himself, which makes me wonder how the author was seeing things when he was in school.

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Small Town 0
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:44PM) : Everyone who grows up in a small town, including Sellersburg, believes that this town is all we have for the rest of our lives. This quote stuck out to me because it directly relates to all of us, kids who grew up in a small town.
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"i sent him to..." 0
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 1:46PM) : A Redemption more

I believe Quartez is looking for a redemption arc in allowing his son to live the life he couldn’t. His son went to the same school, sat in the same desks, played on the same playground where he once did all of those same thing. But this time Harris wants his kid to be different and to be better than he ever was.

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"hoping this time the teacher..." 0
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 1:49PM) : Relying Upon Educators more

Referring back to the quote by James Baldwin, children tend to look up to teachers and other adult figures in their life to help them form thoughts about the world. What Baldwin said was that until he gained higher knowledge, he was blind to the oppression. His educators failed him. Quartez Harris wants different for his kid. He wants his son to look at the world for himself. No one should tell him how to see.

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the world is a sea of whales 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 1:51PM) : Sea of whales more

I find this comparison the author makes to be very interesting. He says “the world is a sea of whales” and in its context I find it to be something bad, but when I think of whale i do not think of them as bad. This makes me wonder if what were supposed to take from this is that whales themselves are not necessarily bad, but a sea of only whales and nothing else is.

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moths/ butterflies 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 1:51PM) : Moth reference more

this is another reference to moths/butterflies talking about how they would swing so high.

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"i almost saw beyond..." 0
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 1:54PM) : Beyond more

When you’re young, it’s hard to believe there is more to the world than your house, backyard, and school. The idea that there is more people on the planet than you can count, most you will never meet, is nearly incomprehensible to kids. Teachers should be here to expand your horizons, teach you about the people on the other side of the world.

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u haul 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 1:54PM) : U-Haul more

talking about how he couldn’t even afford a U-haul to carry stuff across the street

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recess area 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 1:56PM) : Flying High more

Here the author talks about being at recess and swinging so high he could almost see beyond the rooftops. What I find interesting from this section is that it feels like a fond memory, like that amazing moment of excitement when it feels you could do anything and you could just fly away and be free. It makes me wonder what inevitably crushed this excitement.

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i pray he can swim 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 2:03PM) : Pray he can swim more

Here we can see the author continuing to hope for the best for his son. He says he hopes his son go swim as far as can reach and there are cliffs, shores, or horizons. This is him saying he hopes is son fill go as far as he wants and can and hopes there is nothing stopping him in his way.

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Ocean to swim in 0
Mar 15
Eli H Eli H (Mar 15 2021 2:11PM) : Ocean more

The puddle is a literal and figurative puddle. The narrator sees his town as a puddle, but his child does know any better and for now the town is the child’s whole world. He has not been anywhere else, so he makes the most of it.

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The Ocean 0
Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:07PM) : I feel like the title symbolizes the openness of going to school. The feeling of how giant going to school can be symbolized by an ocean.
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ocean 7 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 2:09PM) : To see the world more

Here we can see the hopes and dreams and overall positive outlook of a young child who wants to explore the world and its many wonders. The author fears there will only ever be swamps for his son to find meaning he worries his son will only ever find bad parts of the world

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Whales vs Sharks 0
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:14PM) : This line makes me wonder why the author choose to use whales instead of sharks. When describing the ocean, many say it is a sea of sharks instead of whales. Did the author use whales instead of sharks to reference something or to make the line stand out?
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 7:54PM) : i agree more

I was wondering the same thing when i read this line. The use of whales is very unusual compared to sharks. My thought was that sharks have a negative connotation so saying a sea of sharks would imply that there was a sea of bad or negative things when in reality there is only a sea of the same thing.

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adventure 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : Son more

This is talking about how the son wants to go and see the world and explore other things outside of Glenville

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Son 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 2:21PM) : Sons Imagination more

This is a great example of how good the sons imagination is thinking a puddle to be a ocean.

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"i pray he can swim as far as his..." 0
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:22PM) : This quote gives a sense of hope for his son to have potential. He is praying that he can grow up to achieve his dreams and accomplish big things despite challenges.
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path 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 2:24PM) : Different Path more

in this the author wants the son to grow up to have a different future possibly a better one

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oceans 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 2:25PM) : The swamps more

Talking about how the son wants to see the world and he loves oceans but all he will get from this world is swamps.

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Youtube video 0
Mar 15
Benjamin B Benjamin B (Mar 15 2021 2:28PM) : youtube more

youtube is an app with millions of videos about anything you want to watch for everyone.

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Title 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 6:49PM) : Ocean more

When I first saw the title I assumed it was going to be about the ocean, but after reading it I can see why it was named ocean and the meaning behind the “Ocean”.

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First line 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 6:59PM) : Imagery of the child's mind more

In the first line, “My son runs his hands across a puddle outside the apartment, pretends it’s an ocean he can swim in.” We can see here why the poem is titled ocean and the imagery of the boy’s imagination. The boy’s mind is endless and has so many possibilities of believing in the good.

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YouTube videos 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 7:09PM) : Text to world more

When reading this part of the poem, I think back to how our age group is one of the last ones to not have this type of technology in elementary school. Technology can be a very useful source, but little kids should be using their creativity and imagination in school, not watching YouTube videos because most parents now use technology to distract the kid, so they can get something done.

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Growing up like his mom 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 7:25PM) : "I hope he doesn't grow up like me more

In this line his mom is saying that she hopes he does not grow up to be like her. She thinks that his imagination will take him far in life and school will help him to be better than she was.

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School 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 7:37PM) : Thought school was the whole universe more

In this line we can see how the mother thought that school was the whole universe. I can relate to this because I moved to Sellersburg from Indy at the age of 9. When my parents first told me we were going to be moving, I thought it was going to be the end of the world because I had no idea the world was much bigger than my little town.

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Living 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 7:41PM) : Getting out of this town more

In this line we can see that the mother is praying for her son to reach where there is no cliff, shore, and horizon. I think that she is saying this because we need to explore the world and find ourselves. Getting out of a small town is important because you need to find other friends and learn how to live on your own.

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Telescope? 0
Mar 16
Joshua H Joshua H (Mar 16 2021 9:42AM) : Certain words stick out at me more

The word telescope seems odd here. Most of the poem has things to do with water and the ocean, but the inclusion of telescope confuses me. Another thing is how it is used: “the teacher will hand him a telescope so he can see the world”
Telescopes are used mainly for seeing things that are not on Earth. He might be implying that he is not a part of the world, or I might be overthinking things.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:32am by Paul Hankins
Title: "Ocean" (continued)

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Paragraph 4 (Image 1) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 1:36PM) : "but that isn't to say his mind isn't a grenade" more

The author projects a very realistic outlook on life and does not try to hide life’s imperfections but does show how it can be changed, through minds of our youth.

Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 3:10PM) : potential contradiction more

This part has a rough tone. You can sense the anger that the author feels. The sign almost seems like a contradiction. “you can do anything if you put your mind to it.”, yet all the pieces allude to how that isnt true. How these children don’t get the same treatment as the other kids.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 7:56PM) : "i told my son that poster won't move us out the hood." more

I feel as if the author is suggesting that they will need more than just wishful thinking to climb out of their “hood”.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 1:35PM) : The poster more

I feel as though it wasn’t just “wishful thinking” that the author was suggesting here. Perhaps he is suggesting how some people are born behind in this world. How sometimes people cannot do anything they want if they put their minds to it, because life isn’t fair.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 2:03PM) : I think you're right. more

I think what you said about them needing more than hope to be really accurate. However, it begs the question: is now really a good time to be telling your son such a hard, cold truth?

Mar 13
Ross S Ross S (Mar 13 2021 4:24AM) : This really shows how poor the school is.
Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 10:55AM) : The poster won't move more

The poster will stay put as a constant reminder for everyone who enters that room, whether it be draped with cobwebs or faded from the light. His mind will hold onto that message forever as it was a constant reminder for him while he was in that classroom, and if he believes the message he will essentially change the world.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 1:49PM) : "you can do anything if you put your mind to it" more

I have heard this phrase a lot in out lifetime. Sometimes I say it to others and I’m just joking. Other times I think to myself what if I was in that mindset where I could do anything I put my mind too.

Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 1:58PM) : The reader can conclude that the author may be upset upon seeing this sign because not every kid is treated the same or taught the same. Many may believe the saying and many may believe that they cannot because of how they were taught.
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 2:08PM) : The Quote more

The quote, “you can do anything if you put your mind to it,” has such a childish sense of ignorant hope. I believe Quartez would agree with me as he had told his son it wasn’t enough to get them out of the “hood.” I think while he has a point, what’s so wrong with that child-like innocence? To have hope can never be a bad thing. Hope can’t do everything, but it is a good start.

Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 2:22PM) : "that isn't to say his mind isn't a grenade." more

The speaker is saying that he holds the potential of being something great. If he tries to take off, he could change the world for them or for everyone.

Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 2:25PM) : "i told my sone that poster won't move us out of the hood" more

The poster being there will not do them anything. It might not do anything to anyone. It is what you do with that information that the poster gives you.

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Lots of Internet Conversation 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:07AM) : Regarding Bulletin Boards and Displays more

These don’t always reflect the reality of the student’s situation at home or the community in which they live. The MACRO seeps into the MESO all the way into the MICRO.

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Set Your Mind To It 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:13AM) : This sentence to me is another way of saying that if you set your mind to something, you will achieve it.
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his mind is a grenade 0
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 8:17AM) : The author sees the world he is raising his son in and wishes to do better, he encourages his son to keep working hard, referring to his mind as a grenade. Holding the potential for great change as the author believes that his son can do great things.
Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 1:50PM) : word choice more

Why might of he have used grenade in this situation? Is he that mad?

Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 1:58PM) : The author uses the phrase "but that isn't to say his mind isn't a grenade. This could show that she thinks her son has great potential for him to do great things.
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 1:58PM) : If the authors son dives into his true potential he will create some movement in their stagnant life.
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Anger 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:17AM) : The father feels anger towards the situation his son is placed in. His tone and descriptions of his setting around him reveals annoyance and frustration.
Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 10:47AM) : Nostalgic more

As a child I remember looking at all the different signs hung upon the walls in the different classrooms I went in. It reminds me of the hope our grade school teachers filled us with for the future, that we would be the leaders of the world one day. As I have aged and now about to enter my last year of high school, these signs have slowly disappeared. More and more classrooms are filled with bare walls, it was like the swamp drained our goals and dreams.

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Reality 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:20AM) : The poster is not doing the work. The only way to succeed is through yourself and your own work. Looking and reading a poster is not going to fix your problems but if you take what that poster has to say and make it reality, then you will be successful.
Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 1:38PM) : But what if they can't? more

Some people aren’t always fortunate enough to be able to “do anything” even with hard work and determination. Some people are, unfortunately, born without the chance or situations where they can put their minds to it.

Having the chance to succeed isn’t just hard work, its also the opportunities offered. If opportunities aren’t given, there is no way to move forward.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 1:53PM) : What if they can? more

Putting yourself in the right mind set can change so many things for you. He is thinking negative, what if he started thinking positive. Would it change the outcome? Maybe he would be more successful.

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Metaphor 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:22AM) : "Sea of reefs" is a metaphor because he will not literally explode into a sea of reefs [Edited]
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Potential in young children 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 8:25AM) : Everyone has heard this quote at one point or another in their lives. We are often told this a children to keep us motivated in school, with the hope in the back of our minds that we can become whatever we want, as long as we continue to be determined.
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 1:56PM) : I like how the author is saying words can be spoken but until there is an action put behind them there will be no change.
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Sea of Reefs 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:41AM) : Earlier, the author chose to see the world as a "sea of whales" and now he wants his son to "explode into a sea of reefs."
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Application is needed 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:44AM) : The theme of being able to achieve anything one sets his/her mind to is again brought to light here. But the following line, helps give the reader a realistic and important view on accomplishing dreams. more

“the poster won’t move us out the hood” helps the reader to see that a world of oceans is possible, but without the proper application of oneself, that is merely a pipe dream and is not realistic. The ocean is out there, but one must find it before they can swim.

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Grenade 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:59AM) : The use of metaphor is prevalent in this line whenever it says," that isn't to say his mind isn't a grenade".
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New area 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 9:31AM) : This sentence shows how poor the area that this school is in is. The poster was hanging by cobwebs, which mean this school is extremely dirty.
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:48PM) : Emphasis on Setting more

This description allows the reader to dive deeper into the setting and fully understand the situation of the school.

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School 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 9:41AM) : Descriptive Language more

Using descriptive words to describe a poster located in his school. By using these descriptive words, the readers are able to visualize his school. It may be one of the reason the father doesn’t want his son to go there due to the unsanitary conditions.

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"That poster won't move us out the hood" 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 11:03AM) : Mr. Harris points this poster out to his son, explaining that the poster or quote itself will not help them out of the hood, but the inspiration he draws from it very well can.
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Cliche speech 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 11:12AM) : We see them everywhere, motivational words printed on to coffee cups or pillows. It is very easy to ignore these messages because we feel like they do not work, however there is always some truth to every inspirational message no matter how cliche.
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conference 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:21AM) : I think this is something that any student may fear at one point or another
Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:16PM) : I agree more

Many thoughts in kids’ heads when a teacher talks to the parents privately usually fill the kid with fear.

Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:17PM) : Agree more

Conferences have been something that you have with a teacher and parent because you did something wrong. This causes many students to fear it because they are not wanting to get into trouble

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past events 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:27AM) : You can see here that his mom has tried to make a way out of poverty and set her mind but it did not work so she has given up.
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"move us out" 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 11:47AM) : "that poster won't move us out the hood" more

The “poster” won’t make your life better, you have to work hard to make your life better.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 11:48AM) : This metaphor describes how dangerous the mind can be to some people who do not want the people "beneath them" to rise up.
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The poster on the cobweb 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 12:02PM) : In the poster in the cobweb it says "you can do anything if you put your mind to it" and the father told his son "that wont move us out of the hood" more

This is just something that I disagree with. I think that the father saying this to his son is the reason for them being in the “hood”. If that young boy wanted a full ride scholarship to harvard making 6 figures out of college he could. But when his dad, who did not do this, molds in his sons head that he will not be any better, it creates this culture of not wanting to be better. If this kid is brainwashed into thinking he will never be better and that he should not try to accomplish his dreams, then he will just end up in the same situation as his father.

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Quot e 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 12:15PM) : I have always thought this about this cheesy line. Yes everyone can work as hard as they can to be successful but in some cases it may be impossible to succeed
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 1:48PM) : I agree more

The idea that anybody can do/get anything if they want it bad enough is silly. Although many things can be achieved through hard work, there are also a million other factors: genetics, upbringing, circumstance, etc.

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Poster 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 12:55PM) : Inspirational Posters more

Posters like this are everywhere, and while they are meant to be encouraging they do not always have that effect. When going through a difficult situation sometimes something like and inspirational poster is exactly what is needed to help one feel better. At other times it can feel terrible and not help to see what hope one has.

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Mind 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 12:59PM) : "If he uses it, he could explode into a sea of reefs" more

In the last line of this, the author mentions their son using his mind. The part which says “he could explode into a sea of reefs” is saying that with work and determination the son can improve his life and gain knowledge.

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Mind is a Grenade 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:25PM) : Grenades more

Making a comparison of his son’s mind to a grenade

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A Sea of Reefs 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:26PM) : Water and Motivation more

Again, water is treated as the product of great motive and drive.

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You Can Do Anything 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:51PM) : This shows the parent's faith in their son and how that if he applies himself he can achieve anything.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 4:31PM) : Elementary more

I would always be scared of parent teacher conferences even though I hadn’t done anything. Just the name is scary.

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back to school funding 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:57PM) : this sentence once again shows that the school does not have a lot of funding
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a grenade 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 4:59PM) : the father shows that his son's mind is a grenade that could explode into a pool knowledge
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you can do anything 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 5:01PM) : this shows that the father believes his son can accomplish anything he sets his mind to
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negative approach 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:05PM) : I found it interesting the author chose to say this line to their child. Even though I believe they were trying the explain that actions speak louder than words, but took a more negative approach to the saying.
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rhetorical device 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:09PM) : The author uses hyperbole by stating their son's mind would 'explode into a sea of reefs' if he uses it.
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word choice 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:14PM) : The authors word choice allows for the reader receive initial background information, such as where they are from, before the author makes mention to it.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 7:36PM) : Rhetorical Choices more

I think it is important to acknowledge the author’s choice to use “explicit” language in the second line because it displays the author’s tone in relation to the poetry. A lot of languages thrive with the ability to add cursing to our speech and I think English is definitely one of them.

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Mind compared to a grenade 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 7:36PM) : Young children are easy to influence and persuade, saying the wrong thing would completely change their feelings on a topic or thing.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 7:37PM) : Hyperbole more

Another rhetorical choice to use figurative language. Here we see an example of a hyperbole, or an extreme exaggeration, which is quite a common one we like to use as a society to REALLY get our point across by making it unrealistic.

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Mindset 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:04PM) : Irony more

I think it is really ironic the poster hanging by the “nappy ass cobweb read: You can do anything if you put your mind to it.” You can do anything until it comes to cobwebs.

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okay 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:57PM) : description more

The author uses well descriptions in this piece. With the descriptions he uses, it helps relay to the life they may be living in that moment.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:58PM) : thougts more

His family may be stuck where they are, but that does not mean the boy can not become something bigger and better and make a career for himself. He can do better than what he has now.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 8:59PM) : explode more

If the boy just pushes for something better, he could become something amazing.

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faith 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:23PM) : loss of faith more

The author read this phrase in the classroom as a kid and seemed to lose faith in the sentence as he grew older.

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The Grenade of A mind 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 9:59PM) : The line stating that the son's mind is a grenade tells of the explosive power a child's mind might have to explode them into freedom from some form of social oppression.
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"Inspiring" Posters 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 10:04PM) : These types of posters that hang in nappy corners are seen throughout buildings in our nation. Many of these posters are thought to have some effect and aren't talked about the very little they usually do.
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The choice of use 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 10:06PM) : The idea that the son could choose not to use his mind to free himself from the oppression is an intersting addition. The idea that many people may have the key to unlocking their oppression, but choose not to use it.
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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:41PM) : Determination more

Although she has been through some hardships she is giving hope and assurance that “you can do anything if you set your mind to it.” I often remind myself of that quote as I try and pursue my dreams.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:47PM) : Parent Teacher Conferences more

Many students can related back to the days of having a parent teacher conference. Nervously awaiting the feedback from the teacher.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:01PM) : Metaphor more

In this moment she is comparing her son’s mind to a grenade. For “if he uses it, he could explode into a sea of reefs.” If he puts his mind to what he wants, it could explode into ability and opportunity never thought of before.

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New area 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:18AM) : Language choice more

the authors language choice and reflect he he felt or still feels about school

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New area 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:35AM) : The author uses the experience with the poster to explain to his son that putting your mind to something does nothing. You have to actually work hard for something in order to work out the way you want it to.
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Last Sentence 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:37AM) : The author hopes his son will use what he teaches him and do something amazing with his life.
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Sea Reef 0
Mar 15
Eli H Eli H (Mar 15 2021 1:27PM) : Sea reefs are colorful and homes to many creatures in the ocean. This contrasts the hood mentioned earlier in the poem. By exploding into a sea of reefs, the boy could create a better home for himself or others in the future if he pushes himself.
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image 4 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 1:41PM) : "you can do anything if you put your mind to it." more

This is a slap in the face for most people. People who gave so much and got nothing in return. I believe this is the tone for this piece. Anger at the way the world is and fear for how it will treat their son.

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Inspiration p*rn 0
Mar 15
Jesse B Jesse B (Mar 15 2021 1:50PM) : Usually, these sorts of sayings are created to keep a person in a state of optimism in order to accept the conditions around them
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but that isnt to say 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 2:12PM) : Mind isnt a grenade more

This comparison of his sons mind to a grenade is a good thing. It is saying that his sons mind is large and bright and strong

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if h uses it 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 2:14PM) : Sea of Reefs more

Going off the sentence right beforehand talking about his mind being a grenade this is saying that if he uses his mind he could “explode” or escape into a “sea of reefs” or a better place or neighborhood.

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you can do anything area 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : That Poster more

I find the author’s comment on the poster interesting. The message on the poster is “you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. The author tells his son that the poster wont move them out of the hood. I find this interesting because of course that one poster is not going to help you move but the message on it is meant to inspire or reinforce what some are doubting.

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Encouragement? 0
Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : It sounds like the father is scolding the kid but not to totally make him stop believing in encouraging like what the poster is saying but to instead make the kid want to prove him wrong.
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Metaphore 0
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : This is the use of a metaphor because the author is comparing his mind to a grenade without using like or as.
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Inspiration 0
Mar 15
Ava R Ava R (Mar 15 2021 7:52PM) : Sea of reefs more

In the line, “If he uses it, he could explode into a sea of reefs.” I think that it is trying to say that if he is encouraged by the poster he could have determination and could get out of the hood and be the best version of himself.

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Sea of reefs 0
Mar 16
Joshua H Joshua H (Mar 16 2021 9:50AM) : I would not want my head to explode into sharp rocks... more

The imagery that I get from this is very confusing. Trying to analyze it is even harder. Using your brain is a good thing. Reefs are beautiful, rare, sustaining, and delicate places.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:33am by Paul Hankins
Title: "Testing Doesn't Tell the Whole Story"

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Paragraph 5 (Image 1) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:44AM) : The structure of the poem mirrors the title and the imagery being portrayed. The poem is alive, with odd breaks in the text and a conversational tone.
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:48AM) : The title of this piece is in direct correlation of that with the title of the book. The emphasis was put on "Alive" on the cover, so it begs the reader to wonder whether this piece will shed light on questions brought from the title or if they mesh.
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:21AM) : Names more

The author adds a layer of personal interaction by calling out several kids by their names. He could’ve just said “the girl” or “the boy” but he didn’t. That isn’t to say the names are not made up to hide the children’s identities.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 1:38PM) : No name children more

The author’s use of the children’s names really gives a sense of depth and imagery to this piece of literature. It really makes me imagine a class room full of young kids being unaware of life’s horrors and living blissfully.

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:20PM) : I agree more

I agree with you, the way the author used the children’s names really makes you imagine what the class looks like.

Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 1:39PM) : tone more

The tone of this one is different from the one above (“Ocean”).This one has a sense of relief and joy. The words allude to joy. The last sentence alludes to relief that his students are still alive (this line could be to hint at various things, like gun violence, gangs, or even just he fact that the children are still bright and lively, not dimmed by the events of the real world).

Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 3:31PM) : names more

the names give the children identity. Not just “a child” or “he/she/them”, but almost a personality.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:11PM) : Alive more

This poem to me just describes kids having fun with their bubbles, bean bags, and playing games like hide-and-seek.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:14PM) : Clouds more

I like the line “Marshawn stands on his desk; tries to grab a cloud or two.” It shows he is reaching for the sky and trying to have some fun.

Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 10:49AM) : Young Imaginations more

The descriptiveness of this page makes me want to be a child again, even just for a day. I would love to have no worry in the world about what the future holds for me, and just play with bubbles and find fascination in the smallest things.

Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 10:58AM) : Shoes sprawled across the floor more

The children let go of what was holding them down, so they could let their feet run free wherever their imagination would guide them. Grabbing a hold of clouds, this is where they felt most ALIVE. They were free to be themselves and let their imagination run wild.

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:49PM) : The word Alive in his poem could be referring back to the front cover.
Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 2:03PM) : The author uses the kids names instead of say boy or girl. This could be because she wants the reader to feel closer to her after reading this.
Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 2:31PM) : use of names more

When I first read over the poem I realized the author decided to use names. Why did the author decide to do that? The author could have easily replaced the names with a guy, boy, them, or a girl. Does he think maybe we can picture them better? Maybe someone has a picture of what a Stefon looks like in our mind, or a Michelle or Kandence.

Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 2:32PM) : The names more

When the author did say the names, they didn’t capitalize them. Why wouldn’t the author do that, since it is basic english knowledge?

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Simile 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 7:45AM) : This sentence contains a simile, comparing the bean bags to plastic pools.
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:06PM) : once again this is anther action that would resemble comfort as the children are just diving into the bean bags without caution.
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"tries to grab a cloud or two" 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:03AM) : The author is presenting the idea that as a kid the opportunities in life are endless, and the imagination drives that. more

By a child standing on his desk, trying to “grab a cloud or two”, it is showing that this kid has a whole world of imagination and is opening his mind to endless possibilities.

Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 2:06PM) : The author is showing the reader that the kid is using his imagination which shows that his mind is open.
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The Condition of Being "Alive." 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:09AM) : Notice what the children are doing by way of imagery within this very short piece. more

There is no order or rows here. These are children moving about the space. They are doing and discovering and making reality out of dreams.

Mar 12
Grace C Grace C (Mar 12 2021 12:47PM) : alive more

The children are alive and they feel infinite. They see the world in such beautiful bright colors. They see it for all the opportunities that they can seize. They know not of the hardships and challenges life will bring. They see wonder and amazement, not the triumph that life is.

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:23PM) : In addition more

The children being alive adds merit to the fact their kids and their imaginations are going wild trying to grab clouds.

Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 1:19PM) : The poem itself gives conditions on what "alive" means to members of our youth. Being alive equates to living the experiences life offers and embracing them. It could mean having a good time with friends. It makes me question, what makes me feel alive?
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 7:57AM) : i think in this section it is sayin
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:08PM) : This sentence expresses the freedom of the children, they are comfortable in their environment and they are discovering who they are.
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They are alive 0
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 8:21AM) : the author of this poem, a teacher illustrates how her students are living and learning right in front of her eyes. Sometimes it is not the lesson they are being taught that will sculpt them but the ability to generate experiences within the classroom.
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 9:23AM) : I agree, it is easier to recall memories within the classroom filled with joy, instead of which math lesson I learned on a specific date. It is important to enforce positivity and safe aspects within a classroom for all students to feel welcome.
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:24AM) : Italicized more

This italicized text most likely displays inner thought. As a stand alone, it could be read a couple of different ways. One way could be relief. There are certain of this country where these kids could be shot on their way home.

Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 1:36PM) : I agree more

I believe Harris was trying to put emphasis on the liveliness of his students and the fact that it is being played out in real time. He is watching his students grow, play, learn, experiment, and discover in front of him. I think he puts emphasis to show the impact the kids are having on him despite the fact that he is the teaching, set their to impact THEM.

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:36PM) : Response more

I agree with Addyson and Ella. I think the author wanted special emphasis on his realization that the kids were alive and the use of italics definitely made it stand out more in the text.

Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 7:58AM) : I think in this section it is meaning by alive is excited, or happy.
Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 1:47PM) : They are real more

The statement of these students being alive doesn’t completely resonate until you realize that they’re not just alive, but they are their own person. They are a real, living, breathing mind. They play and laugh and live their own real lives.

And Mr. Harris will watch them grow, and live, and be human right in front of his eyes.

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Innocence 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:36AM) : The children in these classrooms display innocence as they play with one another. more
Finding joy in bubbles, bean bags, and fake clouds gives them a hint of innocence. They are not yet aware of the oppression they must face, but they are finding pure enjoyment in the meantime.
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"They Disperse into Glitter" 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:43AM) : Who is "they?" It could be the bubbles, breaking into shining colors. Or, it could be the students, breaking out of there shells into something beautiful.
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:52PM) : "They" more

If the “they” was referring to the children, this could be another reference back to childhood innocence and becoming an adult.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 1:49PM) : Unique wording more

I find the imagery pleasing when I imagine bubbles bursting into glitter. Its not often I hear it described that way. I quite enjoy the choice of wording here.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:04PM) : The action of a bubble popping is so thrilling as a child, the chase of the clear orb until poof, its gone. The bubbles can represent how fast life can vanish.
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Metaphor and possible hyperbole 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:46AM) : We see a metaphor here, relating the way the children go about their ways as glitter does. Glitter goes everywhere, and from this rhetorical choice by the author, the reader gets a better idea of the scene at hand.
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Limitless possibilities for children 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 9:46AM) : This statement represents the endless possibilities children have. Children should not be limited or barred when it comes to their futures, they should be told to never stop "reaching for clouds".
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Poems 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 9:58AM) : "Alive" more

The title of this poem, contributes to the poem by showing the children are truly “alive.” They are able to “dive into glitter,” “play hide-and-seek,” and use their imagination to change bean bags into plastic pools. These children are encouraged to express themselves in his classroom and stay “alive.”

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"shoes sprawled across the floor" 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 10:14AM) : The author is painting a picture for the audience by stating there are "shoes sprawled across the floor" in the classroom. This is a nod to the kid's innocence, them playing with their shoes off, allowing their imagination run wild.
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:01PM) : This creates a sense of relaxation as the child's shoes are off and they are in a activity that is mindless.
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"Alive" 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 10:38AM) : Mr. Harris displays a sense of pride over his students on this page. He watches his students embrace their childhood and realizes they are full of potential they can not see themselves.
Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 3:37PM) : "Alive" more

People may not realize how lucky we are to still be alive in a time like this.

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The Image Here 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 11:25AM) : If you've ever seen a group of children at play. . . more

We see a lot of this playful “dance with danger” this leaping into things that look padded and soft.

A student standing on a desk. Reaching. Peril. Into the air that will “catch him” only briefly before gravity would take over as a natural force.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 1:56PM) : kids playing more

You can tell on this page that the children are having fun playing. They are diving on bean bags. You can just imagination how this would be going children knocking each other over and the children just laughing about it.

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relef 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:30AM) : This teacher is clearly worried about her black student in a world that put people in color and is watching them in their young state.
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young 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:32AM) : The teacher is watching as the simple minds of the students play with the glitter and they "dive into it"
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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 11:49AM) : This scene describes chaos in the classroom, but Harris seems excited that his students have so much energy, as he can convert it into learning energy.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:24AM) : This gives an example, on how their are just kids, which makes the rest of this piece shocking.
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A L I V E 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 11:54AM) : Here we are going back to the title page once again
Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 1:52PM) : ALIVE more

I feel in everyone’s younger years is when they felt most alive. As high schoolers we are drained from the amount of work we have, the stress people put on us to go to college and get big degrees in things that don’t even bring us satisfaction or joy. As a child we could forget about the world around us and live in the moment we were in, in the fantasy we created for ourselves. Playing until we were absolutely exhausted even then crying because we wanted to keep going.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 1:58PM) : Alive more

I believe he titles this page alive because when you were a child you didn’t have to worry about anything. At least nothing compared to what you have to worry about now. When you don’t have any worries this is when people feel the most alive.

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shoes sprawled across the floor 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:56AM) : this line makes me think about a younger group of kids due to the fact that they have their shoes off and playing in the class, and because of how they are all over the floor.
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 1:37PM) : I agree more

This gives me flashbacks to being in elementary school and everyone having their shoes off. Kids do not care about where there shoes go, if they’re neat, or whether they lose them.

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Overall 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 12:15PM) : The stories show how school has gotten better in certain ways, but it also hasn't. The fact that parents have to figure out what a school is actually like when their child comes home questioning themselves is terrible. Why have school systems not been > more

< fixed?

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Names 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 12:16PM) : Why are the names here not capitalized?
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 2:10PM) : Capitalization (or lack thereof) more

I believe the lack of capitalization with the names here could fall under two ideas, one not so meaningful. I think maybe it is to show we are alike. Or it could be to fit into the aesthetic of the rest of the poems.

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They Are Alive 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:30PM) : Importance in Simplicity more

It isn’t until the last sentence here that the gravity of the students’ actions are realized. They aren’t doing anything “special”, but the author must see that as a way of realizing how special it is for things to be so normal.

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Title: Alive 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:30PM) : Title Callback more

The title directly refers back to the last word of the poem

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Happy 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 1:46PM) : Alive is a more upbeat poem compared to the rest. It shows the innocence and carefree nature of youth. Everything is new and exciting. The students are alive in every sense of the word.
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 2:13PM) : I agree. more

I totally agree that this piece has a completely different tone from the rest. I think it is because Quartez is finally seeing students as they truly should be: kids. He gets to see kids acting like kids, it must be so relieving.

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Title's Origin 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:52PM) : This poem could be the origin of the title of the book.
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My God 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:55PM) : This line shows the teacher's recognition of their students' humanity.
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Time to take a daydream break 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 2:16PM) : The way I interpreted this phrase of a child day dreaming during a lesson over photosynthesis. That child would in fact be me. Photosynthesis is really,really, really, boring.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 4:39PM) : Another connection more

Elementary was just the best. Those who had the luck to posses bean bags in their classrooms were lucky and swimming in the little plastic pools with friends during the summer was always a blast.

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being alive 0
Mar 12
Riley W Riley W (Mar 12 2021 5:04PM) : the title of this poem implies that it will be about someone or something is living
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Title- "Alive" 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 6:02PM) : Alive more

The title of this is very fitting as it shows a glimpse into what is to come later in the writing. It describe the students as being alive. This makes me think that they are joyful, energetic and imaginative.

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Nostalgic 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 6:09PM) : This reminds me of when I used to come back from school and take off my shoes and jump on my bad falling asleep faster than I did fall on the bed.
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odd structure 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:20PM) : The poem contains odd breaks that don't seem to have any rhyme or reason to them, which compliments what is being said within the poem.
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correlation to the title of the book 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:24PM) : The word 'Alive' is shown within the title of the book and this poem, which brings up the question as to correlation between the two. Could the children on the front of the book be the ones depicted within this poem?
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emphasis by use of italics 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:28PM) : The author italicizes the last line within the poem, which causes it to stick with the reader longer and perhaps encourage them to find a deeper meaning within the line.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 7:40PM) : "Disperse into glitter" more

Glitter is a common association with children and playtime in elementary school because it’s something almost every child enjoys. Perhaps the author included this, metaphorically, to capture the setting of the poem.

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Glitter 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:35PM) : The author is presenting the idea of the imagination kids have in the simple act of blowing bubbles and them "dispersing into glitter."
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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 9:03PM) : glitter more

I can see glitter as a word for happiness or inspired. I believe the students i this passage are happy and inspired to be there.

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tone 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:25PM) : tone more

The overall tone of this page of the book is a sense of hope and relief. He is relieved his black students are able to have a normal childhood of blowing bubbles and playing hide-and-seek.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:54PM) : sense of hope more

the author allows the reader to experience the same amount of hope and relief the teacher feels during this moment.

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Living Students 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 10:09PM) : This line strikes a chord that should be spoken about more. The idea that these students which might come from lower income areas are dead is just incorrect, they have yet to be given life to their education and are just dark inside.
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The Classroom 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:39AM) : This poem, I think, is describing the classroom as he remembers it as a kid. This might be used to explain why he dropped out of school.
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New area 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:40AM) : Using actual names here really helps us paint a picture of what his school experience was like.
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New area 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:41AM) : Comparing bean bags to plastic pools helps paint a picture in the reader's mind about how the children are acting in the classroom.
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New area 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:42AM) : "tries to grab a cloud or two." Is this trying to describe the boy reaching high in life?
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:20PM) : Answer Jordyn more

I think the answer to your question would be yes. He is trying to reach for the sky as some would say and get the clouds. This means that he wants to reach high in life.

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Last Sentence 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:43AM) : "my god, my black students are alive." Is this saying that his black classmates aren't just messing around and not wanting to be at school, they are actually trying to get an education? Is he taking the view point of the teacher by saying "his students"?
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students 0
Mar 15
Eli H Eli H (Mar 15 2021 1:33PM) : "my god, my black students are alive" more

Notice it says “my.” This is from the perspective of the teacher. “Alive” could mean two things: that the students are literally alive, or that they are discovering life, discovering their abilities. They are experiencing the world to the fullest.

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image 5 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 1:47PM) : Whole poem more

This poem makes me wonder about how the author grew up. What horrors they had seen to be surprised by the black students being alive. They had not yet been hurt by the world. The world outside the ocean

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relief 0
Mar 15
Jesse B Jesse B (Mar 15 2021 1:52PM) : I think a lot of individuals gloss over the fact that many children of colour are being harmed or discriminated against
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Making an image 0
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:31PM) : The author is making an image for the reader so we can imagine what the classroom looks like and get a better feel of what is happening.
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Alive in school 0
Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 8:10AM) : Diving into bean bags more

In this line we can see that the things the author is describing are things that make us feel alive while in school. Some of those things are diving into bean bags, standing on the desk, and playing hide-and-seek under desks.

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It's alive! 0
Mar 16
Joshua H Joshua H (Mar 16 2021 9:57AM) : Sometimes "alive" is a little bit more than living. more

“My god, my black students are alive” This shows that the students are not normally “alive.” The speaker’s dialogue can be interpreted different ways, in my opinion. It could be in fear, in disbelief, or in joy.

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New area 0
No area-level conversations. Start one.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:34am by Paul Hankins
Title: Poem

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Paragraph 6 (Image 1) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 9:51AM) : This entire page shows the stress and pressure that standardized testing puts on children from such a young age. This pressure can create a form of anxiety that will cause students to place a negative connotation on school.
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:27AM) : Depressing more

It is extremely depressing how schools beat the love of learning and daydreaming out of kids. If I had only been exposed to the poetry I was taught in school, I would probably hate poetry, which is sad to think because writing poetry is something I am passionate about.

Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:31PM) : I agree more

The way schools suppress kids’ passion for learning is sad. I definitely think school is important but in some way, it feels like it kills the kids inside people by suppressing the passions loved by some.

Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:33PM) : Poem Setup [Edited] more

The entire poem is formatted to resemble a page out of a test. The text within the square is a graphic, The text below the line a question, and the A, B, C, and D lines multiple choice answers.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 1:43PM) : "she wants to empty out her school desk, break apart her crayons" more

This goes to show how school can be so crushing to a child’s spirit and imagination. Most students go through like a drone, mindless and going through the motions.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 1:44PM) : "She crawled back into the computer" more

This gives the notion that our children are stuck inside technology and not reading and learning physically, which often tends to be true.

Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 1:51PM) : Word choice more

“crawled back inside the computer”
My mind thinks that the computer is a like a black hole or cave. the girl is “crawling” back in or being sucked back into the testing, or back into the cave. Kind of like hibernation. Crawling back in, only to return after everything is over.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 1:54PM) : Word choice more

I noticed this too, and its almost as though that’s what it actually feels like. Its just the same thing. Crawling in and out like hibernation, just as you said. I quite like the way you brought this up.

Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 3:17PM) : Testing doesn't tell the whole story more

Standardized testing, tests your prior and current knowledge of what your teachers were supposed to teach you. Standardized testing doesn’t show what kind of person you are, or the home life you have. It simply tests what your teachers have or haven’t taught you.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 7:58PM) : The format more

The format that the author wrote this page really adds to the message due to the fact that he built his literature like a standardized test.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 8:00PM) : "her teacher sad she was the hardest worker in class, i thought, the hardest working slave was never set free. her back was set on fire." more

This quote refers back to the days of the slaves and implies that our schools always hold back hardest workers no how well they do in class. The standardized testing holds the students back.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:20PM) : Testing more

This shows that it is probable that standardized testing’s negatives could out way the positives because ruining a child’s future is not worth any kind of data that the testing provides.

Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:25PM) : Reply to Grant more

I agree, I believe that young students should not be required to take testing in school. It can bring them stress and create unnecessary worry.

Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 1:44PM) : This page shows that state testing is stressful for everyone. This can create problems that the kids can have in the future. It can lead to anxiety they may get when testing.
Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:50PM) : This poem goes along with what many students nowadays already believe and it is very sad that so man people can understand this fact yet nothing i done to change it.
Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:01PM) : Testing more

This girl is stressed out because of state testing. What people don’t realize is this happens until you get out of college, you continue to have to take tests. Tests cause so much stress for anyone. I still get stressed about tests.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:03PM) : Giving up more

The little girl wants to give up because of a state test. She wants to just drop out. State testing shouldn’t make kids want to stop learning and just drop out but yet it does. So why are we still having state testing, when we know how it makes students feel?

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:05PM) : How important is state testing? more

The state tests are basically just to see where you are at compared to others. We were taught not to compare ourselves to others. But yet that’s exactly what the state testing is doing.

Mar 15
Madison A Madison A (Mar 15 2021 2:41PM) : Word choice more

The author said, “she crawled back into the computer.” Reading that sentence alone I would think of someone like crawling into a computer monitor and be living in there, which sounds really weird. Reading that sentence with the text stated before it actually sounds really cool and a great choice of words used. It shows that she goes back to looking at the computer and is probably looking like she is staring very intensely at the computer but that is because she is taking the test.

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Notice the Form Here 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:10AM) : The short form seems to communicate a sort of "word problem" when this is actually a problem of policy. And policy is governed by __________.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:00AM) : This shows evidence for mental trauma because, because she is wanting to give up in her dreams.
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Standardized Testing 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:11AM) : Is a matter, too, of policy. Who shapes policy? Who must work within those policies? What do policies look like when they are presented through the perspective of the pupil?
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 8:46AM) : This piece again represents the suppression of creativity within school. Students are forced to take standardized testing to judge their knowledge, walk in straight lines, and ask to go to the bathroom, made to keep students in order. more

But essentially stripping them of their identities and individuality.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:11PM) : This sentence alone goes to show how repressing school is, it takes a toll on young minds.
Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:35PM) : I agree more

I find it ironic that a place that is made for kids to learn and get ready for the future emotionally kills the kids. It makes me almost feel like is the knowledge you gain from school even worth it if your, creativity, passion for learning, and your overall look at life get nullified.

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Harris Asks the Question 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:12AM) : What is the real impetus for standardized testing? Who is rewarded? What (or who) is held back or withheld?
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Pressure 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:20AM) : At just 7 years old, a young girl feels as though she is already finished with school. The lengthy amount of testing we all have to endure during our school career can be completely draining and feel suffocating.
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Advantages 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:22AM) : Other students placed in the classroom, along with the incredibly hard-working girl, may receive benefits or other special treatments. This young girl may not get to utilize her knowledge and true intelligence due to others holding on to their old ways.
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 2:05PM) : historical context more

This example provides historical context from whenever slavery was institutionalized. It explains that no matter how hard a working slave was, they were always punished just for the color of their skin. This historical context allows for the reader to connect with the author and better understand the text at hand.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 8:32PM) : Slave metaphor tying into "old ways" more

The “old ways” you claimed that educators hold onto plays into the metaphor Harris used when he said “the hardest working slave was never set free.” While I know teachers aren’t holding their colored kids as slaves, they are still holding onto the past and treating their students differently based their skin tone. No matter how hard this girl Harris was talking about worked, her teacher never let her reap the benefits of her knowledge.

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 2:09PM) : The fact that just because yo work hard does not mean you will succeed is really sad to me.
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Nostalgia 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:30AM) : When you are young little things seem to be the biggest problems. Having a bad day at school was the hardest because you could not take it out in anyway. At that age you are too young to know how to deal with this type of emotion.
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:48AM) : I agree more

I agree with your statement. It was the little things that got to us whenever we were little, such as having a test that you did not enjoy.

Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:55PM) : State Testing more

This quote emphasizes the detrimental effects that state testing has on younger students, it destroys their confidence at a young age causing for negative effects for the future.

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:45PM) : Response to Meredith more

I agree. One frustrating day seemed like the end of the world. One bad grade made you want to quit. At this age, any type of failure is hard to deal with.

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Frustration 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:31AM) : It is sad that a seven year old is already threatening to give up on school and she is not even half way done. Kids this young should not feel this frustrated.
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 9:21AM) : I agree, I feel as though harsh restrictions and expectations are placed upon children so young. They should be discovering what topics interest them, playing on a playground, and discovering who they are.
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Realization 0
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 8:42AM) : It takes a call to congresswoman Paula for her to realize hat this state testing is doing to children. Not only does it suppress young children of their creativity, but also forcing them to follow a curriculum that is tearing apart this creativity. more

Paula recognizes the need for change as children should be excited to go to school and embrace their talents, what makes them happy, and what makes them different.

Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:57PM) : Congresswoman Paula more

Paula finally understands what effects she is having on young, innocent children for an extra dime from the state department. A 7 year old should not be taking standardized tests but instead should be daydreaming and being kids.

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:53PM) : State testing more

Most people do not realize the stress and pressure of taking a big test like this. After having a call with an upset father, Paula finally starts to see the negative effects brought on by state tests.

Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 1:47PM) : "children should never arrive to school &stop daydreaming" more

This line stuck out to me. “…children should never arrive to school &stop daydreaming.” The girl in this is only 7, which means she is only in 2nd grade. At that age, they don’t understand what is going on outside. At that age, they still want to color, and play, and just be kids. They don’t want to take tests and do homework.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 8:23PM) : Daydreaming more

Daydreaming should never stop, no matter how old a kid gets. Being able to imagine and be creative will always be more helpful in the long run. Schools suck the color out of kids’ lives, and I believe it shouldn’t take a phone call from a parent whose kid wants to “give up” for other adults to know what is going on.

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Daydreaming 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:46AM) : I like this choice of words here, it paints a picture of how school should be, especially for the students of younger ages. Creativity should never be barred by a standardized test or a syllabus.
Mar 15
Emma G Emma G (Mar 15 2021 2:23PM) : Reply to Emme more

I agree with this. The author does a great job of creating the perfect picture of how a school should look. This is a good example of imagery.

Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:52AM) : Daydreaming in Schools more

This idea that children should never have to stop daydreaming in schools goes against what is commonly thought of as a social norm, that being the importance of students maintaining attention while in the classroom. However, it is a good point, because the mind is opened to a world of infinite possibilities when one daydreams, and what better way for a kid to have inspiration to apply themselves than by dreaming a dream that they want to accomplish.

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Hyperbole 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:50AM) : The author exaggerates how her students feel like a computer is a crawlspace that thy cannot escape until they finish the test.
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Question 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:51AM) : This question is an extremely powerful one, because it talks about the government caring for black kids.
Mar 15
Zachary H Zachary H (Mar 15 2021 2:38PM) : Deep Question more

This question shows the thought of those who feel oppressed by the government, and it’s an overall good question do the government even care for them.

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State Test 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:54AM) : By using an idea such as a state test, it allows all audience members to relate as it is something that occurs in all of our lives and something that nobody like to administer or take part in. It helps aid the idea that it is easy to daydream in more

such a scenario and that schools should not suppress those creative ideas.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 9:01AM) : This title gives us a sense of whats to come in the poem.
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 1:43PM) : title more

Before even reading the rest, the title caught my eye. This is something that my parents always say to me. Standardize testing shows what we retained, but not all people are good test takers. Some understand, but cannot take tests. They, like the 7 year old girl, want to give up because of the testing and difficulty.

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 2:40PM) : Response to Colleen more

There is a lot pressure brought on by tests and as a young student, a bad grade can make you want to quit.

Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 3:40PM) : A student's frustration more

I can never stress how much testing makes me mad. Lots of students work so hard to have good grades and then something like I-STEP makes it look like they have not worked that hard.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 8:20PM) : The Title more

The title is very accurate to kids’ real life experiences. It shows how truly useless standardized testing is, and how it usually does more harm than good for children. Kids shouldn’t be worried tests like this, wanting to “break apart her crayons.” As a kid, they should just be kids, not guinea pigs used for testing.

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Powerful 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 9:03AM) : This statement is an extremely powerful one because it shows how sad the student is when it says "crawled".
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"Testing doesn't tell the whole story" 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 10:41AM) : Standardized tests do not determine how good or bad of a student one is, they only prove or disprove the notion that students are learning what their particular state deems to be necessary.
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The stress of tests 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 11:23AM) : I know that tests like ISTEP stress me out, and I can not imagine how a seven year old feels when placed in that situation. A lot of people have test anxiety and fail tests even though they are smart. I believe tests are not a good way to track learning.
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Question of Futility: Standardized Tests 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 11:27AM) : This second grader will not be finished until the end of 12th grade (her school experience). She will be tested over and over again. more

It’s a gripping image that this child would seek refuge back into the computer that keeps feeding her questions to answer (or attempt to answer).

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"testing doesnt tell the whole story" 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:28AM) : I think that this is a very true point that this poem makes. I believe test anxiety is a real thing and that it can drastically affect a students perceived ability.
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after state testing... 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:30AM) : I can sort of relate to how the 7 year old girl feels, when i was in elementary and had to take the state standardized tests they always exhausted me
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2nd grade state test 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:31AM) : i think that for a 2nd grader, who is maybe 7 years old, should not be having to even test over 40 questions for state testing, let alone more.
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State tests 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:33AM) : We have all gone through a point where we want to quit and major tests that mean nothing except characterize who is the most book smart can mentally destroy students.
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at a young age 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:34AM) : The father complains that his daughter is only 7 and these tests have already destroyed her character. are these tests truly necessary?
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Testing Doesn't Tell the Whole Story" 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 11:36AM) : The title of this page is honesty. We go to school to learn information that is supposed to help us on a test. What happens if we get test anxiety? What if we did great on the leading work, but fail the test? They never tell you what happens after that.
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Kids at school 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:35AM) : This congress woman finely realizes the need to end these tests. Imagination is what will help out the young student not a test or a grade.
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teachers view 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:37AM) : In this line it seems that the author is using PATHOS to draw feelings for the student who is slowly being told that she must sit and take one test that will decide her career.
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held back 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:38AM) : Many kids with very sharp minds are held back and labeled as dumb because they just simply can not take a test but the truth is they are some of the smartest people you will meet.
Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 1:56PM) : The School System more

The school system isn’t supportive of some people. People who could be geniuses are forced to be cut short of the education they need. Being held back because of something that they might’ve been able to pass if they had simply been taught better? That’s a horrible thing to do to a student. It makes it feel impossible to finish.

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 2:07PM) : The fat that a student can be held back simply due to their test scores doesn't make any sense to me A person's capabilities cannot be determined by a simple test.
Mar 15
Danika J Danika J (Mar 15 2021 2:09PM) : Why is that the test decide that if we move on or get held back? Some people are bad at testing and may not be able to pass. This is not fair to some people because some people are better at taking test than others.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 11:58AM) : This shows a kindness that not all educators possess. Whereas some teachers would just give a "No" in this situation, Quartez Harris gives a kind, thoughtful response to the little girl.
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Metaphor 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 12:10PM) : Here is one of the many metaphors throughout the piece
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more than testing 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 12:16PM) : "testing doesn't tell the whole story" more

I feel like this is forgotten and it needs to be remembered that kids are more than their test scores.

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Perfect 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 12:16PM) : I have long been under the belief that testing does not determine intelligence. Some students are just not good test takers, and it is difficult for the people who make the test to undestand this.
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Technology 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 12:18PM) : The change from textbooks to computers is making students crawl into distanced corners where they feel safe at because of how they are treated in life. Computers are making us lazier and less interactive.
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giving up on school 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 12:18PM) : "she tells her dad she wants to give up" more

This is so sad because this is what so many student everywhere are feeling.

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Hardest Worker 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 12:31PM) : "The Hardest worker" more

Even though tiffany was categorized by her teacher as “the hardest worker in the class,” she was was held back for not passing. She also wanted to give up in school, empty out her school desk and break apart her crayons. She’s only seven years old and already the stress of school and the hard tests are getting to her.

Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 8:06PM) : Very sad more

I find it very sad to see a student at such a young age to be so exhausted and stressed due to school that she wants to give. Especially for her to be the hardest worker and to be held back.

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State testing 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 1:10PM) : I think state testing was created with good intentions but with the level of concern that is placed around it, testing becomes much more stressful than it needs to be.
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Children's minds 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 1:11PM) : I think that our education systems can destroy the creativity of our youth
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Arts 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 1:21PM) : I think school does kind of squash creativity because careers in art are seen as less valuable. The focus goes to traditional subjects and arts don't seem as important anymore. School is tiring and some people don't have the time or want to be creative.
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Questioning title 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:36PM) : Title more

The title of this poem leaves the reader wondering about what is to come. It is a title that leaves questions, so you would want to keep reading.

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Legislation Caring 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:36PM) : Legislation Caring more

A rather modern idea, I suppose.

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Testing Doesn't Tell 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:56PM) : This shows how the author believes that testing and grades doesn't define a person.
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 7:50PM) : The author doesn't believe that test show 100% of the person and their knowledge of the subject.
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Break Apart Her Crayons 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:57PM) : This statement shows the daughter's loss of hope and how she gave into defeat.
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Work 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 5:46PM) : The hardest worker more

The teacher says that Tiffany is the hardest worker but she was still held back. The example of a slave relates because slaves were forced to do a lot of difficult work and those who worked the hardest often suffered the most. The author is comparing the life of a slave to Tiffany being held back.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 2:01PM) : School system more

Being a slave to the school system is what people go through constantly. For years upon years people like Tiffany, who work hard and try their best, are forced to go through torment even longer simply because she didn’t pass one little class.

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testing does not show worth 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:36PM) : Standardized testing has become a norm within the schooling system even though it seems to do more harm than good to the students it should be serving.
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Poem layout 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:39PM) : The poem explains the stress of standardized testing put onto children and give emphasis to this by displaying the poem as a test question would be.
Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 1:51PM) : Interesting more

I hadn’t noticed the layout until you pointed it out! Its an interesting choice, and one that I find is very unique. It makes you think about the way tests are put out and the way that it might be confusing on layout alone.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 7:44PM) : "daydreaming" in relation to children's growth more

Allowing kids the ability to have access to a variety of interactive toys is essential for their growth in the same way that allowing them to participate in some extent to their imagination is. School is where this happens the most and like the author said, it should never stop there.

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New area 0
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School. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 7:52PM) : This passage shows that school can ruin the desire to learn for many students.
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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 9:05PM) : daydreaming more

I feel as if many kids come to school and are but in a depressing state of mind. It is so stressful and overwhelming sometimes. In this passage I can tell that the teachers are really realizing how the student is unhappy with her life and school.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 2:04PM) : Daydreaming part 2 more

Kids shouldn’t have to stop having fun. Learning should be fun, not driven by grades and numbers and the threat of more. Learning should never, ever be a threat. Staying longer to learn should never be a threat.

But student arrive and they learn and they hate it. They would rather daydream, but in school they are forced to drop their way of escaping the dull, dreary day’s work.

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emotion 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:28PM) : stress more

The amount of stress students endure during state tests is awful. Especially for a 7 year old feeling this way at such a young age is not mentally stable for the individual.

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New area 0
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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:33PM) : School System more

In this line the little girl tells her father how she wants to give up after her state testing. These feelings are very common to have after a big stressful test. In Indiana we have the test known as ISTEP. How is the state testing beneficial to students. If we do not pass we cannot graduate. A student with all A’s and a 4.0 GPA could fail the ISTEP and not be able to then graduate. How is this fair to students? I relate to the little girl’s feelings. A test does not define me or my peers

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:37PM) : Hiding away more

Throughout the pandemic I have found myself many times wanting to hide away in my chromebook. The missing assignments, tests, more and more every single day. I feel that some teachers have given grace to students as we are all just trying to navigate through these harsh times. Others have not been gracious at all. We are all trying to survive. It has been a difficult year.

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New area 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:45AM) : This poem about state testing tells us the student's perspective of state testing that we don't normally hear. The author is telling us about how easily this procedure could be changed, but isn't.
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New area 0
Mar 15
Jordyn H Jordyn H (Mar 15 2021 9:47AM) : In the last paragraph of this poem, the author tells us how children feel in school. They don't get to express themselves like they do at home, they don't get to run around and have fun like children should. They have to sit in a classroom for 6 hours and more

listen to their teacher go on and on about things they’re too young to care about.

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Crayons 0
Mar 15
Eli H Eli H (Mar 15 2021 1:42PM) : Crayons are basic school supplies and carry the theme of just beginning school, but wanting to quit before one can even really try. more

They also could represent creativity within the classroom. Because the 7-year-old girl could not excel in one area of school, she feels like the whole endeavor is useless, even the creative pursuits

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Test 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 1:53PM) : "when did legislation ever care about black kids reading?" more

This reminds me of a specific poem we read a while back. “Superman and Me.” The “danger” of letting people of color read. For decades, literacy tests were a requirement to vote. They did not teach victims of slavery to read. It’s horrifying the amount that affects today.

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State Standard Testing 0
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 1:54PM) : This quote stuck out to me because state standard testing causing millions of students around the country to feel this same way, older students and younger.
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wow 0
Mar 15
Jesse B Jesse B (Mar 15 2021 1:54PM) : standardized testing is literally only there for individuals to conform
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Sad Truth 0
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 2:01PM) : This example exposes the brutal testing that young children go through for the state standards. 40 questions for a second grader is brutal, especially on a computer.
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"she crawled back inside the computer" 0
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 3:15PM) : This quote symbolizes how sad the girl was she wasn't finished with her test and the stress she was feeling. The author's word choice made the readers able to feel for the girl more.
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state testing area 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 7:39PM) : State Testing more

I think it is quite crazy that state testing begins as early as 7 years old for some kids. That is a very young age to be sat down for such a long time and to test.

Mar 16
Connor W Connor W (Mar 16 2021 12:17PM) : I agree more

State testing should not begin for students at such a young age. I feel like it discourages students.

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Give up 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 7:41PM) : Giving Up more

I find it sad that at age 7 a kid already wants to give up school. At our age we joke about giving up and how tough school is, but I find it crazy to think about a 7-year-old wanting to give up in the same way

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finally occurs 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 7:45PM) : Stop Daydreaming more

This is one of many things I have mixed feelings about. When a kid comes to school they come to learn what is thought they need to know to be functional members of our society. So it makes me wonder why we have to lose our creativeness and imagination and our daydreaming to have a chance to be that functional member that we are supposed to be.

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inside the computer 0
Mar 15
Brandon M Brandon M (Mar 15 2021 7:48PM) : Crawled Back Inside more

It’s interesting how he phrases the student crawling back into her computer. It’s also very interesting how accurate this really is to how state testing feels.

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"during a state test..." 0
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 8:27PM) : When is it too much? more

To have students as young as second grade being told to answer question after question for some state test they don’t even understand the importance of is so meaningless. Most don’t even know the meaning of standardized. Let kids be kids. We need to stop forcing them into these monotonous tests that take all the fun out of learning new things.

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Testing 0
Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 8:17AM) : Giving up more

When the little girl tells her dad after state testing that she wants to give up, I think most students have been in her boat before. The amount of stress and pressure that is put on students to pass and even pass plus to be considered smarter is not worth it. One test can not determine how “smart” you are and what you are capable of.

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Breaking crayons 0
Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 8:23AM) : Testing more

In this line we can see how the little girl is so overwhelmed that she wants to empty her school desk and break her crayons. This is just the beginning of where students become “burnt out” from school. At this age they should not already feel like school has broken their hopes and dreams.

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This poem is awesome... aesthetically. 0
Mar 16
Joshua H Joshua H (Mar 16 2021 10:03AM) : Contrast and Contradictions more

This poem is set up to look like a standardized test… even though tests don’t tell the whole story. Smart.

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New area 0
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DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:35am by Paul Hankins
Title: Poem

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Paragraph 7 (Image 1) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Wanting to give up 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:38AM) : This student is feeling what almost all students can relate to after taking a state test. more

After coming home from school she wants to give up and is burnt out. So many students can relate to this with school in general. This is what makes this line so impactful

Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 9:18AM) : I agree. Especially after our recent ISTEP testing it was easy to insert myself into these girl's shoes with feeling drained.
Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 2:03PM) : This girl wants to do nothing accept give up which is something nearly all students can relate to feeling.
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Giving up 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 10:44AM) : This portion of Mr. Harris's poem was easy for me to relate to. After many years of taking standardized tests, it is easy to become overwhelmed and mentally exhausted.
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Overwhelming 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 11:13AM) : The young girl is a great example of how most people feel after taking a test. Tests are given to show how much we have learned, but then we are given a number based on our work.Being given a certain number can take away your spark, but you have to fight.
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Change? 0
Mar 12
Hanna B Hanna B (Mar 12 2021 11:52AM) : How much have people's thoughts changed? The text talks about how a black child is the hardest worker in class, but that hard working slaves would be tortured. The color of your skin will always mean something to someone, look at how history repeats.
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daydreaming 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:49AM) : I think that the idea of children getting to school and not stopping daydreaming is very important because just in my little brother and sister, they are 2 years old, I can see the levels of imagination they have and just hope that it continues like that.
Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 2:06PM) : The fact that students should not stop daydreaming is very important because as w grow older people tell you almost continuously to grow up and to give up on your dreams to just get an ordinary job.
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state test in 2nd grade 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:51AM) : When reading, as a whole, about the 2nd grade student, and seeing that part where it said she "crawled" back into the computer, it made me think about the dreadfulness that I too used to feel when state standardized testing.
Mar 12
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 12 2021 1:56PM) : Second grade state-testing more

I read “after state testing, a 7-year-old girl arrives home. she tells her dad she wants to give up.” My heart broke. I remember when I was that age and felt that way too, and now having younger cousins who are that age I can’t imagine them wanting to give up because of a test we are forced to take that does no good for us. It is heart wrenching that these young kids with the biggest imaginations and the biggest creative minds want to give up because of a single test they were forced to take and pressured to do good on and if not basically called a failure.

Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 3:42PM) : The Computer more

This makes me kinda sad, because you see how much students spend in front of a computer, doing work they do not want to do.

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7 years old 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:53AM) : I think that having a 7 year old wanting to quit school is never a good thing, you would think this would say something about these tests. But for a kid to want to break their crayons, that is something that I think would be like a man punching a wall.
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:12PM) : This sentence shows the child's stress she is expressing her anger and losing the drive to learn at a young age.
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The truth about testing 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 12:04PM) : In my opinion tests do not show how well someone learns. A kid could study for hours and fail, when another kid could not even study and get a one hundred percent. I do not believe tests are a fair way to grade students achievement.
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D 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 12:21PM) : Comparing a young student to a slave. more

I think that the comparison that this text makes is very inappropriate. Comparing a hard young working student to a hard working slave. First off, why ridicule the fact that she was hard working, use that to encourage he to enjoy school again. Secondly, why compare this girl to a slave… a slave. Something that occurred over 150 years ago. Slavery was obviously a terrible thing, and for years after that there was still systemic racism. Looking in today’s society though, there is not that systemic racism and there is NOT slavery. This comparison just blows my mind really. This is why I believe culture is to blame.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 1:50PM) : systemic issues more

I do not believe that you can rule out ALL systemic racism, it most definitely exists. Just because you haven’t seen/experienced it doesn’t mean it’s not there. I’ve never seen X or Y is not valid when others have seen X and Y on numerous occasion in the system they live in.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 12:18PM) : This is a common idea discussed earlier in the course. "Do schools kill creativity?" Sir Ken Robbins I believe did a TED talk about this idea, and made some very compelling points.
Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 1:51PM) : Sir Ken Robbins more

His TED Talk did revolve around points like that. I agree with him in those points that schools tend to destroy creativity.

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Standardized testing 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 12:21PM) : I have never believed that standardized testing is a good. Some people are good at taking tests like the SAT and others are not
Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:02PM) : Test Anxiety more

I believe that there is no need for these standardized tests, they can cause test anxiety in some students that can cause them to fail in turn not be accepted into the schools they apply to.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 12:20PM) : I do not think that the Dept. of Education stopped caring about only black children specifically, but if it had, reparations would have been in order.
Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:05PM) : Issues for Black children more

A recent study by the national school board association found that in black households:
64% have parents whose education level is less than high school.
45% live in mother-only households.
35% live in father-only households.

So while not the fault of the Dept. of Edu. it can be realized that this happens so they can focus more on children of color that disproportionately get affected by this issue.

Link to article:

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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 12:21PM) : I believe this to be an unfair comparison, as the difference between being a hard working student and being a slave is incomprehensible. Slaves were beaten, school children are not.
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Standardized Testing. 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 1:24PM) : "When did legislation ever care about black kids reading?" more

The author is trying to convey to the audience that many black children are not given the same opportunities for education, and then punished by being held back when they fail a standardized test. Who are standardized tests helping? It is certainly not the teachers, students or the school.

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Middle School 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 1:23PM) : I can relate to this. I absolutely hated middle school
Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:07PM) : Yes, middle school sucked, it was almost never fun.
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Giving Up. 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 1:28PM) : "She wants to give up" more

When too much stress is put on a (very) young person, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and incompetency. Many children feel the need to give up and give in starting very young with school. Kids are not encouraged to like school, we encouraged to DEAL with it. The narrative needs to change in our younger years.

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Slavery 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 1:25PM) : I do not like this comparison between a student and a slave
Mar 16
Connor W Connor W (Mar 16 2021 11:42AM) : I disagree more

As a student, we lose certain freedoms. This loss of freedom is not as severe as a slave’s though.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 1:31PM) : Daydreaming more

When the author writes about the children who stop “daydreaming,” I think it is referred to how much of a child’s imagination is taken away during school.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:10PM) : Soul sucking more

School can be absolute creative bliss, or creativity manslaughter. there is little to no in between.

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Daydreams 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:38PM) : Daydreams more

I think it is important for children to continue daydreaming. This lets them be creative and happy, thinking about whatever they want to think about.

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stress 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 1:39PM) : stress and school more

As a high school student, I can relate to the girl because school in general can definitely take a toll on anyone.

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New take on Daydreams 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:40PM) : Daydreaming more

These lines also show how school can take away from a child’s imagination and daydreams. School can ruin the child’s sense of wanting to daydream and imagine.

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"Hardest working slave" 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:42PM) : Slavery more

This line is comparing slavery to a hard working student. I think many could take this line as even offensive. Why would someone want to say that? Even if she is hardworking, it should never be like a slave.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:42PM) : Mindset with testing more

This is an important thing to talk about within education of children because testing is not an indication of how smart you are, but that is what it being taught to kids. And that’s a problem.

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Young student testing 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:44PM) : Standardized testing more

These lines really show the frustration and hardworking thoughts of kids while taking these standardized tests. A second grader having more than 40 questions on a test seems unreal.

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Whole page. 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:44PM) : Am I done yet? *Question 40* more

There is not a single reason why young children should be taking exams this long. I think there are many reasons why students in high school don’t get their work done, one being:

Where is their support system? Not the school.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:12PM) : Schools have no consideration more

There is almost no consideration in schools for the children, it is always the teachers breaking their backs to support them (if that even happens).

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New area 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:48PM) : "She crawled back inside the computer" more

Crawled is an interesting word choice to make the point of how drained the second grader is. You can see the struggle.

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Frustration within school 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:46PM) : Frustration more

I think school makes many kids feel this way. So much work they cannot handle it all. This amount of work and study puts so much stress on students.

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Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 2:09PM) : He'S right. Test's should not and don't determine that students stance in the world of education and it shouldn't affect how he student should learn. An example, If a student fails a certain test, those scores shouldn't determine the classes available.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 2:17PM) : Getting held back because of one reading test. He states how she worked and worked, but the test is what set her back. "When did legislation ever care about black kids reading?" She had the dedication and work, but not the test scores that were expected
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New area 0
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 3:35PM) : day dreaming more

When we are young, daydreaming is showing imagination and creativity. As we get older, for instance teenage and up, day dreaming is classified as a defense mechanism to escape reality. It’s saddening that we go from day dreaming about fun, to turning it into an escape from whatever conflict is occuring.

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School.. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 7:54PM) : I can relate to this all the time.
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2nd Grade Students 0
Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 8:40AM) : Crawled back inside the computer more

We see in this line how a 2nd grader asks her teacher if she is done yet on question 40, but her teacher says no, so she crawls back into the computer. I think that part really stuck out to me because being a virtual student, I feel like I’m always on my computer or looking at a screen. Also it surprises me that a 2nd grader so about 7-8 years old is already getting a 40 question test, when they should be using their imaginations not sitting behind a desk all day long.

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Title 0
Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 8:46AM) : Testing Doesn't Tell the Whole Story more

When I first read the title, I thought it was interesting because testing really doesn’t tell the whole story. One test can not determine if you pass or not and what you are capable of doing. This kind of testing is hard because we don’t know what is on the test and we really don’t prepare for it that well. Also some of the things that are on the test are things that we learned over three years ago, so how do you think we will remember that?

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The whole image 0
Mar 16
Joshua H Joshua H (Mar 16 2021 10:16AM) : Tests only show what is written, and not what is thought. more

This poem is pretty relatable. Standardized tests are nothing but trick questions designed to keep students second guessing everything they do, expecting for them to do something in 60 minutes that most adults couldn’t do in a day.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:35am by Paul Hankins
Title: Poem

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Paragraph 8 (Image 1) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 8:02PM) : "we have one bedroom apartment with books as amenities". more

I find it interesting that he used books as their amenities. It goes to show how the lower income communities tend to enjoy the simpler things.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 8:03PM) : "my womb is an archive" more

I am not exactly sure what the author meant by this, I’d like to assume that her womb is like a library and she read about her daughter and fell in love during her pregnancy.

Mar 13
Lauren T Lauren T (Mar 13 2021 10:52AM) : My womb is an archive more

Most often times when a mother finally gives birth to her baby after enduring the long 9 months It took to form their child, they miss their pregnancy. They felt as if they were bale to protect their child from all the hate of the world, and just feel connected to them in a way no one would ever understand unless they were to carry a baby. She is nostalgic for the days she was able to protect her baby from the demons of the world, and misses those days.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 2:15PM) : Alternative meaning more

Perhaps, since a womb never truly recovers after childbirth, it signifies the fact that her child will always be with her. That the mother had changed and with her child, she will start a new part of her life. A new way of viewing the world with her very own motherly knowledge, he very own archive in her womb.

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:58PM) : It seems this poem is taking about a point before the daughter was born.
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Literacy and Books 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:13AM) : Can be a matter of pride. . .and privilege. There are many young students in our country for whom the thought of owning a book would be almost foreign to them despite a number of programs that might be offered to foster book ownership and reading.
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Verb Choice 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:14AM) : "I bookmarked her. . ." more

The poet literally suggests that he has marked a place for his daughter within books that she might read and have a part of her literate life.

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Perspective Shift 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:15AM) : Here, the poet seems to share a correspondence from a parent from one of his students' homes. more

Look for the planning for hope that is happening within this piece.

The womb is an “archive.”
How does the word “leaf” work in here?

Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 4:12PM) : Double Meaning more

The Womb is where we grow when our mother is pregnant, maybe school can be viewed as a place where we grow and learn.

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Building 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:37AM) : They are building up her life and allowing her to become someone who can fight her own battles and live on her own. But, they want her to look back at the lead up to that and "read" what she has become.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:03AM) : I think what this is saying that in a figurative way she was becoming apart of her story.
Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:15PM) : The author is letting the reader know that she is going to give her daughter the tools to understand and "read" her own path ahead.
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Life is a Story 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:54AM) : The author wants his daughter to create a story for herself that she can re-read later and be proud of it. This could be seen in a more negative perspective as well. Maybe he thinks his daughter is bound to live a story that many have lived before her.
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 3:21PM) : Response to Emme more

There are two sides to this. The author may be hopeful for a brighter future for his daughter, one she can look back on later in life with no regrets. However, he may be referring to his daughter ending up like him, wishing things were different.

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Figurative Language 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 8:56AM) : The author does not necessarily mean the daughter physically reads to him. I think the author learns lessons from his daughter as she reads the story of her life.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 8:59AM) : Amazing word pictures and metaphors employed here by the author. By speaking of a baby tooth found inside her the author's favorite book, it denotes that idea of sensitivity and how it deeply resonates with the author. These choices enforce the purpose.
Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 2:12PM) : The baby tooth more

The way that the author writes this stanza is jarring to say the least. At first I didn’t completely understand it. It seems to be about the author’s favorite book being something from here childhood. Perhaps her childhood is the favorite book? Maybe the daughter found the way that her parent looks back on their childhood, maybe the daughter reminds the parent of this childhood?

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Poor 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 9:24AM) : This statement made by the student makes you feel pity for him and his situation.
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 3:18PM) : Agree more

While explaining his living situation, there is a lot of pity brought on.

Mar 16
Eli H Eli H (Mar 16 2021 9:27PM) : Author more

I think this text is from the perspective of a mother, as it refers to “my womb” and talks about “my daughter”

Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 4:05PM) : Drawbacks more

A lot of things needed for virtual school, like wifi. Some students do not have that.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:14PM) : This is the child expressing her struggles. A child should be happy and carefree, not worrying about their living conditions at such a young age.
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A mother's love 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 11:28AM) : In the excerpt she says she chose her daughter and even though that is not true it shows how much she loves her and that she would not have wanted any other kids.
Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 4:08PM) : A mother's love more

A mother’s love is one of a kind. It takes real selflessness to put your kid’s needs before your own.

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 2:02PM) : A mother has a deep love and attachment to their children before the are even born that cannot be replicated.
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Following in someone's foot steps 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 11:30AM) : This whole poem makes me feel like the mom has bestowed her love of reading to her daughter and that their childhoods are very similar because they are filled with imagination and wonder.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:04AM) : I think the last line in this passage was saying that she is becoming a part of her.
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womb 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:36AM) : I think that this title really fits this poem because it talks about birth and it also almost seems like she talks about how she is sort of stuck in her situation how a baby is stuck in the womb
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Economics 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 12:37PM) : Economics more

When mentioning the lack of money this may appeal to a more ECONOMIC theme. The mother provides her daughter with very little money and space but is rich in knowledge and a passion for reading. Teaching her daughter to dive into books as a possible escape.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:14PM) : Escapes more

Life is stressful and escapes are needed. How to escape is very difficult. Some find a book or a game for example. Money has a lot to do with this though, there is only so much you can buy with knowledge.

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preparation 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 12:46PM) : "she would likely become a story I was preparing her to read" more

She was just preparing her for what her life would probably like instead of trying to change it.

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Metaphors 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 1:13PM) : Here is another metaphor
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. 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 1:19PM) : "She would likely become a story i was preparing her to read." more

The author says he is “preparing her to read” stories that will be similar to her life. He is referencing struggles that one may have throughout life that can be coped with through reading. There are always themes that can be pulled from books, and the themes come from how a characters acts (or does not act) on the conflicts he/she is presented with. He is preparing his daughter for the same, because by teaching her to read and enjoy literature, many life lessons can be learned via reading.

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Story 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 1:26PM) : With this line it almost seems that the parent is projecting onto the child. "She would become a story I was preparing.", shows this thinking which can be good or bad. The parent can teach about life experiences, but maybe their lessons plague the child.
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Unconditional Love 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 1:28PM) : This sentence shows the unconditional love a mother has for her child
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Honesty 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:34PM) : Honesty more

In this first line, the child is honest about his situation to his teacher. This shows his innocence, but also how they do not have money.

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whole page 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:39PM) : Indents more

Its interesting the way the author breaks up the sentences. It adds a sense of attraction to the lines but could be another grammatical choice in the same way the lowercasing is.

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Life 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 1:40PM) : Life more

I think the “story” is just life in general.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:53PM) : "The lips she formed read to me now" more

The growth and development of a child in the womb is one of the most beautiful things to me and this line embraces that.

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Womb Is An Archive 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 1:59PM) : This line shows the mother's unconditional love for her daughter.
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family 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 2:07PM) : family more

It seems like he has a lot of love for his family. He writes, “…when she was an embryo, a leaf fell in love with her.” It is obvious that he adores his daughter.

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money 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 2:09PM) : money more

Even though they did not have much, they still stuck together and loved one another.

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the quote 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 2:14PM) : quote more

The author says, “…some magical habits can become a new universe.” I think the quote references how childhood memories can become so much more.

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Keeping tabs 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 2:20PM) : This reminds of some sort of photo album that the author is trying to portray with his words. A sort of imagery.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 3:39PM) : love more

She writes how even before her daughter was born, she had it set to make her feel connected. She “bookmarked her”, which could be holding the place for when she does arrive and then the narrative will be hers to write.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 5:44PM) : Opinion more

To be a teacher and hear a student tell you that they do not have enough money for necessities must be tough to hear and it’s more common than we think.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:16PM) : Teachers' struggles more

When teachers hear this it is more than likely gut-wrenching. Some of them cannot even help the student afford materials.

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Habits 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 5:52PM) : "some magical habits can become a new universe" more

a habit is something that a person does regularly or is ordinary for them to be doing. This line has a important impact because it mentions a habit being magical, which it would not normally be seen as. It is these habits that can create a “new universe” which means creativity and finding joy in the normal aspects of life

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Emphasis of literature 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:42PM) : The mother states that her daughter will likely become a story she has already laid out for her to read. This suggest that the mother has found it to be a priority for literature to be a vital part within her daughters life.
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Womb. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 7:58PM) : I believe this is a good title because the passage is about child birth.
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Womb.. 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:04PM) : This passage makes you feel sympathetic to the author.
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Womb 2 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:28PM) : Inspire more

This poem is really inspiring because of how the poet talked about how her child would grow up through reading books.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:29PM) : Imagery more

While I was reading this piece I could imagine her reading to her daughter and taking her of her.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 9:07PM) : money more

This is one of the biggest crisis with kids in school right now. Many kids do not have enough money for their kid to go on field trips or get supplies, let alone have money for food.

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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 9:09PM) : story more

The parent was writing down the child’s story as she began to grow up. he was preparing to read her life to her as she got older. She would become the story that he gave her.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:31PM) : Comparison more

The author uses the sense of our first “home” in reference of feeling safe from the outside world. The womb is the first sense of closure and comfort we receive.

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Magical habits 0
Mar 15
Eli H Eli H (Mar 15 2021 1:48PM) : The narrator of the poem believes reading is a magical habit that can literally transform one's life. more

Reading can help a person figure out themselves and the world around them. It can steal a person away into a different world for a while. Literacy and reading fluency can determine one’s future career.

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Womb - Line 1 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 2:04PM) : "mr. Harris, we don't have a lot of money. we have one bedroom." more

Mr Harris is supposedly the author, because of the background Hankins has given and the next poem. Amenities is something pleasant. Books are always a pleasantly.

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Powerful line 0
Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 8:52AM) : Some magical habits become a new universe more

I thought that this line was very interesting because most habits become a part of your everyday life and if those habits are good, they can change your world. In 2021 one of my goals was to take a picture everyday of something good in life and looking back on just the first three months I can look back at all the things I take for granted.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:36am by Paul Hankins
Title: Poem

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Paragraph 9 (Image 1) 0
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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 9:00AM) : The author makes the choice to punctuate the piece with backslashes because they want the words to be whole with only some breakage. The reader's mind often bunches the words broken up by irregular punctuation.
Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 1:50PM) : Recognizing Race in literature more

“what do they think the story is going to be mostly about?” “They shout: not us…” The author recognizes the lack of racial identification within literature, Only about 21% of children’s literature is about the African American Community according to the CCBC (2017).

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : Diversify literature more

Children must be able to read about their own experiences through a character that is like them. A major factor that plays into this is race. A POC should be able to read a book relating to themselves.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 8:05PM) : "they finally see themselves" more

The students have finally realized that they are the minority and understand that some things are not equal including representation in children’s literature.

Mar 12
Austin D Austin D (Mar 12 2021 8:07PM) : "her students will be waiting in the classroom with torches" more

This is showing that students hate to read due to the lack of representation among the black community and having reading become a chore.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:09PM) : praying more

She says she prays to make it out. So this means the children are probably not having any fun learning. The teacher has to change that because if kids don’t enjoy learning then they are young they will have a hard time once they get older.

Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:12PM) : Children holding torches more

Does she think the kids hate her that bad to think that the kids would do something violent? I understand them not wanting to read but the author exaggerates. This keeps the audience intrigued though.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 2:19PM) : That is what I was thinking him saying this keeps the audience engaged into the text which is what a good author would do.
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Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:19AM) : This is an early skill taught to children as they learn to read. It is intended to have the students begin to read with a. . .purpose. . .in mind.
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:30AM) : Not Us more

There is a deficit in the amount of black children portrayed in books, especially children’s’ books. We saw a graphic organizer a few months ago in class that displayed this, where animals receive more representation than children of color.

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Order. . .is the "order." 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:20AM) : While many speak of "engagement" in the classmate, what is really honored (quietly) is the idea of "order." The involved student is not always engaged and but the engaged student will always be involved.
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Suspensions and Expulsions 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:21AM) : How often do we hear of suspensions and explusions within the building? Very little this year. Very little most years. This is not to say we don't have them. But we do not have them with the frequency of some urban school systems.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:06AM) : This is saying that the system is broken, ad there under a leash.
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"not us..." 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:27AM) : The author is showing the point of view of the children in class in regards to their race and common literature. more

The teacher asks the students, what do you think the story is going to be about, and they reply with, “not us…” This is saddening to me because the students are aware of how prejudice literature can be in regards to race. The author is trying to make the audience aware of the challenges African American children face in the classroom, even at a young age.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : Media more

There is not enough representation out there for POC, they have a hard time finding media about their cultures and families. The fact that the story wont be about them goes to show how left out they are from many of the other things literature has to offer.

Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 9:06AM) : Brianna says this well. The children do not hesitate in assuming the book has nothing to do with them or their culture. more

This reminds me of Francine Prose’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read.” Prose elaborated upon the outdated literature in classrooms. Students should never have to feel that the curriculum excludes their culture.

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Extrinsic Rewards 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:25AM) : There is a raft of research on why extrinsic awards do not work in the classroom, but here we see the reward of something sweet for the possibly distasteful.
Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 3:43PM) : Bribing Students With Candy more

This reminds me of my teachers bribing me to do work with candy.

Mar 15
Yahir V Yahir V (Mar 15 2021 2:20PM) : Bribery more

Students must be given a reason to work. Whether it be candy or a good grade.

Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:05AM) : I think in this it is saying that as a teacher sh is too controlling.
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 8:37PM) : Training Children more

From a young age, kids are trained to be “good” by being fed candies or getting extra recess time or a homework pass. They are told only good students are the silent ones who do their work, who don’t fidget or giggle. Since when is that how humans behave? We are a species of constant movement and noise, it’s how we keep ourselves focused. Some may do well with the silent conversation, but others cannot stand the silence.

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A Social Term 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:25AM) : To be "culturally-literate" is to be literate to the degree that one might function within his, her, or their culture.
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 9:01AM) : This idea of cultural literacy , while having a little bit different of a meaning draws us back to the pieces by Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass as they discuss the struggles of finding literacy amidst a culture full of oppression, specifically Douglass.
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 2:05PM) : representation more

Literacy is still predominately white. With little representation of POC. Even animals have more representation. “what do they think the story is going to be mostly about….not us”. That line is just saddening. All the kids knowing they won’t be represented and if they are, it’ll be a slim chance.

Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 2:18PM) : The idea of cultural literacy brings me back to the work that was done in the classroom in the second quarter, when we went into details about minorities and moral correctness.
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Epiphany 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:27AM) : The teacher is worried her students will realize their oppressed appearance. She worries that the candy and mindless stories will no longer be a distraction to the truth.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:08AM) : I think in this part it is saying the students think their teacher is the problem for shouting at them
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Two Words 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:26AM) : "not us. . ." more

This little response from this classroom will probably stay with me long after this consideration of the poems from Harris’s collection.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 8:41PM) : Representation more

These words “not us” shows how truly little representation colored people have in schools and the media and just about anywhere you look in the U.S. Young POC students never get to see themselves in all the picture books or written about in novels or even filmed as a main character in a movie. Teachers of all people should be showing their kids as much as they can of the world.

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The Image of the Books on Fire 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:27AM) : The students see themselves finally in a room wherein they had been surrounded by books. Now by fire, smoke, and destruction.
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Who is the story about? 0
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 8:35AM) : This line represent the lack of African American children pictured or referenced within youth books. Without these depiction who are these children to look up to? How are they supposed to connect with the book if they don't feel included?
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 9:13AM) : I completely agree with this comment. It is difficult for young children to grow up and not feel represented in their own depictions. It is important to include all of diverse cultures and knowledge into children's education.
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Frustration 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:52AM) : This part of the poem shows the frustration that the children had that they were not represented in literature, and it got them angry.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:54AM) : This sentence from the poem shows the anger that these children had because they were not represented in literature.
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 3:41PM) : searching more

The students are “burning” through books, unable to find something to represent them. The burning books filing the air, until finally they find something to represent them.

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Breakage 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 9:02AM) : The stanzas break mid-thought here. The author chooses to do this so emphasize on the chaos the teacher experiences.
Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 3:45PM) : The Stress more

I cannot even count the amount of times I have not been able to sleep because of the stress of my schoolwork.

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The Students Rage 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 9:33AM) : This shows how much anger the students had because they were not being represented in literature.
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"All night she prays to make it out" 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 10:15AM) : This line can be relatable for many teenagers who deeply desire to leave their hometown and be something other than what the people in their town think they should be. more

However, with these dreams to become their own person, they acknowledge limitations within themselves, and must begin a journey of discovering themselves in order to be successful.

Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 9:01AM) : "All night she prays to make it out" more

This line stuck out to me because you can tell how frustrated the teacher is and wants her students to make it out. I think the author includes this part to show that it is okay to leave the little bubble you grew up in and explore the world.

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Name tags on bullets 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 10:59AM) : This line shows a teacher allowing her own fear to label her students as either victims of gun violence or perpetrators the same before they have had a chance to grow up. Maybe this fear is rational, but it may also be irrational. more

One can never understand another individual’s fears without living a day in their shoes.

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The use of creepy language 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 11:37AM) : The creepy way the author chose to write this poem is a good way to draw people in. Creepy and scary is not everyone's thing but a lot or people are into the thrill of being spooked. This poem does a good job of that.
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litature 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:42AM) : elegant literature is like candy to the moth it is sweet and brings joy when it is expressed in a sentance.
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quiet as a curfew 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:44AM) : this simile sounds like trying to be sneaky not quiet, if it is curfew you are trying to be sneaky if you are late and thats what it makes me think of.
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sarrow 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:44AM) : this shows some of the struggles of our school systems. They are ruining students and people. many of them are smart but there future is dependent and multi million organizations.
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hardship 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:45AM) : the students are afraid and tired from the information being crammed in there head as they shout out not us.Their character is slowly being lost.
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name tags around bullets 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 12:47PM) : "she ties her students' name tags around bullets" more

I think this is a very powerful and sad line that is also very real.

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Metaphor Here 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 1:05PM) : Here we see the author utilize another metaphor as the text states, "black mouths are black holes."
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quiet as curfew 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 1:05PM) : "wants their mouths quiet as curfew" more

I thought this was a very interesting comparison

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Possible personification 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 1:10PM) : "She asks a room," is most likely referring the room in terms of the students, but it could also potentially be personifying the room, because after all, the smartest voice in the room is the room.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:09AM) : I think this is saying that the kids hate reading out loud in the room.
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Metaphor in line 4 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:21PM) : "Black mouths are black holes" more

The author uses a form of figurative language as a rhetorical choice for the readers to understand on a poetical level. “Black mouths are black holes” a comparison between two things without using like or as.

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Line 12 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:35PM) : "Not us" more

Adding on to what Ella said, there is a proportionately low amount of black voices being shared in children’s books and movies. My baby cousin is five years old with an obsession of the movie “Frozen” with two beautiful white women.

Since then, she has complained about having dark skin (she is a quarter Black, quarter Korean, half Lebanese) and it saddens me because she has little source of relation to any children’s entertainment because of the under-representation of people of color.

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Classroom on Fire 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:42PM) : Vivid Imagery more

The detail of the room burning paints a vivid picture

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Not Us 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:43PM) : Lack of representation in the media
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New area 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 1:50PM) : Black Hole more

Black holes suck everything up and nothing ever escapes. Black voices are often silenced even if they have knowledge and experience. I think it is an interesting look at education and commentary on the social climate if that was a point he was trying to make.

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A sense of purpose 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:50PM) : A sense of purpose more

The teacher gives the students some “food for thought” and tells them to think about what they think the story is going to be mostly about. This can be a good way to begin teaching purpose within stories to younger students.

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Interesting wording 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:59PM) : Interesting wording more

These first two lines give an interesting perspective on what the teacher is trying to say. “Ties her students’ name tags around bullets” leaves interesting thoughts in the readers head.

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Repetition across Poems 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 2:01PM) : Most of the previous poems appear to drop the reader off in the middle of a scenario without knowing who is speaking and who is being addressed.
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Black mouths are black holes 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 2:14PM) : "Black mouths are black holes" more

This metaphor comparing black mouths to black holes is to say that black voices aren’t heard and they fall on deaf ears. It is a black hole because what is said dissolves into the abyss, never to be heard.

Mar 15
Daisy P Daisy P (Mar 15 2021 2:17PM) : This is expressing the struggles of the black community, each night there are thousands of mouths that go unfed. Those mouths are then forced to work in rather difficult conditions.
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Curfew 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 5:19PM) : We don't hear the word curfew as often growing up. Maybe because our parents think that as we grow older, our sense of responsibility and justice does as well.
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Reading time 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 5:32PM) : Reading can be a drag sometimes for many of us, but if we don't read then we won't learn.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 6:04PM) : Deeper meaning more

Could the author possibly mean that students have possibly discovered who they really by saying that the “finally see themselves” ?

Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 3:23PM) : Response to Aron more

I think the author meant the students finally realized who they are to society and have discovered what their future may look like.

Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:10AM) : I think this is saying in a metaphoric way, that they broke out of their shell, becoming more creative.
Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 2:08PM) : Identidy more

I think this is about finding one’s identity and becoming more confident within one’s skin.

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"They finally see themselves" 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 6:18PM) : "They finally see themselves" more

I think this line means that at the end of all things, the students begin to see who they really are and appreciate that and not focus on what others in society may think about them.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:08PM) : Lack of representation more

They burn the books because they are sick of getting no representation in the books they read.

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Repeat of the word 'Alive' 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:38PM) : This is a nod to the title of the book, "Making it to School ALIVE." The restatement of the word alive, shows the importance of the word in his book.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:35PM) : stanza more

This stanza shows the hardships of being a teacher. The students hating the idea of learning and reading while they make out their students holding torches towards them in rage.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Daniel M Daniel M (Mar 12 2021 10:13PM) : Most teachers use silence to gauge the attention of the class, but a lot of the time, silent students are not truly engaged in their work, they are just taking the notes.
Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 8:43PM) : Silence more

I agree, silence can be very deceiving in the classroom. The fact that teachers push for a silent student is a useless motive. Silence really has nothing to do with attentiveness.

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Training 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:49PM) : Training more

I feel that in this day and age kids should not be trained and fed mouth “candy” to learn what to say and what not to. All kids should learn proper manners and such. But in the way this line is presented, I do not agree with this cultural way of life.

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New area 0
Mar 15
Trey S Trey S (Mar 15 2021 9:31AM) : topic more

gives idea of what the poem will be about

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 2:20PM) : This lets us know what we are going to start reading about.
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terrifying but true 0
Mar 15
Jesse B Jesse B (Mar 15 2021 1:57PM) : there is an abhorrent lack of diversity in popular books
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Black moons 0
Mar 16
Eli H Eli H (Mar 16 2021 9:14PM) : A red moon or blue moon is a rare event and the phrase "once in a blue moon." This might be a reference to the rarity of the future reaction the students have, or it could be something invisible, as a black moon against a black sky would not be visible.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:36am by Paul Hankins
Title: Poem

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Paragraph 10 (Image 1) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
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Whole Image 0
Mar 12
Belle G Belle G (Mar 12 2021 10:21AM) : Mr. Harris shows continuously throughout this poem how deeply he cares for his students. All teachers who truly care about their students stick with those children for the rest of their lives. more

This simple act of kindness from Mr. Harris will never leave this young student’s mind and will greatly influence him for the rest of his life.

Mar 15
Jordyn R Jordyn R (Mar 15 2021 8:47PM) : Quartez's Kindness more

I feel like a big reason Harris is so compassionate toward his students is because he knows what it’s like to not be treated fairly in school. He wants better for his students. He wants to give them the opportunities he never had as a little kid.

Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:32AM) : Irony more

There is irony in walking past homes where air conditioning is a flick of a button away when you have to carry a fan home from school to get any cool air. This could also be a reference to the historical segregation of poorer black neighborhoods and richer white neighborhoods.

Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:34AM) : Baby sister more

There is a certain love than an older sibling has for a baby sister, coupled with a fierce urge to protect them. This line tugged on my heartstrings a little.

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:39PM) : Jaylin more

He seems excited for summer and has thought about making this tent with the fan for awhile

Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:41PM) : Normal more

This seems to be a normal poem about a normal life of a child excited about summer and excited to spend time with his family.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 2:16PM) : I am on the same page as Grant I think this just your average poem about life and they do make it sound good.
Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 3:56PM) : True Devotion more

I do not know if people understand the relationship of sisters. I have my younger sister and she is one of my best friends.

Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 4:00PM) : A True Teacher more

Mr. Harris’ care for his students will probably stay with them forever. I have a couple of teachers like that.

Mar 15
Ryan S Ryan S (Mar 15 2021 1:55PM) : This poem describes a typical child's excitement for summer.
Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:14PM) : Not having anything to do more

As a child you didn’t need to go anywhere to make you happy. Just not having school and being able to play outside and stay home was enough for a lot of children. That is not the case as you get older though.

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The Gift 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:24AM) : The poet, Mr. Harris, has gifted the student the classroom fan as it won't be needed over the summer (but it would be in a student's home). Many urban teachers "adopt" their students in this manner.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 8:31AM) : The potential of a teacher more

Through these various poems we can see that this teacher Mr.Harris has a deep love and understanding for his students. Within this poem, Mr.Harris has recognized that one of his students comes from a less fortunate home where they have no AC for the summer. However Mr.Harris giving the boy a fan has slightly improved this boy and his family’s life with his gracious act.

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The Focus of a Break 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:28AM) : There are no big vacations planned here. This is a basic plan of creature comforts in attempting to stay cool all summer.
Mar 15
Jesse B Jesse B (Mar 15 2021 2:01PM) : I found that this was just something that made me feel really good. the way the teacher gave up the classroom fan for one of their students' well being
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Gratitude 0
Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 8:31AM) : The warm and kind student exchanges kindness and eagerness towards his instances. He is taunted by the nearby mountains of houses with air conditioned on the way to his without. He seems to fly away gracefully, without anger.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:20AM) : I think this section is also speaking about how the teacher doesn't know where they come from, and how she comes from a high class area.
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"i laid my tears across his desk" 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:32AM) : The teacher is showing the deep compassion he has for his student after the student takes the fan home for his family, due to not having air conditioning in their house. more

This is showing how much the author cares for his students, and how deeply he feels compassion for them, knowing they may not have it the best at home.

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The Houses The Students Pass 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:29AM) : All have air-conditioners. This thing many of us take for granted are being passed by a ten-year-old carrying a used fan away from school.
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Opening Windows 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 8:30AM) : Often do little to cool a home and can be dangerous in some neighborhoods.
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" make a tent" 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:35AM) : This is showing the joy the student felt after knowing he is taking home a fan to family. more

In doing this, he will “make a tent” for family, so they have air conditioning for the summer. This shows how big of a heart this student has, and the joy he gets from being able to help his family.

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Reading the Room 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:46AM) : Tears are falling onto this child's desk and he rearranges his tears into a smily face, total opposite of the current emotion. But, for a kid to do that it is cute. If an adult did that to another adult it would be a "read the room" type of moment. [Edited]
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New area 0
Mar 12
Emme R Emme R (Mar 12 2021 9:13AM) : The word choice here leads me to find imagery as well. "His locs kissing his face" paints a vivid picture in my mind.
Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 2:09PM) : Throughout this whole piece he has been using imagery and other figurative language.
Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:17PM) : Description more

Not all others can write to wear people know exactly what you are talking about and what it looks likes. The author has done just that though.

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Bird Lifting Off The Ground 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 9:26AM) : This line has a simile, comparing the student leaving to a bird lifting off the ground.
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A caring teacher 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 11:40AM) : The teacher in this poem seems to really miss their kids when they graduate, almost to the point of it being creepy. I thought it was cute until the part where the teacher made her tears look like his smile.
Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:18PM) : Agree more

I agree that the teacher really did care for her students, as most teachers do.

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summer 0
Mar 12
Tavian S Tavian S (Mar 12 2021 11:46AM) : When I read the windows poem and saw where someone asked what their plans are this summer it made me think to myself what my plans are and how they might play out in accordance to covid restrictions.
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memories 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:47AM) : Jaylin seems to be having a flashback of when he was young and when his imagination was fully there able to be expressed out to the world.
Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:17AM) : This shows how simple people are , and some people just want to relax.
Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:20PM) : memories more

She remembers what the kids looked like because she did care. “I laid my tears across his desk, and rearranged them in an arch exactly like his smile.”

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tears 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:49AM) : This teacher or student seems to be saddened by the other student leaving school. Knowing they may never see that student again and whatever knowledge they have given will be finished.
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 1:59PM) : emotion more

He has tears as his student leave. Most likely fearing for them, and hoping they arrive home safely. Not affected by gun violence, or walk out, and not return. Fears that not everyone deals with, and not everyone will understand.

Mar 15
Ross S Ross S (Mar 15 2021 8:15AM) : I think in this section, it is speaking about how in some areas the houses look drastically different.
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last day 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:50AM) : For me the last day was always sad especially when many memories have been made throughout the year.
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other memories 0
Mar 12
Josiah F Josiah F (Mar 12 2021 11:51AM) : Jaylin is remembering his family. Family is important in life and if you have one you should charrish them.
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Summer 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 12:02PM) : Summer is usually thought of as the happy time when there is no burden of school. People fail to realize summer is hard for some people, they don't know where they will get food or if they have a place where they will be safe.
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Imagination 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 12:00PM) : This description of summer plans by the little boy hows how children can have fun with the most basic things. Something I fear we lose as we get older.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Ethan N Ethan N (Mar 12 2021 12:02PM) : This sounds like a description of government subsidized housing, where several families are stack on top of each other in tall buildings.
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Love 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 12:43PM) : Love more

This experience between a student and teachers demonstrates just how powerful a relationship with a mentor and/or teacher can be. They truly care for their students, only wanting the best for them, nothing less only more.

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Titles 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 1:11PM) : With each title, I wonder more about how it will lay a role in following a similar theme, as well as how t relate to the overall title of the text.
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Figurative Language Again 0
Mar 12
Lucas D Lucas D (Mar 12 2021 1:17PM) : This is just one more example of figurative language in the pieces by the author, as we see a simile here, as the text states, "like the shadows of birds lifting off the ground." The author employs many types of figurative language to further themes.
Mar 15
Lacey T Lacey T (Mar 15 2021 2:22PM) : response more

It seems like the author uses figurative language a lot throughout this piece. It gives the audience a vivid picture though.

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Personification 0
Mar 12
Carter S Carter S (Mar 12 2021 1:17PM) : This is personification
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Line 4: Personification 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:23PM) : "His locs kissing his face" more

The author uses personification to describe the way the boys hair interacted with his face. The author uses the word “kissed” which leads me to use a sense of imagery when thinking of the setting.

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Whole page 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:27PM) : lowercasing more

I have noticed the author does not like to write “grammatically correct” which is common now when we read poetry, particularly poetry of young adults since it has become a trend to text in all lowercase. it adds grace but still effect, in my opinion.

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Line 6 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:28PM) : "baby sister singing in the trees" more

I find this thought interesting because it seems like an oddly specific suggestion of the author and makes me wonder the relationship he has with his baby sister

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Shoestrings 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 1:30PM) : This is a good example of imagery. It is also carefree, just a kid going home for the summer and not a care in the world.
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line 5 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 1:37PM) : Personification? more

This is perhaps another example of personification but it might also depend on how it is perceived/meant by the author.

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Windows 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:44PM) : The title is again reiterated in the last word of the poem
Mar 14
Katherine H Katherine H (Mar 14 2021 3:48PM) : Windows more

I think every student has gazed out the window, wishing they could be somewhere else.

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Relying on the Mouths of Windows 0
Mar 12
K B (Mar 12 2021 1:46PM) : Contrasting the child keeping a fan inside with windows opening more

They won’t need to open a window, nor worry about that boy being without sunshine

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No plans for the summer 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 1:54PM) : No plans for the summer more

As we see in these lines, this student is more than excited to take home a fan for the summer. When the teacher asks about his summer plans, the biggest thing he has in mind has to do with the fan he was just given for the summer. I think this shows a lot about how much this small gesture meant to him, and how it will be meaningful the whole summer.

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Positive view 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 2:02PM) : Positive view more

These last few lines give a very positive view of the teacher. The student is forever changed by this kind teacher. I am sure he is upset about having to leave this teacher for the summer, but her kindness will forever stay with the student. This is almost life changing for the student.

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Defying The Sun's Power 0
Mar 12
Matteo D Matteo D (Mar 12 2021 2:03PM) : Shows the strength of the tears and the emotions behind them.
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Appreciative 0
Mar 12
Isabel O Isabel O (Mar 12 2021 2:07PM) : Appreciative more

Although most of us have air conditioning, we take for granted the things we have that many people do not. This student is more than happy to bring home a fan for the summer. To us, this would be a weird gesture and not needed. We should be more appreciative with what we have, especially compared to these students.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 2:11PM) : figure of speech more

This line has both simile and imagery. Comparing house looks to cathedral looks. But it also provides an image of what the buildings look like.

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metaphor/ figurative language 0
Mar 12
Reese G Reese G (Mar 12 2021 2:11PM) : metaphor more

When the author says the baby was “singing in the trees,” he used a metaphor.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 5:46PM) : Names more

One again the author calls out the name of a student. This gives the poem a personal feeling. Jaylin is not just some kid. He has a name, a face, a family, and a story that are all his own.

Mar 15
Katie B Katie B (Mar 15 2021 2:10PM) : The inclusion of a name allows the audience to be able to connect more with the excerpt. The name Jaylin allows us to put a name with the personality.
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New area 0
Mar 12
Aron G Aron G (Mar 12 2021 5:52PM) : Last day of school more

We all love the sound of Last day of school. I know I do, especially if it’s been a long year of school.

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Imagery and Creativity 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 5:58PM) : "I will lay my blanket over the fan. Blast it on high to make a tent." more

This line has imagery because just by reading it, one can imagine what is looks like. I also thought that it shows creativity because they are making something exciting out of simple materials. This also requires some imagination which seems to be present in children.

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Tears and Smiles 0
Mar 12
Emily M Emily M (Mar 12 2021 6:13PM) : "I laid my tears across his desk and rearranged them exactly like his smile" more

This line is showing that the negative aspects of life can still be looked at in a positive light. While it is difficult to do changing an emotion from a negative to a positive can help you feel better about a situation even if it cannot be changed entirely.

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impactful moment 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:53PM) : Mr. Harris obviously cares deeply about his students, which is shown by him giving a fan to one of his students, which seems like a small act of kindness. However, this small act brought great joy to his student which over welled him with joy as well.
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meaning of title 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 6:59PM) : The title 'Windows' makes mention to the fact of many of the students living in low income homes that do not have air-conditioning and have to open the windows to receive any type of cool air instead.
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childhood 0
Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 7:06PM) : This line brings mention to the childhood imagination and innocence. Mr. Harrison gave Jaylin the fan since his house did not have any air-conditioning, but, as a child, Jaylin does not think of it this way and instead thinks of how he can use it in a for more

Mr. Harrison gave Jaylin the fan since his house did not have any air-conditioning, but, as a child, Jaylin does not think of it this way and instead thinks of how he can use it in a fort with his family.

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Air conditioners 0
Mar 12
Braxton S Braxton S (Mar 12 2021 8:15PM) : It's hard to believe that so many people can live without an air conditioner in their home.
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New area 0
Mar 12
mia p mia p (Mar 12 2021 9:11PM) : walking more

A good metaphor is discovered here about the boy and birds. The boy is on his way home and is disappearing in the shadows just like birds do.

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symbolism 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:38PM) : window symbolism/prediction more

The symbol of a window shows a spiritual awakening in the body in which the soul can travel between. On this page the title can predict a sense of longing for the soul to travel outside the classroom and live life.

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tone 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:42PM) : tone more

the tone of this stanza is sort of a mix between hope and sadness. In the beginning the sadness tone appears with it saying “I laid my tears across his desk.” The hopeful side of the ton is when it said “defying the sun’s power.” Both these tones give the stanza an powerful message.

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New area 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:44PM) : dialogue more

the dialogue between the students gives the reader a feel of who they are. It allows them to put personality to the characters in the book.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:44PM) : Last Day more

The quote “On the last day of school” reminds me of the current times we are in. Today marks the one year anniversary of school being shut down due to covid. Little did we know that was the last day of the school year. Sometimes I wonder if I would have known prior, if I would’ve been more meaningful and present during those last few days of my sophomore year.

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 12:46PM) : Air Conditioners more

I feel that the quote “Air conditioners hanging out the window” can signify more detail into the reading. This creates more of an imagine. Not everyone is able to have air conditioning all through the house. This shows the condition he was in as he lived through the summer

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New area 0
Mar 13
Kali M Kali M (Mar 13 2021 1:52PM) : Sadness. more

He quotes how he lays his head down, and as his tears fall he forms them into a shape. This line makes me feel sorry for him. I feel that no child should come to a sense of this much sadness during their summer time.

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Windows - last line 0
Mar 15
Hailey D Hailey D (Mar 15 2021 2:01PM) : "they wouldn't have to rely on raising the mouths of their windows." more

Kindness. Not everyone has air conditioning. I don’t think people realize the amount they have, I type as I listen to my air conditioner blowing beside me. Just a little kindness. Compassion for the fellow human. That’s what saves lives.

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Summer Plans 0
Mar 15
Sydney S Sydney S (Mar 15 2021 3:28PM) : This shows the small things that are considered special to him. It's not like he is going on a big vacation and has a lot of plans. He simply wants to be with his family.
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Windows 0
Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 9:07AM) : Telling his mom more

We see here in this line how he has received a fan for air-conditioning and the smile on his face to go tell his mom. I couldn’t imagine not having AC in my house during the summer and realize that is something else I take for granted. I wonder what his moms and other family members’ reaction to the fan was?

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Comparison 0
Mar 16
Eli H Eli H (Mar 16 2021 9:20PM) : The neighborhood houses appeared to be as upscale and fancy as cathedrals because they had a necessity that Jaylin did not have. To him, even cold air is an amenity.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

Added March 10, 2021 at 10:42am by Paul Hankins
Title: A Conversation with Quartez Harris

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Paragraph 11 (Video 1) 0
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Whole Video 0
Mar 10
Paul H Paul H (Mar 10 2021 10:45AM) : On the Day We Consider QH more

You’ll want to bring your earbuds so that you can view/consider the interview with the poet separately and apart from the room.

Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 9:04AM) : Minute 7:22 more

DGK seems to be completely overjoyed to be interviewing Quartez Harris. He has many achievements and an outstanding title.

Mar 12
Destiny B Destiny B (Mar 12 2021 7:11PM) : Background more

I found the authors educational background interesting considering his line of work now. By watching the video I was able to achieve a different outlook onto the book, as well as, deeper knowledge about the author himself.

Mar 15
Zachary Z Zachary Z (Mar 15 2021 2:10PM) : He is very inspiring with all the achievements and what he done throughout his life.
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00:08 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 6:45AM) : A Little Bit of Echo at the Beginning more

Remember that platforms like ZOOM and MEET were new to a lot of people last year. This echoing only lasts for a bit and is not a problem with your connection or playback—-Mr. Hankins

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00:23 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 6:48AM) : The Executive Director of TWELVE LITERARY ARTS more

Unfortunately, the audio made us miss the introcution of the speaker here. His name is: DANIEL GRAY-KONTAR.

You can find out more about TWELVE LITERARY ARTS here:

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01:06 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:45AM) : A little bit of SPACECAT more

Here we get a further look into the author and his background. Where he has lived plays an important role in his poetry work. His degree is also interesting considering his work.

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01:09 0
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 3:17PM) : potential contributing factor more

It is stated how he has a degree in social work. This makes me wonder if that is a factor in why he writes about his students experiences and cares so much for them.

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02:33 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:48AM) : Adaptability more

It is very encouraging to see creative communities adapt to the difficult situations the pandemic has brought on. They started a video meeting and have people text their questions in.

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03:11 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:50AM) : "Ripe age of 19" more

We learn a little bit about this author here. A little humor is injected in with the phrase “ripe age of 19.” Through deduction, we can probably assume that Mz.Johnson is a handworker. She got a prestigious membership at a young age.

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03:50 0
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 3:22PM) : tone more

The tone and way Telina enunciates the poem really adds to the feel. It reveals the emotion behind each stanza, and each line

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03:56 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 6:00PM) : This poem gives me very powerful vibes and I can tell there is a lot of emotion in every word.
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04:15 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 9:47PM) : "She birthed an alien" more

This is a metaphor, because mama did not really birth an alien.

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04:30 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:50PM) : Speech more

I really like that she is not just reading the poem very monotone like but putting empathize on words and making it feel more impactful.

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04:50 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:28AM) : Repetition more

The author says the phrase “there’s rainbows in the water” multiple times in this poem.

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04:59 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 8:53PM) : Repetition more

She used repetition in her poem by saying “there’s rainbows in the water” a few times.

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05:23 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 8:12AM) : Different perspectives more

It is interesting to hear how other people perceive things and to have all of these different perspectives on one thing such as a rainbow. Personally, I never would have thought of it like that until hearing her explain it.

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05:34 0
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05:49 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 6:06PM) : Biblical reference more

Telina Johnson mentions the rainbow as being like an ark. That reminded me of the story in the Bible where after the flood God sent a rainbow to tell Moses he would never flood the Earth again.

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05:53 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:20AM) : "Rainbow" more

Telina Johnson explains the role of the “rainbow” in her poem. She states that she sees a rainbow as “seeing over a circumstance, or a situation, in the world that you are in.” She then goes on to say she sees it as, “an overarching circumstance where you have the mentality to know all possibilities in the point of view or perspective you’re in.” She is using a rainbow in this poem to show how one can be “above” a conflict and look at it from different point of views.

Mar 12
Lindsay B Lindsay B (Mar 12 2021 9:10AM) : Telina Johnson's metaphor was refreshing in the sense of self perseverance. Especially in times like these where circumstances are frighteningly uncertain, this metaphor signifies hope.
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 8:54AM) : rainbow interpretation more

Johnson repeatedly refers to a rainbow within her poem. To Johnson this rainbow represent the good coming from the bad, or the ability to think of the good and turn around your situation, so you are in control.

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06:01 0
Mar 12
Colleen O Colleen O (Mar 12 2021 3:27PM) : arc more

This is an interesting thought. I never would have thought a rainbow could stand for “seeing over a circumstance or situation in the world your in”. That is a really good idea, since the rainbow goes up over and around, covering everything under it

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06:02 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:12AM) : Rainbows more

Here is a great example of CHOICE. As Telina describes her viewpoint on rainbows, it allows us to understand a little better her viewpoint when creating this poem. Poetry is one of those forms that is very much up to the reader to interpret the meaning, but at the same time the feelings ad understanding of the author shines through. Her choice to include rainbows is reliant on how she views them and what they could mean for others.

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06:50 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 11:56AM) : "What I'm hearing you say." more

Readers can have many different interpretations of a piece. Many time it can be different from what the author intended, but I think that’s part of the beauty of poetry and literature. The readers start to see pieces of themselves and their own lives in stories.

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07:25 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:17AM) : Relationship more

When Quartez first joins the meeting, DGK refers to him as brother. While at first this my be taken as just slang talk, DGK then goes on to speak about the growth that he has seen Quartez undergo. I believe this may point to a deeper connection then what first meets the eye.

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07:31 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 6:11PM) : Brother more

When Quartez Harris came on the interview DGK referred to him as “brother”. I think this shows respect and a closeness between the two.

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08:32 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 5:28PM) : Tech Problems more

It’s strange to watch videos now during COVID times and see how people dealt with it. There are issues with mics, cutting out, and it’s a very real look at the reality right now. This is the world we live in and have been living in for a year now.

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09:10 0
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10:14 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 12:01PM) : References to current events more

This video could serve as a sort of historical time capsule going forward, with references both to recent race issues and to the pandemic. Decades into the future, this could provide a very clear and very human snapshot.

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10:17 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 9:50PM) : Common questions more

The most commonly asked question in modern time would be “how are you handling this pandemic?” and things of this nature, so naturally it is going to be the first thing asked to teachers, who have to worry about an abundance of students in one place at the same time while still getting them educated.

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10:18 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 6:19PM) : Teacher during the pandemic more

Teachers have been working just as hard if not harder during the pandemic months. My mom for example works for hours after school just to make sure her kids have good ways to learn.

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10:34 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 6:59AM) : Roles of the Poet (ETHOS and PATHOS) more

Here, Quartez says, “Before I am educator, I am a parent. My son attends Cleveland Metropolitan School District.” Here we not only see ETHOS, but we see that sort of thread through the poetry collection.

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10:38 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 8:23AM) : "I am afraid" more

Since this interview is taking place when we didn’t know much about covid, we are getting to see how pretty much everyone was feeling around that time. We didn’t really know anything about it and Harris saying “I am afraid” pretty much sums up what we were all feeling.

Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:43AM) : I agree more

Like you said about everyone being afraid, I was a little afraid too because I did not know how widespread it would become and how devastating it would be.

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10:43 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 9:03PM) : Family more

It is interesting for him say he is a father first then an educator and I think this can be very important lesson to set your priorities straight.

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10:57 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:28AM) : Research more

Personally, I had no clue about the effects of COVID on different races. It never crossed my mind to research something like that. It brings to light the question of how much do we really know? And how much of the population is ignorant to details like this? May it be willful or not.

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11:12 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 7:01AM) : The Historical Context more

It’s probably really important to note that this interview occurs when we are only really just learning about COVID-19. But the fear that Harris discusses here was/is (or should be) real even as fear gives way to informed decision making and moving forward.

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11:30 0
Mar 12
Rosie G Rosie G (Mar 12 2021 9:03AM) : After hearing Harris discuss the meaning of the Ocean poem, I feel I have gained a better understanding of what hes trying to say. The pressure the parent has put on the school system as he feels he is unable to help his son succeed.
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11:35 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 8:56AM) : It is interesting to hear other peoples opinions on Covid-19. Whenever you are personally affected by it, meaning someone important in your life is high risk, you think of the virus differently and you act on it differently. [Edited]
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11:39 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:25AM) : Far Too Long more

For people like Quartez, who is a parent and educator, I often wonder if he even thought about the fact that COVID could still be happening now. As we have now around the one year mark of COVID’s more devastating reign, I wonder if he could have predicted this and if he would have done things different giving the titles/responsibilities he has.

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11:50 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 12:07PM) : "I try to write about it a lot" more

For some, writing can serve as a form of therapy. It can also be a way to puzzle out and think over a situation. Mr. Harris’s poems seem to have been about things he has experienced that have upset him. It could speak to the depth of his distress that Mr.Harris is writing about these situations now. A little bit of pathos.

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11:52 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 8:15AM) : "I don't think I can write away these issues." more

When asked what it is like being an educator in the midst of all the uncertainty, Quartez Harris first address his concerns/fears over the safety of his son and his students. Quartez states his idea of trying to write upon this particular subject, but responds, “I don’t think I can write away the issue the only think I can do is bring voice to them.” Meaning the pandemic unfortunately cannot change, but through writing Quartez hopes to bring light to all the issues this global pandemic has caused.

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11:58 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:32AM) : "write away these issues" more

I found it interesting that Quartez chose to say a bit about not writing away the issues. I feel like sometimes in writing and media, the stories are often skewed for the entertainment value, instead of presenting them as hard cold truths. Quartez’s using his voice to allow the issues to become louder is just a nice change to hear from the day to day norm.

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12:26 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 8:31AM) : "Ocean" more

Ocean, one of Quartez Harris’s poems, describes a father unable to offer his son the world due to lack of resources and money. The father is forced to depend on the education system that failed them, to teach his son. “I pray he can swim as far as his hand chooses to reach.” The word choice this author uses as contributes to this idea that the ocean is huge, the father wants nothing more than for his son to be able to “swim as far as his hands choose to reach.” Quartez uses different a relation of the ocean throughout the entire poem. "

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12:37 0
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13:00 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 8:36AM) : Thematic Categories more

Before reading the poem, Quartez gives the audience a short summary behind the writing of “Ocean.” Mentioning that even though may parents want the best for their child, majority of parents are “not in a position, economically, to do that.” This may tie into one of the Thematic Categories of ECONOMICS, due to the fact that money is tight, which causes may parents to only be able to afford a public education.

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13:01 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:00AM) : Most parents want the best for their child and will fight to give them the best opportunities they can receive.
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13:27 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 7:03AM) : "Ocean" more

Quartez Harris reads “Ocean” a selection from this textual set. After hearing Harris read the piece, consider going back to that poem with new insights.

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13:34 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:35AM) : More Choices more

Once again we have a skilled poet explaining his choice of wording. As Quartez describes his relationship with the word ocean, it allows us to gain insight on where he envisions the poem leading the reader.

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14:02 0
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14:38 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 8:33AM) : "I hope he doesn't grow up like me" more

Harris explains how he sent his kid to the same school that he dropped out of in hopes that he would get everything he can out of it, unlike his dad. It is clear that Harris just wants the best for his son, as almost any parent would agree.

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14:44 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:03AM) : "Holding down mop buckets to keep the water running" more

He has worked odd jobs and any other thing that can get him money to keep the water running and food on the table. Anything to provide for his family

Mar 16
Connor W Connor W (Mar 16 2021 12:28PM) : It is difficult for the father to find a job because he did not finish his education. That is why it is so important to him that his child finishes their education.
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:40AM) : Grow up like me more

How common now is the phrase, “I hope he doesn’t grow up like me.” So many parents say this because they want better than what they made for their kids. And yet, so many kids look up to their parents. They see the worlds their parents have created and see paradise, because their parents have done their best. It never hurts to reach higher, but why do you have to?

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14:50 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:04AM) : "As far as his hand chooses to reach"
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14:53 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 6:25PM) : Body language more

When Quartez Harris starts reading his poem he starts swaying and using his hands during the parts that make sense, which is something I do when I read.

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15:05 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:07AM) : "The sun and moon only have my son to look after" more

Humans are wired to be self-minded. When you think and jump into other peoples perspective you see that they need the sun and moons protection just as much as you or your family.

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15:30 0
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15:31 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 9:53PM) : Relating more

The poem Harris is reading at 15:03 is the same one listed above for us to give commentary on. It is given much more emotion and is much more vulnerable coming from the author.

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15:46 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:43AM) : Mind Grenade more

I found the wording interesting here. Often the word grenade has a rather negative connotation, related to bloodshed and violence. Here, we can see Quartez turn it into something more positive and exhilarating than terrifying.

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15:48 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 5:36PM) : Mind is a grenade more

Harris speaks about a poster in his son’s classroom in a critical manner. He says “It won’t move us out the hood” which is understandable because a positive poster won’t make a difference to him. It can make a difference for his son and it is evident he does everything for his child.

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16:05 0
Mar 12
Grant M Grant M (Mar 12 2021 9:12PM) : Poem more

His poem told the story of many parents wanting the best for their children

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17:02 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 8:44AM) : "Not smiling on the first day of school" more

Quartez was informed not to smile on his first year on teaching, due to the fact that he may be taken as “passive.” “Whether I should smile on the first day of school,” was inspired by this experience. Not being able to express his own emotions, is an act of dehumanization.

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17:15 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 9:01AM) : Smiling on the first day of school more

It honestly shocked me that the advice to not smile on the first day of school is given to teachers. I would never think to take advantage of a teacher just because they smiled or showed a “weakness” but I guess that shows how much I don’t know about the world and how little experiences I truly have.

Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:09AM) : Agreed, if I step into a classroom on the first day of school and my teacher does not smile back at me, I would automatically have a negative feeling towards the class.
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17:24 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:48AM) : Appeal to Pathos more

The idea that new teachers are warned not to smile on the first day is astounding. Smiles are one of the most easily shared forms of positive emotion and kindness. The idea that teachers are told not to smile at the minds they have been tasked to mold for fear of coming off as ‘passive’ is overwhelming.

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17:54 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 7:09AM) : Poem: "On Whether I Should Smile on the First Day of School" more

Believe it or not, this advice is still given to new teachers each year as they take on their new roles. But, for AP students, watch how the CONTEXT of this poem changes based upon geography and ethnicity. This poem is not included in our selections, but I am gladdened that you get to hear a poem the POET has chosen to share here.

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18:15 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 9:00AM) : Do Not Smile more

The reality of this statement is unnerving, for a smile is one of the easiest acts of kindness one can give. This seems extremely harsh, and Quartez Harris is aware of this. He goes on to state, “My second graders never have been good at learning if I am not smiling.” He is making the audience aware of the importance of smiling towards his students. It produces a sense of encouragement for them.

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19:22 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:16AM) : Powerful Observation from the Interviewer more

Paraphrase: “When one cannot express him, her, or themselves with the full range of emotions or responses, this is the definition of not allowing someone to be fully human.”

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19:30 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 12:54AM) : Dehumanization of the Classroom Space more

As DGK talks about the dehumanization of everybody in the classroom space when a teacher is told not to smile on the first day, I was struck with the comparison to what we have been going through recently. A believe most students will agree that having class through a screen is about as dehumanizing as it gets. Not being able to see a smile? Now we can not see anyone but ourselves.

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19:49 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 12:16PM) : "Intended and unintended dehumanization in the classroom" more

It is outrageous that at any modern point a classroom would be described as dehumanizing, let alone intentionally dehumanizing,"

Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 5:21PM) : "Hidden" reference [Edited] more

This good be a good link back to the “Cultural literacy” poem by Mr.Harris where children shout “not us” at books that do not represent them.

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20:15 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:13AM) : These poems are not just about what is happening in school, it is a lead up story. "We made it to school alive" meaning there was a fight to get here.
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20:52 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:23AM) : Tamir Rice (2002-2014) more
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21:05 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:18AM) : "Tamir in Three Parts" more

Quartez Harris reads his poem “Tamir in Three Parts” in this part of the interview.

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21:09 0
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21:12 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:15AM) : "With the stitches my mom beat into my spirit"
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21:23 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 5:46PM) : Relation to now [Edited] more

We Made it to School Alive is a lot deeper than I originally thought. When you think about it black people have fought for everything and Harris brings this idea home through his poems. They fought to go to school, children fight to stay alive in school, and fight to stay alive outside of school. If you watch any tv series featuring black characters they have the police talk. It’s deeply saddening that parents have to teach their kids how to not die. I think Harris pushes this point with his Tamir Rice poem.

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21:40 0
Mar 12
Gavin L Gavin L (Mar 12 2021 8:46AM) : Powerful more

This poem is extremely powerful because it talk about not just people being shot, but children being shot.

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22:06 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 5:49PM) : Ski Mask more

I really like this description and the visual it provides. Normally the person being killed would have the ski mask, but Harris flips it back onto the police. It paints a different image for sure.

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22:24 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:01AM) : Before I could read more

Quartez reads, “Before I could read, I learned to fear a cops trigger finger.” How is it that was as a society have allowed ourselves to sink to such depths? Fear such as that should never be instilled in one so young, and yet how many youth today are living that reality?

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22:46 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 5:52PM) : Problem student more

People often see themselves through labels whether self given or forced on them. Labeling students as “problems” instantly throws them in into a position they shouldn’t have to be in. No child is a problem, they’re just kids who might need more guidance than others. Once someone learns there’s a problem child they aren’t even given a chance to be something other than that.

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23:07 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 8:56AM) : Tamir Rice more

“as if children are too young to know, when they have been shot.” In Quartez’s poem, the student and teachers were demanded to take down pictures of Tamir and letters written to his mother. The reason behind was due to the fact it was considered “wasn’t age appropriate.” Quartez’s poem expresses the trauma this kids have experienced, and the life they’ve grown up in. In regards to this he later states, “the worlds tries to kill us, our beauty always survives.”

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23:12 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 12:22PM) : "Isn't age appropriate" more

People have a funny idea of what is and isn’t age appropriate. Mr.Harris learned to fear cops before he could write, and yet his own second grade students are not to allowed to learn how to grieve over a lost member of their community, a member that wouldn’t have been that much older than them.

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23:40 0
Mar 12
Emma P Emma P (Mar 12 2021 9:57PM) : the dehumanization more

The author of the poetry book above talks about the dehumanization black students have to face on a day-to-day basis.

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24:07 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:26AM) : Reference to Dr. Cornell West more

Teaching with that “sense of profound hope.”

Here is more information on Dr. Cornell West to whom the interview alludes:

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25:11 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 9:56PM) : Strong word choice more

“Insidious” was a strong word choice in this context. It was not inappropriate, but rather the opposite: it evoked sympathy for whatever information he was bound to provide me with following it. It was a captivating choice.

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25:49 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:07AM) : Connecting in the Classroom more

I can not measure in an form how much I miss the ability to really connect with classmates. Covid has put up walls that can not be broken through with the same connections we students used to thrive on. We can no longer just ‘be’ together.

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26:17 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:29AM) : Quartez Harris Reads "Alive" (one of the excerpts in our text set). more

I want to encourage you to go back and look at the poem now after hearing Harris read the piece and reflect on the piece. What new insights to you now bring to that piece?

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26:38 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 9:00AM) : Alive more

“my black students are alive.” Quartez states how he simply allows his students around fifteen minutes to just be themselves. Play, relax, connect. Due to the pandemic, I feel as if many of us have lost that time in allowing ourselves to just relax, and grow whether its physically, mentally, or emotionally.

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26:58 0
Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 9:21AM) : My black students are alive more

After listening to Quartez Harris read his Alive poem, I could feel the emotions and his tone better than when I read it. He has a deep compassion to his students and cares for them like a teacher should. The tone of his voice was strong and powerful but yet had a sadness to it.

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27:17 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:11AM) : Ubiquitous more

Ubiquitous – present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Quartez uses this word to describe how when there are groups of black kids, there is an expected lack of literacy skill. A strong word for a strong subject.

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27:56 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 7:32PM) : Womb more

Before reading the poem, Quartez speaks about the impact parents, showing how much power books and teaching our children literature can have.

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28:36 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:15AM) : Poverty to literacy more

I found it interesting how Quartez spoke of his students and their literacy knowledge. He states that it is expected that his students can not read and have mediocre writing skills because they are poor, yet this is not the case. The amount of money one has does not dictate the amount of skill they might posses.

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28:37 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:33AM) : Quartez Harris Reads "Womb" from the Collection more

This isone of our poems from within the text set offered. You might go back now and look at that poem from the lens of knowing more about it from what the poet shares. This is the power of “teaching living poets.”

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29:40 0
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29:43 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:35AM) : The Curriculum and the Hidden Curriculum more

Watch what the interviewer pulls from Harris in this idea of curriculum and hidden curriculum and how it applies to Harris’s students (and many like them).

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29:50 0
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30:00 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 6:47PM) : Manners and thanks more

I have noticed that after every time he finishes a poem Harris says “thank you” which a very common thing in the creative world, after someone listens to you, to thank them for their time.

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30:01 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 6:01PM) : Curriculum more

The hidden curriculum is to give kids a space they can have fun and feel safe. There can be work and play in the same space. There has to be a balance between teaching kids to learn and teaching kids to live. It can’t be expected of second graders to sit still all the time.

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30:56 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:20AM) : Community more

The lengths that people have gone through to create community in such a hectic time are nothing short of brilliant. As simple as a text line might be, it brings back a little sense of that community that would have been otherwise lost.

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31:30 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 5:16PM) : Immediate joy more

Its a big deal for an author to get an agent. You can see the immediate joy on Mr.Harris’s face when DGK mentions this. Its a little infectious.

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32:03 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 7:36PM) : Impact more

Quartez Harris’s poems are so powerful 2 agents from New York reached out to him wanting to see more of his work. This leaves Harris in disbelief. Quartez’s literature is truly impacting this world for the better.

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32:14 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:55PM) : Gratitude more

Harris expresses his gratitude to be given the opportunity to publish his poems and continue to “shoot high” and keep pursuing writing. He states how “humbling” and “unreal” it feels to him and he expresses how thankful he is to be given this chance.

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32:15 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 10:00PM) : Unreal expectations more

Harris puts strong emphasis on the fact that he is expected to “shoot high” and deliver. Harris says that it is humbling that his audience thinks he is capable of such a feat, but I think quite the opposite. I think he is more than capable considering the piece he has churned out revolving around issues of racism, circumstance, and discrimination.

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32:23 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:24AM) : Agents from New York more

The almost unrestrained joy on Quartez’s face when Daniel mentions the agent he signed with is rather inspiring. From the way he continues to talk about those two agents who reached out to him, you can see the dedication and relief of having that hard work pay off.

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33:30 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 6:53PM) : Hidden projects more

I see this all the time on Youtube, people will say I have projects in the works ,but you can not know about them. It causes excitement and it will keep people coming back so they can see the big projects.

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33:36 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:42AM) : Modern Influences and Supports more

Sharon Draper:

Fun Fact: Sharon Draper is a friend of Room 407. I once met this author in the parking garage of the Galt House in order to receive a bunch of books from her having read on the National Book Award committee.

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34:53 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:44AM) : Question: "I see your book as instructive to educators. How might we use your book to be better in the classroom?" [Edited] more

Time Stamping This Question So We Can Hear Harris’s Response

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34:55 0
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34:56 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 7:42PM) : "How can we use your work to be better in the classroom." more

Quartez responds by saying his content is helping kinds finding their identity. In seeing black literature, it may allow students to understand and create a connection between themselves and Quartez. His books is not just his words, its kids voices.

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35:13 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:47AM) : Watch How Harris's Response Touches Upon an Idea from Francine Prose's Article more

Paraphrase: I am critical toward the betterment of classrooms.

Isn’t this the same position that Prose takes within her article?

Now, what is at variance here?

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35:16 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 6:57PM) : Literature more

Here Quartez says that there is not enough literature focused on the African American culture and I completely agree. The only story I know of off the top of my head is “Thank You Ma’am” which just happens to be one of the pieces I am working on for my essay.

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35:17 0
Mar 12
Jackie S Jackie S (Mar 12 2021 6:05PM) : Literature more

As a white person I’ve never had trouble picking up a book and finding myself in it. I can’t imagine being black, latinx, asian, etc and not being able to relate to anything. Literature from different perspectives is crucial for students to see things from a different perspective. It’s unfair for students to not have books with characters that look like them at their fingertips.

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35:23 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:31AM) : Representation more

I never struggled to find myself in literature. As I get older I get more and more aware of this fact. As someone who is white, I will never truly understand the struggle to find representation in literature.

And the idea that a large majority of teachers are White/Caucasian is another point that I never questioned and just accepted that that’s the way it is. I was mistaken.

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35:24 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:50AM) : Before We Take Harris's Word For It more

Here are some statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics:

Of Note: 84% White/Caucasian. And this is a growth from the past reporting.

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36:34 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 9:09AM) : Conversations with students more

Harris says, “A lot of my text is extracted from conversations I’ve had with students”. He also said that a lot of students gravitate to his classroom and and he writes notes about their conversations then converts it into a poem. It is amazing that so many of these poems are from kids who are given a voice by his poems. It is so important that he is doing what he is doing so everyone can learn and hear things from a perspective other than his.

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36:58 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:36AM) : Student Inclusion more

Quartez speaks about the conversations he has with students and how he converts their words into poems. In an way, he is allowing them to have a voice and to be louder than they can on their own.

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37:01 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:53AM) : #OwnVoices more

Harris makes reference to something we call “own voices” in literature that have a huge impact on readers inside and outside of the classroom.

Harris also makes note of the “presence” of “student voices” coming out of his book (due in large part to his journaling after the day’s experiences).

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37:18 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:57PM) : Drawing Directly from Experience more

In this part of the interview, it is established that Quartez Harris’s book draws directly from experiences he has had in his life while working in education

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38:17 0
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38:30 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 7:47PM) : Why does Quartez teach? more

Quartez teaches because he was told time and time again he was not able to write as well as other, but there is hope and he began to rise as a reader. Quartez truly gives children hopes in achieving their dreams.

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38:39 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:56AM) : Question: "Why do you teach and what do you think of the current conversation around re-opening schools and remote instruction?" more

Remember the context of this question is posed in late spring, 2020.

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39:16 0
Mar 12
Paul H Paul H (Mar 12 2021 9:57AM) : Harris References His Individualized Education Program (IEP). more

His IEP was put together when Harris was in the second grade. He is now a second grade teacher.

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39:53 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 9:00PM) : Hope more

Quartez explains how his upbringing can help spark hope in those who also come from a less-fortunate family. This is huge because his success can inspire others who come from circumstances like him.

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40:28 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 7:06PM) : Community more

Quartez talks about how his school and the community around it shaped him into becoming a educator. I think that is the situation for a lot of kids. Where you grow up affects what you want to be and do.

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41:18 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 9:43AM) : "I'm appalled but I'm not surprised" more

I feel like this statement is how many have felt throughout this whole pandemic from to the action (or lack of action) taken by the government and how people are acting as well.

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41:24 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:43AM) : Society more

Quartez states that he is “appalled but not surprised,” that schools are reopening doors to education even with the unsafe environment. I think this shows a major flaw in our society and in our education system that our educators are not surprised by the unsafe measures taken by the schools.

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42:19 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 9:05PM) : No Excuses more

Harris expresses his opinions in helping low-income schools after the pandemic. He states, “…there should not be any excuses to invest in low-income schools.” He makes it plain and clear that once the pandemic is over, low-income schools need to be supported more and get the care they so desperately need.

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42:53 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 9:49AM) : "Any investment that comes after covid-19 is not enough to offset all the legacies of instructional barriers in education" more

I think he is saying here what a lot of people don’t want to say or face. There were and are without a doubt instructional barriers before covid and I think it is important that this is recognized.

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42:59 0
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43:14 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:17AM) : Even before covid, schools were over crowded. Covid or no Covid it is unsafe to have a school over capacity. This is because it can be unsafe in the event of a tornado, a fire, or an intruder. [Edited]
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 9:51AM) : Overcrowding in schools more

I feel it is also important that schools are not overcrowded so that the students can receive ample instruction that they need to effectively learn.

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43:50 0
Mar 13
R S (Mar 13 2021 1:48AM) : Drastic Measures more

The fact that Quartez believes it will take a student/ teacher getting massively affected by COVID to make the schools understanding is awful. We should never have to sacrifice peoples lives to make others understand what has been laid before them in scientific fact.

Mar 13
Kennedy F Kennedy F (Mar 13 2021 5:24PM) : Drastic Measures more

I completely agree that these “drastic measures” are horrific. But, there’s truth to what he is saying. So many times we see that people are presented with facts, but don’t fully believe until they see. In this case it would be the effects of COVID on students for the school to merely understand.

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43:56 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 7:53PM) : Pandemic more

When asked on his opinion regarding this global pandemic, Harris believes even before the pandemic schools were still not safe. Harris gives his time up for his students. It’s been stated teachers are updating their wills. Knowing the risks, but willing to do anything to be able to teach their students.

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44:31 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 5:31PM) : "Teachers have begun updating their wills." more

That is a bone chilling statement. Because of this situation, a large group of people have begun updating their wills. They are going into this with a strong feeling they may not come back out again.

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44:51 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 10:04PM) : Updating wills more

The conversation arises that schools are no longer, or rather have never been, safe for the students/teachers. It is mentioned that they are updating their wills to show the magnitude of the threat. Schools have been unsafe for a significant amount of time, and this is saddening because there are so many precautions that could be taken, that simply aren’t for money/time reasons.

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46:30 0
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46:38 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 7:21PM) : "The beginning of writing a poem happens in solitude, the process of writing happens with community." more

Adding to what was said before and after this, I think he made a good point when he mentioned writing begins when we are alone because that is the time our thoughts are the most heavy.

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47:09 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 7:55PM) : When do you know if a poem is done? more

Harris admits he’s never really sure. He asks other writers to confirm if its done and then he “finishes it,” but stating a poem is never really finished. Its interesting to see how even poets need a second opinion in their own writings.

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47:10 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 9:58AM) : "A poem is never finished"
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47:17 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 7:24PM) : "A poem is never finished" more

I feel like there is always more to add to any idea or thought because there is generally always a perspective you have not heard from someone and their situation. I think all types of literature/all types of artists has room to grow and develop.

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47:51 0
Mar 12
Meredith V Meredith V (Mar 12 2021 9:23AM) : "The process of writing never feels finished to me."
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48:02 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 10:01AM) : "I can go back and I can revise every single poem I've written" more

I think this has a lot to do with growth and seeing/ thinking of things a different way than the first time it was written.

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48:04 0
Mar 12
Ella M Ella M (Mar 12 2021 5:37PM) : This is something I sympathize with. more

I think a lot of creatives have these perfectionistic tendencies where they just want to keep working and working on a piece, whether that be a painting, a poem, or a chapter of a novel. This never finished feeling has been the conversation topic of many a day at the Inklings Club at the library.

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48:06 0
Mar 12
Avery E Avery E (Mar 12 2021 7:27PM) : "I can go back and revise every poem I have ever read" more

I’m sure every poet can admit they have the tendency to go back and revise their work, and sometimes they have to fight against that because of publication deadlines like he said, and I’m sure even after it is published they may feel a bit frustrated they didn’t go back and add that one thought or one detail.

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48:20 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 10:09AM) : "We champion the name that appears on the book, but what we do not often see is the community that helped raise the book" more

This is true. We more than often do not see what happens behind the scenes to inspire the writers.

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48:29 0
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48:38 0
Mar 12
Flora C Flora C (Mar 12 2021 7:59PM) : Community more

“We don’t often see the community that raised the book.” In writing, and any type of literature or readings, we tend to only focus on the author instead of looking at all the other aspects that contributed to the making of the reading. Only focusing on the big name written on the cover.

Mar 16
Ava R Ava R (Mar 16 2021 9:27AM) : "The community that raised the book" more

I thought it was very interesting how Harris says that his poems are never finished. I think that we see here how a good writer is supposed to be and that our work can always be improved. Then DGK says that the community has raised the book, that to me is very true because without loved ones and insight to the world, how would the book be written?

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48:59 0
Mar 12
Brianna B Brianna B (Mar 12 2021 8:43PM) : Community more

DGK suggests the idea that poems and collections of poems create a community. Harris responds with saying through a community, poems can be digested and broke apart due to different opinions of people, and that is an amazing feat to both speakers.

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51:25 0
Mar 12
Heather P Heather P (Mar 12 2021 7:21PM) : Strong word choice more

Harris uses the words “emerging force” when he talks about the rise of Black Literature. Those words make me think of water and water is powerful so I think he said them on purpose to show how powerful voices are.

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52:16 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 10:06PM) : Representation more

Harris talks about how he only presents authors of color in his classroom, because he teaches predominantly children of color who need representation.

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53:35 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 10:08PM) : Comfort Zones more

Harris says that if a white child was to walk into his/her literary classrooms, and only see authors/characters of color, they would feel uncomfortable and unrepresented. I do not think enough light is shed on this topic, considering how horrible it would feel to be consistently under-represented.

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56:03 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 10:21AM) : "Educators forget that kids have a whole other life outside of school" more

As a student, I can say that it definitely feels like this and I am surprised that a teacher is recognizing it.

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58:26 0
Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 10:11PM) : Writing Block more

Harris tells the audience how there are topics he simply cannot write an entire poem about, so he slips them into other poems. I like this because it needs to be normalized that it is not always easy to write about insignificant/small topics.

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59:01 0
Mar 12
Emily W Emily W (Mar 12 2021 10:28AM) : "I Feel You" [Edited] more

This poem has a very powerful message and can make people feel understood.

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Mar 12
Addyson D Addyson D (Mar 12 2021 10:14PM) : Embracing Religion more

A biblical reference, “let there be light” is referenced in this poem, as well as God being the only one watching in the previous poem. It is refreshing to see religion embraced in literature.

DMU Timestamp: February 27, 2021 01:26

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Mar 10
Paul H Paul H (Mar 10 2021 7:41AM) : TEACH LIVING POETS: The Poems Included Herein and the Citation for the Collection [Edited] more

1. Cover Art
2. Epigraph by James Baldwin
3. “Ocean”
4. “Alive”
5. “Testing Doesn’t Tell The Whole Story”
6. “Womb”
7. “Cultural Literacy”
8. “Windows”
9. Interview with Quartez Harris at YouTube

Harris, Quartez. We Made It to School Alive. Twelve Arts Press, 2020.

For the purposes of citation you would need to italicize the title of the collection.

Mar 15
Avery P Avery P (Mar 15 2021 1:43PM) : Lower case letters more

Mr. Harris makes the choice to write his poetry in lower case letters. While I often see this a lot in poetry, what exactly does it mean for the author? Is it a way to portray his sorrow? His quiet fury with the world?

Its a choice that he makes to share his emotions outside of just words on a page. It brings a different sense of life to his poems.

Mar 15
Eli H Eli H (Mar 15 2021 2:20PM) : Possible reasons more

Maybe all of the lines and sentences begin with lowercase letters in defiance of the “proper” way to write. Perhaps it is to give the poems an aesthetic of sameness. None of the names are capitalized either. Maybe this, too, is about the stifled creativity of students in school.

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