Resnick, Mitch. “Mitch Resnick: Let's Teach Kids to Code.” YouTube, YouTube, 29 Jan. 2013,
I do agree that interacting with technology is a lot more common amongst children because it poses less of a challenge. However, I do believe that children have learned to acclimate to the challenges that creating content has and have taken the challenge head on. Certain platforms like TikTok and YouTube have allowed students to take on a more active role as a content creater and not simply just a spectators or viewers.
I see coding as a fun way to invo9olve and introduce kids to technology beyond the regular operating of tv tablets and phones but rather in a more positive way of creativity that can be beneficial to them and others.
Coding isn't just for computer whizzes, says Mitch Resnick of MIT Media Lab -- it's for everyone. In a fun, demo-filled talk Resnick outlines the benefits of teaching kids to code, so they can do more than just "read" new technologies -- but also create them. (Filmed at TEDxBeaconStreet.) TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:
This video is interesting. I’m so excited that I will have the opportunity to learn how to use Scratch. When my daughter was five years old, she asked me a few times to type this web for her. She was always trying to figure out how to use it. On a few occasions, she asked questions about it, but I could not answer them because I did not know how to use it. I am so happy that now I will be able to learn and share with her and others. Also, this method to teach coding to children is very interesting. When I was learning to code for the first time, it was for one of my sociology classes. It was complicated for me.
Coding is a fun engaging way for children to develop love and interest in technology. Scratch is a program that makes it possible for children to incorporate technology into their personal lives as well as their academic lives. They are able to connect with friends and family members around the world while being creative and developing their critical thinking skills. As a future educator, I look forward to implementing this program with my future students to encourage and support their use of technology in a healthy way.
I agree with Mr. Resnick that coding can be fun and for everyone. I feel excited to learn about coding and pass on the excitement and knowledge to my students.
When I think about multiple literacies, I try to connect traditional literacy to other forms of literacy. I see a relationship between learning to code and learning to spell/write. Do others see this connection, or am I stretching too far?
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