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Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code

Author: Mitch Resnick

Resnick, Mitch. “Mitch Resnick: Let's Teach Kids to Code.” YouTube, YouTube, 29 Jan. 2013,

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Jul 26
Nile G Nile G (Jul 26 2021 1:43PM) : I agree with Mitch's statement at the beginning about the Mother's Day car. Sometimes the hand made gifts are the most special and more meaningful. My mother still shows me Mother's Day cards that I made for her when I was in elementary school.
Jul 26
Aniya M Aniya M (Jul 26 2021 1:48PM) : Interacting with Technology Vs. Creating more

I do agree that interacting with technology is a lot more common amongst children because it poses less of a challenge. However, I do believe that children have learned to acclimate to the challenges that creating content has and have taken the challenge head on. Certain platforms like TikTok and YouTube have allowed students to take on a more active role as a content creater and not simply just a spectators or viewers.

Jul 26
Jen R Jen R (Jul 26 2021 5:41PM) : I really agree with this. And I think the content creation is far more collaborative than previously. I think re-mixing is easier and tremendously exciting. It breaks down barriers between writer and audience.
Jul 29
Elijah H Elijah H (Jul 29 2021 5:28PM) : Aniya, I agree with you that students are now able to be content creators with various platforms instead of being a viewer only. We can also see their imagination and creativity in these projects.
Jul 26
Aniya M Aniya M (Jul 26 2021 2:10PM) : I think bringing awareness to the benefits that teaching coding has is so important. Coding allows students to engage in creativity on a different level that provides both a challenge and gives them the space to create to their likings.
Jul 26
Marina L Marina L (Jul 26 2021 2:55PM) : I agree with you Aniya! I used this same idea to jump start my inquiry on how to use Scratch in writing workshop with my third graders. Every year, my team does a script writing unit and Scratch is a great choice to offer writers as a way for publishing.
Jul 26
Jen R Jen R (Jul 26 2021 5:42PM) : I was hoping I could post a picture, but I had an example of this. I used coding blocks (conceptually) as a way to teach my son subject & predicate. I had subject as everything related to the sprite & predicate as the action blocks.
Jul 29
Elijah H Elijah H (Jul 29 2021 5:27PM) : I enjoyed seeing the excitement in the crowd when Mitch asked the audience to use their voices to code. He showed a way to code, using his own movements, voice and also the computer tools. The group was very engaged.
Aug 17
Abigail B Abigail B (Aug 17 2021 7:52PM) : The video hits the nail right on the head. The statement Coding isn’t just for computer whizzes, it’s for everyone. And it’s a fun way to teach kids to create codes and do more than just read technology by Mitch Resnick ,and I totally agree with Resnick . more

I see coding as a fun way to invo9olve and introduce kids to technology beyond the regular operating of tv tablets and phones but rather in a more positive way of creativity that can be beneficial to them and others.

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Jul 26
mirseda K mirseda K (Jul 26 2021 1:42PM) : I totally agree that using scratch in a way connects the world. more

I was able to create projects and other people from other countries commented on my project and we were able to do other p]]SCratch projects together, especially in biology. I can say that Scratch has so many options that students too can be very creative.

Jul 26
Marina L Marina L (Jul 26 2021 3:03PM) : Yes! It is a wonderful way to connect with others both locally and globally.
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Jul 26
Priscilla A Priscilla A (Jul 26 2021 2:03PM) : SCRATCH/CODING more

Scratch is a great way to teach children how to code. I agree with Mr.Resnick on how scratch enables children to be creative by making mothers’ day cards for their moms.
With scratch, children are able to explore their curiosity.

Jul 26
Marina L Marina L (Jul 26 2021 2:57PM) : I thought that some of the Scratch challenges that Mouse offered us really helped ignite my own curiosity as well. It's kind of fun to say, "What would happen if I attached this block?" and seeing the results!
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Jul 14
Monica K Monica K (Jul 14 2021 10:02AM) : I agree with Mr. Resnick's statement that kids can read (ie text/game) new technologies but are lacking the skills to write or create new technologies.
Jul 29
Nile G Nile G (Jul 29 2021 9:07AM) : I agree with you about Mr.Resnick's statement. Kids can always read things when it comes to games however, it doesn't make them fluent with academics such as literacy and writing skills. That is definitely an excellent point.
Jul 20
Loreto D Loreto D (Jul 20 2021 8:16AM) : I am excited to learn about coding. Children loved to work with technology, and I do too. It is challenging and fun. Students can explore their creativity and see the result of their work.
Jul 29
Nile G Nile G (Jul 29 2021 9:25AM) : I agree. Once children see the result of their work, they immediately begin to have fun as they 're learning. As a result, it motivates them to want to learn more.
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Jul 26
Khurram A Khurram A (Jul 26 2021 1:44PM) : Reading and writing really compliment each other, when we get inspired by stories our imagination in terms of writing out own or just thinking about them helps us get a feel for the process as well as show our creativity
Jul 29
Nile G Nile G (Jul 29 2021 9:22AM) : I totally agree with that. Reading and writing go hand in hand and a re certainly complimentary to each other. Both are necessary and you can't teach one without the other
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Jul 14
Tom B Tom B (Jul 14 2021 10:11AM) : Once you learn to code, you can code to learn more

I always liked this quote because it brings together everything else he is saying in this talk. Coding allows you to create new things which opens new doors to other learning opportunities

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Jul 26
Khurram A Khurram A (Jul 26 2021 1:50PM) : Learning in a meaningful context is always important. Students tend to ask why do we need to know this. Especially, in a math class where they just see numbers without any meaning behind them. more

It is our job as educators to help make connections to the real world so that our lessons can life off the page through a student’s aspirations and goals rather than through them feeling this is “busy work”.

Jul 26
Jen R Jen R (Jul 26 2021 5:45PM) : This is so true. I grew up hating math. But as an adult I realize that math is all around me. I think math curriculum these days is much better at teaching underlying concepts, which I think are inherently more relevant.
Jul 29
Elijah H Elijah H (Jul 29 2021 5:33PM) : He mentions a great point about students needing to know why they are learning something and how it can be used in order for them to learn in a meaningful context. Through this program they are learning to design, code, experimenting, and collaboration.
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Jul 26
Khurram A Khurram A (Jul 26 2021 1:52PM) : Working collaboratively is a life skill that everyone should work towards in some degree. Coding could seem both intimidating but that also means it can be adventurous. Struggling through new things it what helps bring people together.
Jul 29
Elijah H Elijah H (Jul 29 2021 5:22PM) : collaboration more

I agree with you that working collaboratively is a life skill, as it is used in school, work and many social settings and really a necessity. Coding can be intimidating and I have personally felt it was something that I would never be able to do. Mitch brought up a good point that it doesnt have to be intimidating and does not only come in the form of various letters and numbers on a screen seemingly without meaning. Instead in can be something as simple as a scratch program where kids can Mother’s Day cards or play with characters to create content/animation.

Coding isn't just for computer whizzes, says Mitch Resnick of MIT Media Lab -- it's for everyone. In a fun, demo-filled talk Resnick outlines the benefits of teaching kids to code, so they can do more than just "read" new technologies -- but also create them. (Filmed at TEDxBeaconStreet.) TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:

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DMU Timestamp: July 12, 2021 17:15

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Jul 19
Laura D Laura D (Jul 19 2021 4:04PM) : Excellent TED Talk more

This video is interesting. I’m so excited that I will have the opportunity to learn how to use Scratch. When my daughter was five years old, she asked me a few times to type this web for her. She was always trying to figure out how to use it. On a few occasions, she asked questions about it, but I could not answer them because I did not know how to use it. I am so happy that now I will be able to learn and share with her and others. Also, this method to teach coding to children is very interesting. When I was learning to code for the first time, it was for one of my sociology classes. It was complicated for me.

Jul 19
Maritza M Maritza M (Jul 19 2021 7:49PM) : This video was great to watch. I agree with Mitch Resnick that you can code and interact with the people around you. more

Coding is a fun engaging way for children to develop love and interest in technology. Scratch is a program that makes it possible for children to incorporate technology into their personal lives as well as their academic lives. They are able to connect with friends and family members around the world while being creative and developing their critical thinking skills. As a future educator, I look forward to implementing this program with my future students to encourage and support their use of technology in a healthy way.

Jul 26
Khurram A Khurram A (Jul 26 2021 1:54PM) : Exactly, students like to be challenged, they enjoy games and puzzles and in a way thats what Scratch programming is. We have a goal and we use these building blocks to help solve them. Their are different answers to bring out creativity.
Jul 26
Marina L Marina L (Jul 26 2021 3:09PM) : I agree with Khurram. I enjoyed the debugging tasks that we worked through because I figured out solutions without knowing what every block meant. This helped me to learn the blocks! These kind of tasks can lead to many aha moments for our learners!
Jul 20
Jessica G Jessica G (Jul 20 2021 11:42AM) : This talk was very interesting because it is true we can learn and teach at the same time while coding. Coding engages children and this Scratch program is a great way of introducing them to different concepts while having fun. more

I agree with Mr. Resnick that coding can be fun and for everyone. I feel excited to learn about coding and pass on the excitement and knowledge to my students.

Jul 23
Harriet F Harriet F (Jul 23 2021 9:35AM) : When I think about literacy, I see learning to code as analogous to learning to spell/write. You have certain "rules" that you need to follow that allow you to express ideas to an audience. more

When I think about multiple literacies, I try to connect traditional literacy to other forms of literacy. I see a relationship between learning to code and learning to spell/write. Do others see this connection, or am I stretching too far?

Jul 26
Jen R Jen R (Jul 26 2021 1:30PM) : I think it's interesting because kids learn these rules through exploration. One connection I see is that I "discover" the algorithms through exploration of the coding process and trial and error.
Jul 26
Jen R Jen R (Jul 26 2021 1:31PM) : I have a question about how computational thinking relates to a messier understanding of writing process as a non-linear process. Are these things at odds? I'm not sure.
Jul 26
Marina L Marina L (Jul 26 2021 3:14PM) : Jen, this is exactly what I am thinking! I use the writing process for writing instruction. However, I am ready to explore the similarities that exist and if the components around computational thinking may offer a preferred approach for some writers.
Jul 26
Jen R Jen R (Jul 26 2021 5:35PM) : I think this is true. I had a lot of classmates in undergrad who begged to be taught the 5 paragraph essay. And I know that structure has been a bedrock for me. But I'm also starting to see computational thinking as more recursive & messy than I assumed.
Jul 26
Jen R Jen R (Jul 26 2021 1:32PM) : I think coding can help kids (and adults) to think systematically and to break down overwhelming projects into manageable steps. I have questions about how it relates to more open-ended, recursive thinking processes that I believe are also important.
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