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HOM Rubric Pre-Kindergarten

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 Benchmark

6 Restrains Impulsivity

7 Needs many reminders to: * Take turns

8 * Follow rules

9 * Control temper

10 * Not interrupt, distract or disrupt others.

11 Needs some reminders to: * Take turns

12 * Follow rules

13 * Control temper

14 * Not interrupt, distract or disrupt others.

15 Needs a few reminders to: * Take turns

16 * Follow rules

17 * Control temper

18 * Not interrupt, distract or disrupt others.

19 Consistently and Independently:

20 * Take turns * Follow rules

21 * Control temper

22 * Not interrupt, distract or disrupt others.

23 Perseveres

24 Needs constant encouragement to complete tasks.

25 Needs some encouragement to complete tasks.

26 Usually completes tasks on his/her own.

27 Consistently completes tasks on his/her own.

28 Takes responsibility

29 Cares for personal items with many reminders and assistance to tidy up workspace and playground. Rarely follows classroom rules.

30 Cares for personal items with considerable assistance. Requires some assistance to tidy workspace and playground. Sometimes follows classroom rules.

31 Cares for personal items with few reminders or assistance. Responds promptly to tidy workspace and playground. Often follows classroom rules.

32 Cares for personal items without reminders or assistance. Independently tidies up workspace and playground. Consistently follows classroom rules.

33 Demonstrates Respect

34 Rarely respects boundaries of others: * Feelings

35 * Belongings * Body

36 Sometimes respects boundaries of others: * Feelings

37 * Belongings * Body

38 Usually respects boundaries of others: * Feelings

39 * Belongings * Body

40 Consistently respects boundaries of others: * Feelings

41 * Belongings * Body

42 Demonstrates Empathy

43 Rarely demonstrates sensitivity to the feelings of others.

44 Generally demonstrates insight and sensitivity into the feelings and knowledge of others.

45 Demonstrates insight and sensitivity into the feelings and knowledge base of others with few exceptions.

46 Consistently demonstrates insight and sensitivity towards the feelings and knowledge base of others.

DMU Timestamp: November 24, 2021 06:21

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