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July 1 - July 8, 2023

5 additions to document , most recent over 1 year ago

When Why
Jul-02-23 Text-to-Image
Jul-03-23 July 3 10 Self / 10 World Questions
Jul-05-23 July 5 - Invitation for TTT
Jul-06-23 Mary Cassatt
Jul-08-23 Seven Approaches on NowComment

It's Independence Day week, July 4th is on Tuesday, and maybe it's appropriate to take a little break, but there are a few things on my mind and we need to get ready for the STEM workshops that Marina and I are dong at the end of the week. We do have a good plan in place--with a couple of details to work out. Still, I think I'll use my logs this week to think about what we are doing and why.

DMU Timestamp: June 30, 2023 01:14

Added July 02, 2023 at 1:51pm by Paul Allison
Title: Text-to-Image

DMU Timestamp: June 30, 2023 01:14

Added July 03, 2023 at 10:42pm by Paul Allison
Title: July 3 10 Self / 10 World Questions

Ah who was the author, was it Democratic Education? Oh yes, Curriculum Integration is the title, and look at what I found:

So what are my self questions?

  1. What's important to me in the AI work?
  2. How am I feeling about only visiting classrooms remotely?
  3. What's it going to be like doing an in-person workshop on Saturday?
  4. How can I get organized and scheduled to complete an article about AI this summer?
  5. Why is it so hard for me to follow through with planning writing projects?
  6. What do I need to do on the development side of Thinking Partners to make this take off?
  7. What do I need to do on the PR side of a release of Thinking Partners?
  8. How can I get more teachers involved with Youth Voices and AI Mojo sooner?
  9. How can I do more for Sam?
  10. What can I do to surround Marcie with love and care?

And what about my world questions?

  1. How much do the Supreme Court's decisions on abortion, affirmative action, gay rights, and debt forgiveness really matter?
  2. What is the most effective path to follow for education with AI?
  3. How much of a change is AI?
  4. What's going to happen if the NWP closes the national headquarters?
  5. What politics are worth getting involved with?
  6. Is my fundamentalist upbringing still affecting my decisions?
  7. How can I get NowComment to be in more stable financial ground?
  8. Can I negotiate a licensing agreement with Lehman?
  9. Is there a place for me in schools?
  10. What books do I want to make more time for?

DMU Timestamp: June 30, 2023 01:14

Added July 05, 2023 at 12:48pm by Paul Allison
Title: July 5 - Invitation for TTT

So I wrote this for this week's invitation to TTT. I have a lot more to say, not the least of which is that the seven approaches are easy for me to remember and distinguish from each other. The feel good in my head. I did A LOT of tedious work yesterday to re-arrange all of the Thinking Partners we have up so far. I hope other people see the value of this as well.

Come learn with us about how your students can learn with and about prompt literacy in the coming school year. Grab a seat tonight, Wed. July 5th at 9E/8C/7M/6P at

We found the missing owner's manual for NowComment's Thinking Partners. Dr. Ethan Mollick and Dr. Lilach Mollick from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania & Wharton Interactive published a paper a few weeks ago that is helping us to organize and illuminate prompt writing for Thinking Partners.

We are now using their 7 AI approaches as categories for NowComment's Thinking Partners:

  1. AI as Mentor: Providing Feedback
  2. AI as Tutor: Providing Direct Instruction
  3. AI as Coach: Increasing Metacognition
  4. AI as Teammate: Increasing Collaborative Intelligence
  5. AI as Student: The power of teaching others
  6. AI as Simulator: Creating Opportunities for Practice
  7. AI as Tool: Extending Performance

Open the universe of AI discourse for your students! We will see you tonight, Wed. July 5th at 9E/8C/7M/6P at

DMU Timestamp: June 30, 2023 01:14

Added July 06, 2023 at 10:41pm by Paul Allison
Title: Mary Cassatt

DMU Timestamp: July 06, 2023 04:08

Added July 08, 2023 at 7:55am by Paul Allison
Title: Seven Approaches on NowComment

This is really an outline or s sketch of what we need to make for our launch this fall (September?) of AI on NowComment. I do think that Mollick & Mollick's seven approaches to assigning AI help us to organize and clarify the "inside baseball" titles of our Thinking Partners. The seven approaches make it clear that a user's intention and rhetorical purpose in using AI on NowComment is a big part how meaningful Thinking Partners will be to a user.

Collaborate with AI in Comments & Replies

Thinking Partners at your beck and call

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AI as Mentor

Upload and discuss documents with people you invite or with the whole Internet ("Public Documents") at no cost!

direct instruction icon

AI as Turor

Interesting comments can be found quickly (they're tied to relevant document passages), and summary lines make skimming fast and easy.

thinking thinking icon

AI as Coach

Any sentence, paragraph, image, or video can have multiple conversations, keeping discussions focused and on-topic.

Ai as Teammate

Our interface is intuitive, your documents are accessible wherever you are, and we do the hosting and maintenance.

AI as Simulator

NowComment has the features to handle very large groups: notifications, assignments, subgroups, moderation, and more.

AI as Student

By default comments are off to the side (with multiple sort options!), but you can also display comments in-line.

Remix & Create Thinking Partners

Our interface is intuitive, your documents are accessible wherever you are, and we do the hosting and maintenance.

AI as Tool

NowComment has the features to handle very large groups: notifications, assignments, subgroups, moderation, and more.

AI Dialogue Notebooks

By default comments are off to the side (with multiple sort options!), but you can also display comments in-line.

DMU Timestamp: July 06, 2023 04:08

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How to Comment
  • Click icons on the left to see existing comments.
  • Desktop/Laptop: double-click any text, highlight a section of an image, or add a comment while a video is playing to start a new conversation.
    Tablet/Phone: single click then click on the "Start One" link (look right or below).
  • Click "Reply" on a comment to join the conversation.
How to Share Documents
  1. "Upload" a new document.
  2. "Invite" others to it.

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