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Paul's Logs October 14 - October 20

4 additions to document , most recent over 1 year ago

When Why
Oct-14-23 10 possible topics for a College Admissions Essay
Oct-14-23 Starting a College Admissions Essay
Oct-16-23 Re-naming AI Thiking Partners
Oct-20-23 ChatGPT

1 changes, most recent over 1 year ago

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I want to have a good example of logs and text some of the new AI Thinking Partners for College Acmissions Essays.

DMU Timestamp: October 12, 2023 17:44

Added October 14, 2023 at 8:31pm by Paul Allison
Title: 10 possible topics for a College Admissions Essay

    Paragraph 2 changes
    Public life of a pricherpreacher's son
  1. Public life of a preacher's son
  2. Photography the center of my life since middle school
  3. Underground newspaper - journalism and navigating administration
  4. Photographer always on the outside watching others
  5. Good and bad of fundamentalist Christianity
  6. Kurt Vonnegot Author Study
  7. Middle son of three siblings - negotiator
  8. Making art became my centered place in high school
  9. Reading and annotating philosophical texts beyond my ability
  10. Consumed the written and audio of Marshall McLuhan's Medium is the Messabe in hight school

DMU Timestamp: October 12, 2023 17:44

Added October 14, 2023 at 10:35pm by Paul Allison
Title: Starting a College Admissions Essay

If I were in high school, what would I write about in a College Acmissions Essay? It's a funny question because I barely even thought about what colleges were available and what would fit my capabililities and interssts. So I sort of stumbled into college, going to Nyack College until I couldn't do the religious thing any more, and needed to follow my passions with art and photography. But what if I had taken the time, been given the prompts by a guidance counselor or parent or teacher to think about college as a place to grow and stretch. What would I have written about?

DMU Timestamp: October 12, 2023 17:44

Added October 16, 2023 at 10:53am by Paul Allison
Title: Re-naming AI Thiking Partners

My taks this morning is to reorganize and rename the AI Thinking Partners that already exist and to update the pop-ups. I want to do this to make the user interface easier to use. I kind of realize that this is a small part of what needs to be done. I think I also need to follow through on replacing the first practice post that people get, and other such example giving on the site to show what AI Thinking Partners can do.

DMU Timestamp: October 12, 2023 17:44

Added October 20, 2023 at 2:11pm by Paul Allison
Title: ChatGPT

The hardest question to answer today was whether using AI Thinking Partners would prepare students to use ChatGPT in the world.

DMU Timestamp: October 16, 2023 17:51

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