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Jun 17

Yes, creating an interesting presentation can be difficult. But I found specialists https://slidepeak.com/ who help me in this matter. I have several presentations from them that really brought me success and helped me promote my product on the market.

Jun 15
on FORO 2

The term “hagiography” refers to a biography that deals with the lives of saints and religious figures. It is a branch of religious literature that focuses on narrating the lives, miracles and virtues of people who have been canonized or venerated for their holiness. https://slopeio.org

Jun 14

I found Mindy Small’s review at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-unbiased-essayservicecom-review-mindy-small-aecuc of EssayService.com insightful and balanced. Her detailed analysis highlighted both strengths and areas for improvement, providing a nuanced perspective valuable to students seeking reliable essay assistance. It’s a must-read for anyone considering their services.

Jun 11

Great question! It’s tricky because our brains sometimes mix them up, but they are actually different.

Let’s start with this quote from the text: “It’s worth pointing out that dopamine-induced excitement is not the same thing as actual happiness. But try telling that to our brains.”

This shows us that while dopamine gives us a quick burst of excitement or pleasure, it’s not the same as feeling truly happy. Dopamine is like getting a surprise gift – it feels great for a moment, but it doesn’t last. Happiness, on the other hand, is more like feeling content and satisfied over a longer time.

Most readers might understand this difference because we’ve all felt that letdown after something exciting fades away. Like when you buy a new video game – it’s thrilling at first, but that excitement can wear off quickly. Real happiness, like laughing with friends or achieving a personal goal, sticks with you and feels deeper.

So, what do you all think? Can you think of any times when a dopamine rush made you feel good for a moment but wasn’t the same as true happiness? Feel free to share and let’s see what other universal lessons we can find in the text!

Jun 10

Why we do this

It’s essential to consider counter-arguments when reading because it broadens our understanding and sharpens our critical thinking. By engaging with opposing viewpoints, we can better appreciate the complexities of an issue and enhance our ability to think objectively. Considering different perspectives often leads to more robust and nuanced conclusions, which are increasingly important in our information-rich world.


While Larry Rosen and Jonathan Haidt assert that smartphones and social media are significant contributors to teen anxiety and depression, other researchers argue that multiple factors contribute to these issues and that focusing solely on technology can oversimplify the problem. For instance, societal pressures, family dynamics, academic stress, and economic uncertainties also play substantial roles in affecting teens’ mental health.

Consider this excerpt from Rosen: “Our phones deliberately incite anxiety by providing new information and emotional triggers every time we pick them up.” Certainly, frequent notifications and social media updates can be overwhelming, but it’s crucial to acknowledge that environmental, genetic, and socio-economic factors also play significant roles in psychological well-being.

Types of Evidence

1. Societal Pressures: Surveys and studies showing high levels of academic and social expectations placed on teens.
2. Family Dynamics: Research articles examining the impact of household instability, parental relationships, and family income on children’s mental health.
3. Academic Stress: Case studies or longitudinal studies investigating the correlation between educational workloads and anxiety levels among students.
4. Economic Uncertainties: Data and reports highlighting the psychological effects of economic status, such as the stress experienced by teens in low-income families.

Find Reliable Sources

To research and find reliable sources for these counter-arguments, you can:

1. Look for peer-reviewed journal articles on platforms like PubMed, JSTOR, or Google Scholar.
2. Access reports from reputable organizations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
3. Review books by authoritative experts in psychology and sociology.
4. Examine studies and data from governmental health and education departments.
5. Consult meta-analyses that summarize multiple research findings, providing a comprehensive overview of the factors influencing teen mental health.

Your Turn

Now reread the text with this counter-argument in mind and let me know what you are thinking about the text in your reply. Are there aspects of the argument that you find more or less convincing? Do the additional factors highlighted change your perspective on the main argument given by Rosen and Haidt? How does the consideration of multiple influences on teen mental health affect your overall understanding of the issue?

May 29

In What Sally Said, Cisneros reveals the harsh reality of Sally’s violent home life, where she downplays the brutality of her father’s abuse and seeks refuge among friends. The juxtaposition of Sally’s longing for freedom and her ultimate submission to societal pressures reflects the tangled web of challenges faced by young girls in marginalized communities.
The Monkey Garden serves as a metaphorical backdrop for the loss of innocence and the inevitability of change. As the garden transforms from a place of wonder to one of neglect and decay, Cisneros captures the bittersweet essence of growing up and leaving childhood behind.
Similar philosophy essay topics I can always write with the help of writepaper.com/blog/philosophy-essay-topics.

May 21

It’s a bit exaggerated in this context. The change affects the entire planet and all people in general, not just students. Similarly, students can be easily replaced with carpenters or energy workers, and a hundred examples can be thought of. This is our common global problem, and people shouldn’t turn a blind eye to it.

May 15

She wants to screem cry, there is a sharp rage coursing through her. But instead see doesn’t do that she tries to hold it together and pretend she s ok

May 15

Gamifying sexual harassment so that it sounds fun and normal

May 15

Tactile imigary cold rough fingers on my waist

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