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Turning Texts, Images & Videos into Conversations

NowComment has the most sophisticated collaboration tools available for group discussion, annotation, and curation of texts, images, and videos.

It displays threaded commenting alongside the sentences and paragraphs of texts, the areas of images, and timestamps of videos to create engaging online conversations literally in context. Brainstorm, debate, and collaborate as never before!

Now GPT Thinking Partners can bring the power of the latest OpenAI Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) to your NowComment conversations!

Key Features

Free Accounts

Upload and discuss documents with people you invite or with the whole Internet ("Public Documents") at no cost!

Time Efficient

Interesting comments can be found quickly (they're tied to relevant document passages), and summary lines make skimming fast and easy.


Any sentence, paragraph, image, or video can have multiple conversations, keeping discussions focused and on-topic.

Simple to Use

Our interface is intuitive, your documents are accessible wherever you are, and we do the hosting and maintenance.

Feature-Rich and Scalable

NowComment has the features to handle very large groups: notifications, assignments, subgroups, moderation, and more.

Read It Your Way

By default comments are off to the side (with multiple sort options!), but you can also display comments in-line.

Collaborate with AI in Comments & Replies

Introducing GPT Thinking Partners

Create your own versions of ChatGPT to be your
Reading Buddy, Writing Coach, Research Assistant, or Learning Puppet.

NowComment's GPT Thinking Partners are GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers)
designed to take you to new levels as a reader and a writer.

  • Write your own text of any genre or upload one from a Web Site, PDF or Word Doc.
  • Choose a sentence, paragraph, or the whole document. Click the button to Ask AI then select a GPT Thinking Partner. Pose a question and add a description of yourself if you would like, then wait for the results.
  • Critically read the output from OpenAI that comes to you in an edit box. You can also Resubmit and Resubmit to choose from alternative results. Edit the output of the results you choose so that it is helpful (for other users), honest (about the facts), and harmless (free of bias).
  • Hit Start conversation and see how a GPT comment is posted in context showing that this was written by a GPT Thinking Partner and edited by you. You and others can reply to any GPT-collaborated comments with human-only replies or with another GPT Thinking Partner.
  • Your work with OpenAI is free and anonymous on NowComment. No separate login is required and no identifying data is transmitted to OpenAI. The content you submit through NowComment is not being stored by OpenAI to train their models.

Ever imagined having a personal assistant that learns and evolves with you?

You can design your own GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) to personalize and shape your AI chats for specific purposes.
Alternatively, tap into the ever-expanding universe of GPT Thinking Partners, each rigorously created and vetted by users just like you.

Get your AI Assistant here in 30 seconds

GPTs at your service

With the click of a button, you can deploy NowComment's Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) next to any document on NowComment. You can select from a bevy of brilliant GPTs.

We have designed these GPTs to be Thinking Partners who are always available to be your personal mentor, tutor, coach, teammate, student, simulator, or tool. GPT Thinking Partners don't just correct your writing or summarize a text; they help you to become a stronger writer and a more thoughtful reader.

NowComment's GPT Thinking Partners shape and transform the output you receive from the same Large Language Models that power ChatGPT. With NowComment's GPT Thinking Partners you make your own ChatGPTs to fit your specific needs as a reader and writer. You will be inspired by the control our GPT Thinking Partners give you over how to integrate AI into your own creative and thinking processes.

There are over 60 GPT Thinking Partners to choose from already (with more coming all the time)! And since there are so many, to guide your choice, we have organized them into the seven approaches for students that Dr. Ethan Mollick and Dr. Lilach Mollick describe in a recent paper, "Assigning AI," as briefly described in the next section, below.

We also invite you to make your own GPT Thinking Partners. NowComment is a platform where we learn with and about Artificial Intelligence.

Remix & Create
GPT Thinking Partners

Detail the persona of the best GPT Thinking Partner you can imagine having. Itemize for that character the reading strategies you want them to employ. Specify the output that you want to receive. Test and test until you have taught your GPT Thinking Partner how you want it to respond to the texts of any genre that you are reading or writing and uploading to NowComment. Become a prompt engineer.

Productivity Meter
AI as Tool: Extending Performance

We are learning together how to use GPTs as tools to extend our thinking. These GPT Thinking Partners can translate, adapt, and transform text. They can give you a prompt for creating an image and more. See Mollick & Mollick (2023) for more.

Keep your own
GPT Dialogue Notebook

Use NowComment to add daily logs on one document each week. Also add images and videos. Invite others to comment. Use GPT Thinking Partners beside your freewriting, jottings, exploratory logs. Upload a new document each week for you logs, then collect these weekly log documents and things you are reading into a Personal Collection. This collection becomes your GPT Dialogue Notebook.

feedback icon
AI as Mentor: Providing Feedback

Ask a GPT Thinking Partner to give you feedback on your work. Some examples of available GPT Thinking Partners. See Mollick & Mollick (2023) for more.

direct instruction icon
AI as Tutor: Providing Direct Instruction

Select a GPT Thinking Partner that pushes you to think through problems and connect ideas. Some examples of available GPT Thinking Partners. See Mollick & Mollick (2023) for more.

thinking thinking icon
AI as Coach: Increasing Metacognition

Some GPT Thinking Partners will help you to think about your thinking. Examples of this kind of GPT Thinking Partner. See Mollick & Mollick (2023) for more.

Teammate AI
AI as Teammate: Increasing Collaborative Intelligence

Invite a GPT Thinking Partner into your study group to provide inspiration, find consensus, or play “devil’s advocate.” Consider these GPT Thinking Partners. See Mollick & Mollick (2023) for more.

Learning Robot
AI as Student: The power of teaching others

Treat a GPT Thinking Partner like your student who has given you their thinking on a text. Respond by teaching more about the topic. Try this with these GPT Thinking Partners. See Mollick & Mollick (2023) for more.

Simulator Icon
AI as Simulator: Creating Opportunities for Practice

Some GPT Thinking Partners are characters we have created to have specific intellectual frameworks or ideological ways of responding. Choose a GPT Thinking Partners like this to engage with different perspectives. See Mollick & Mollick (2023) for more.

A list of all public GPT Thinking Partners

Featured Public Documents

Recent Comments on Public Documents

Mar 21

Students often struggle with arithmetic problems, especially if they miss the classroom. Fortunately, they can receive support through various resources, including task dissertation services in the UK https://ukessayslondon.co.uk/dissertation-help, which provides expert guidance. These services help students understand complex concepts and improve their skills to solve their problems. With the right help, students can capture the lack of lessons and perform professionally better. Access to reliable help ensures that they are on route with their studies.

Mar 20

this book consistantly deals with this theme of men perceiving women differently in the way they act, I am super interested in this theme and good to see where it goes and what hurtson is trying to say

Mar 20

It is so interesting to see the perspective of how Jody is controlling Janie with her hair and her self representation as a person.

Mar 20

I love the way they describe Hicks as the “average Mortal” it truly shows how discriminatory they were towards blacks at this time and his own attitudes in the situation.

Mar 20

I think you are completely on the money considering where the story is at and it’s understanding, this “untouchable aura” you talk about is extremely prevelent and I think it will be a issue later on.

Mar 20

I keep noticing Hurstons choice of using Ah to represent I in dialogue instead of I itself, I find this super interesting in the characterization of them.

Mar 19

Les clandestines sont un fardeau pour notre pays et nous ne pouvons réflechir! Explusez-les!

Mar 19

Il est facile de pointer du doigt les sans-papiers, mais beaucoup d’entre eux travaillent dur et occupent des emplois essentiels que d’autres refusent de faire. Leur situation est souvent due à des circonstances difficiles, et les traiter avec mépris n’aide en rien. Au lieu de rejeter ces personnes, ne devrions-nous pas chercher des solutions plus justes et humaines ?

Mar 19

La situation de Bakary montre bien à quel point ces lois sont parfois déconnectées de la réalité. Ces personnes travaillent dur, construisent nos villes, mais quand-même, elles sont compares avec des criminels. C’est vrais que il faut des règles, mais ne faudrait-il pas aussi une approche plus humaine, qui tienne compte de leur contribution, de leur situation et du danger qu’elles affrontent au quotidien ?

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OR join one of the public groups listed below

Study Groups: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Literature and the Arts

© Copyright 2018-2024, Paul Allison.
"NowComment" is a registered trademark of Paul Allison. All rights reserved.

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Quickstart: Commenting and Sharing

How to Comment
  • Click icons on the left to see existing comments.
  • Desktop/Laptop: double-click any text, highlight a section of an image, or add a comment while a video is playing to start a new conversation.
    Tablet/Phone: single click then click on the "Start One" link (look right or below).
  • Click "Reply" on a comment to join the conversation.
How to Share Documents
  1. "Upload" a new document.
  2. "Invite" others to it.

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