This is a series of three assignments.
Step 1. SolutionsU is a site that “connects you with solutions stories about the world’s challenges.” Search for a story on SolutionsU that is about a problem that you think needs solving.
Step 2. Annotate on NowComment. Upload the text of the article into a NowComment document and annotate. In your annotations comment on if/where in the article – and how well – the writer:
Instructions on how to upload to NowComment. To complete a NowComment annotation assignment, do the following:
Go to My Library > More > Properties/Access dates > edit
Add the following to the Document Information:
Next, add your annotated article to our class collection:
Invite > Judge 2020-21
Step 1. Add your annotated article to any applicable Now Comment study groups listed below. The ideas in your article will likely apply to more than one. N.B. You’ll have to join the study group before being able to add the document to it.
Step 2. Add comments and/or replies to three articles in your study group or related study groups. Things you might comment on:
Part 1. In a Youth Voices discussion post, synthesize your annotations of the SolutionsU article you read.
Part 2. Write two constructive comments on Youth Voices: one on a discussion of a student from Judge (not in your section of English) and one on a student’s discussion from another school.
Things you should do in your comment to get the writer to engage more deeply with their topic:
Write a proposal to address a problem affecting a community or group that you belong to. Analyze the problem and establish that it is serious enough to need solving, offer a solution that will remedy the problem or at least help partially, and lay out the particulars by which your proposed solution would be put into effect. Keep in mind the stakeholders of your community and/or outsiders who could help address the problem, being sure to take into account likely objections to your proposed solution as well as alternative solutions. For each of the next four weeks you’ll annotate sources, provide summaries, and compose an argumentative essay.
Step One: Formulate your question (in class on 2/23). Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the organizing principle, identify a problem in a community that you belong to and that you’d like to see improve. Frame your topic as an inquiry question, like the examples at the bottom of this document. You can continue with the topic you chose for your SolutionsU annotation or you can choose a new inquiry now.
Step Two: Annotate (weekly 2/23-3/23). Create a NowComment collection (or add to an existing collection) where you will add an article each week that informs your inquiry question. You’ll annotate and summarize a source for each of the four weeks of the project (3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23). One of these sources must be a chart, illustration, video, photograph, or infographic. Consider using Solutions U, Opposing Viewpoints, New York Times, and the UNSDG site for some of your sources.
Annotate one document each week, commenting on the elements listed below. You may not be able to see all three of the elements in each document, but your collection as a whole should.
Step Three: Summarize (weekly 2/23-3/23). Youth Voices post. After you annotate a document each week, summarize how that article informs your inquiry question in a Youth Voices discussion post.
Step Four: Synthesize (draft due 3/26; revision due 3/31). Synthesize at least three of the sources from your NowComment resource into a well-written essay proposing a solution to a problem in society. Your essay must follow MLA style and do the following:
Rubric for final post
Study Group: Zero Hunger
Collection: Why does America have so many hungry kids?
Study Group: Good Health and Well Being
Collection: What can schools do about the health of their students?
Study Group: Quality Education
Collection: Do college loans enslave young people today?
Study Group: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Collection: What causes economic inequality in America?
Study Group: Reduced Inequalities
Collection: How can our policies for children at the border shift from trauma inflicting to trauma informed?
Study Group: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Collection: How can we best prepare for drought?
Study Group: Responsible Consumption and Production
Collection: How do we avoid unsustainable, unethical fast fashion?
Example of a collection that needs clarification with a question: Is this about the device and therefore really about Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure or is it about domestic violence and therefore really about Gender Equality?
Study Group: Live on Land
Collection: Are zoos good for animals?
Study Group: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Collection: What are the effects of money in politics?
Study Group: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Collection: Does education in youth detention centers make a difference?
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Create a Public Collection for a Social, Political, Historical, Issue on NowComment on this page:
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Ohh, thanks a lot for this guide that you made, I actually am quite bad at what keeps synthesis essay, since I was a little kid I didn’t like to do big writings because it takes a lot of time and is quite useless, I am very glad to find check this source because there I probably found what I wanted all my life, now for me college and writing has become much easier and if I would say half a year ago I wanted to leave college, now I will definitely finish it.
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