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Amy, I agree with what he says here. People take things for granted because we see it everyday but if we saw it every thousands of year we would be more appreciated. The stars show every night but what if they didn’t?
What I get from this sentence is that he is trying to say if we have a open mind then we can be impressed by the natural objects of this world. We can visually see what they mean and stand for. He wants us to open our minds so that we can see what is meant to be seen by nature and look at it’s beauty.
I think in this rhetorical question Emerson is asking why can we not have poetry that has someone’s point of view on the new topics. He is wondering why we have to stick with traditional poetry instead of having poetry that has someone’s insight in it. Like someone’s life or story interrogated in it.
The author suggests that humans take the majestic light of the stars for granted. If they appeared only once in a thousand years, people would see them differently. We should always appreciate nature as God’s creation and recognize the significance of its beauty.
This means let’s get up and start the day without hesitation. Let’s friends come and go with kids going to school and getting out, and then calling it a day to repeat it all over again tomorrow.
My interpretation of this is that the man feels like he has nothing in life but he has God. He needs to give everything to God.
This sentence spoke to me: in solitude, nature offers companionship and inner peace, along with the joy of self reflection and deep thought, ensuring that one never feels alone.
They are all taking the same path and following each other until they decide to exit, well in this case make their own decisions and choice.
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