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Mar 4

Nanny’s slow, weary nod suggests a deep resignation and understanding, as if she’s seen this story play out before.

Mar 4

Janie’s struggling to express her feelings about Logan Killicks to Nanny. Her silence and pouting convey the pain and frustration she’s experiencing

Mar 4

When I read this Zora’s use of vivvid imagery really creates an image in my mind.I feel like I’m experiencing Janie’s desperation firsthand. She’s fleeing with her baby, still recovering from childbirth, and the thought of navigating that dark, treacherous swamp is terrifying.

Mar 4

To me, this line suggests that women often have to be intentional about what they remember and what they forget, and that can be a way to cope with difficult experiences they’ve had.

Mar 4

As I read the first paragraphs of “Their Eyes Were Watching God,” I get a sense of the calm atmosphere in Eatonville at sundown, which is disrupted by Janie’s return.

Feb 20

I think this situation is very relevant and important, because we tend to forget about these issues. Many times we think that it is not our problem, and the truth is that it is, if we try to raise awareness, we will help these problems decrease.

Jan 20

Very interesting article. I found some valuable info pieces, and there are things to think about. I agree that the educational system is not perfect and is “programmed” in a certain way. But I don’t think that it’s the correct thing to say that, in the end, the educational method and each student are the same. A lot of things depend on the student themself. Some educational institutions really inspire curiosity, critical thinking, and self-expression in students, and it is like this. I like my university, but sometimes I feel too pressured by tasks. I use edubirdie.com/pay-for-research-papers from time to time because such theoretical tasks are so time-consuming and complicated, and that time I can dedicate to something I find more useful and interesting.

Jan 15

there is nothing humorous about this story. The original poster told his horrific story of an above average fecal deposit that he had unfortunately had to come across.

Dec 19

Multiliteracies is a concept that expands the traditional notion of literacy to include a broader range of skills required to effectively communicate in a complex, digital, and globalized world. It acknowledges that literacy is not just about reading and writing traditional texts but involves multiple modes of meaning-making across different media and contexts.

Nov 14

geometry dash meltdown
this is scary when you go to the toilet without water

Oct 3

This paragraph insightfully highlights the deep connection between humans and their domesticated animals, particularly dogs and cats. The argument that our reliance on these furry companions has influenced human evolution is compelling, especially in terms of language development and tool use. Shipman’s comments effectively illustrate how having animals perform tasks, such as hunting or pest control, may have reduced the need for certain evolutionary traits in early humans. banana game

Sep 28

This sentence implies that one sees something that reflects the beauty of their own inner nature when they gaze upon a peaceful landscape, particularly the distant horizon. It suggests a relationship between a person’s inner beauty and the external beauty of the world. This concept is consistent with Transcendentalist concepts of the intrinsic beauty and goodness of both nature and people.

Sep 28

This statement implies that no one is ever fully aware of everything, so even the smartest person can never fully solve the mysteries of the natural world or the cosmos, and that curiosity will always exist. Transcendentalist ideals, which emphasize that there is always more to learn and discover about the world around us, are in accordance with this. Transcendentalists hold that some things are beyond human comprehension and that true wisdom arises from acknowledging the inherent mystery and beauty of nature.

Sep 9

I am imagining myself in situation like this my thinking would have been way different then his like when he said I had this to deal with. I would think let me satify my need by peeing and leaving the batroom as I found it

Sep 3

Clearly Satan was responsible for Job’s losses, as it is Satan who brings death and destruction and not God. Yet God takes the blame as we read in Chapter 2 verse 3: Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? And still he holds fast to his integrity, although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without cause.”

I think that we can learn here something about the character of God. He often takes the blame, just as he took the blame for my sins. God himself decided to leave heaven, to become fully human, to take my sins and to die on the cross for me. But Jesus did not only take my sins, he became my sin.
2 Corinthians 5:21
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Aug 18

Properly defining “online teaching and learning” is a task I feel confident in completing, as I have an extensive professional history in this topic. However, I also acknowledge a personal bias in this topic skewing towards K-12 settings and admit to ignorance of post-secondary education and professional online teaching in learning, which I hope to remedy with more discussion and experience in these learning environments.
Having taught for three years at an asynchronous Pennsylvania cyber charter school and remotely during the COVID-19 school shutdown, I have a well-rounded idea of teaching and learning. I can go back even further by saying I had multiple online and distance learning classes as a student during my undergrad and graduate studies. Where I need help finding the correct words to define online teaching and learning concisely. While traditional definitions of learning were largely written assuming learning occurs in synchronous, brick-and-mortar classrooms, the behaviorist and cognitivist learning theories still fit within online learning settings with slight adjustments. My experience has shown the most substantial challenges to learning theory definitions; however, when applying Bandura’s social cognitive theory to asynchronous learning settings, specifically in how one can adequately account for the environmental variables, which are core to the theory’s definition of learning. The most challenging variable for online teachers to account for when creating and delivering synchronous and asynchronous lessons is the environment in which a learner receives and participates in said lessons. An online teacher cannot control the learning environment in online settings to be same degree one can control the learning environment in traditional classrooms. Thus, acknowledging this minimized control must be considered when determining a definition for online teaching and learning. So, If I were to distill my experience, thoughts, and opinions into a definition of online teaching and learning, it would probably read something like this: 
Online teaching and learning are no different than in-person teaching and learning. The goal is for teachers to deliver effective and efficient lessons and activities in which learners can display proficiency and mastery of delivered content. Online teaching and learning differ, however, in that teachers must count for the absence of direct social communication and environmental control of the learning setting, and thus must deliver lessons in content with clear, concise, and direct messaging and design in mind while still promoting social aspects of learning in as many ways as possible.

Aug 17

It is interesting to note the parallels between the journeys of the mother and the son, both having to adapt to survive a new reality in life. In the mother’s journey we see this when she is forced to leave her children to work outside, facing a face of the world that she did not know, in the son’s journey we notice this with the need to mature and learn to take care of the house and the brother. Both were led to face the world alone, in their own new realities created by the need that life brought.

Aug 14

I agree that the mother was trying to teach her son to defend himself, after all, he no longer had the protection of a father, and there may come a day when the mother is also no longer there, leaving him without anyone. She wanted him to learn how to deal with problems independently, although I don’t agree with the way she taught him.

Aug 14

As a mother, I could feel the pain of another mother who had to take on all the household and child-rearing responsibilities alone because the father decided to abandon his role and leave. It’s sad and despairing; the mother is clearly overwhelmed because all the responsibility has fallen on her shoulders, but she cannot afford to suffer. Her children feel the pain of hunger and the absence of their father, and she knows she must fulfill both needs. I often say that it’s very easy to abandon children when you know there’s always a mother to bear the responsibilities.

Aug 14

They have nothing to eat but continue praying and believing that everything will improve if they have faith and wait

Aug 12

I agree when you say that “hungry” is given humaly caracteristics, we can see that kind of personification also in the Bible, teh third of the four horsemen of the apocalypse is known as “famine” or, in other words, hunger as we can see in Revelation 6:5–6. This made me realise that, it doesn’t matter when, but hunger or “hungry” is personified as a intense fear since the old times when the Bible was written.

Aug 12

I totally agree with what you said about the need of growing up and having responsibilities as a child because of a missing father figure. But what made me curious was that, in the text, it wasn’t said in any moment that he was the older brother, we all assume that the older one have to go and try to get responsable for, in this case, getting groceries as the father would. It’s hard to see the way that the mother taught him to defend himself and once he actually get to defend himself from the other kids, he need to face their parents alone, because again, he doesn’t have a father to protect him from the word.

Jul 25

When I hear “online teaching,” I think of something very vague and general. A person who has information that they would like to share with an online audience. My idea of “online learning,” has become very vague as well. A person using the internet to learn about a subject or answer questions they have. My definitions of these terms have become so general because of the pandemic. As soon as Americans learned that there would be a quarantine everyone began to look to online learning. The pandemic was a vulnerable time for many Americans. We were unsure what would become of our jobs and our lives. Courses offered a sense of direction for many. I saw many professionals whose jobs depended on interacting with the public begin to create and sell online courses. Social media influencers began creating and selling courses about becoming a social media influencer, people who did public speaking events made courses about how to master public speaking, dance teachers sold online dance lessons. My own hairdresser created and sold a course explaining how to install your own hair extensions to keep her business afloat while she was not able to take clients. I thought this was both amazing and concerning. While people who had lost their careers looked to create new ones by creating courses, others looked to create new ones by buying these courses. This insecurity was unfortunately preyed upon.

It was great that there were so many things that we could all learn from the comfort of our own homes. However, Instagram, Teachable, Kajabi, Patreon and other online course platforms did not require any credentials. It was up to us as consumers to vet these people and use our own discretion. Some of these courses were upwards of $1000. Some much more. In addition to the cost of the courses. Some incurred the costs of bad investments that these courses encouraged them to make.

I would consider most if not all of these courses to be emergency remote learning. To me that means that these courses were put together hastily and out of necessity. While they may or may not have been quality programs, the necessary time and planning that quality distance education required was not guaranteed. Even teachers were throwing courses together. Many teachers had just a few days to convert their classes from in person communities into online ones. Which is no easy feat. Much like the hairdresser, personal trainers, and other professionals that turned to online learning out of necessity, there was little training and little time for experimentation.

When I think of formal distance education, I think of instructional designers working with subject matter experts. Many online educators are not necessarily responsible for creating the infrastructure of their online communities. They can focus on a course’s content and have help when it comes to creating the websites and programs that will hold these courses. This is great because it allows teachers who have amazing and impactful lessons to share them on a larger scale without losing the quality of their programs because of their lack of tech skills.

I am certain that distance education will continue to grow. And, as time passes the quality of courses will increase. I also see safeguards being put into place for consumers. Hopefully, these open online education platforms will require their “teachers,” to show some kind of credentials before they are able to create and market their online courses.

Jul 22

I agree learners that came out of ERT class did not get the same knowledge as in-person learning but the online classes are now better prepared and the next time it will be a smoother transition from online to ERT than it was from in-person to ERT.

Jul 22

Online Teaching and learning is a boon considering the accessibility and flexibility it can provide. But online learning in an emergency situation such as the COVID- 19 pandemic has its downfalls. With the resources available and the emergency training given to teachers, instructors and students , it was admirable on all fronts how education persevered online on such a short notice. From my experience with high school students and teachers that had to go into Emergency Remote Learning , It was a struggle for the teachers to go through the material and keep the students engaged when they weren’t physically in the same room. It was a very stressful time for K-12 teachers and classroom management. Meanwhile some of the students were struggling with paying attention online and grasping all the concepts. Nevertheless , this was born out of necessity during the pandemic and I hope such a scenario does not happen any time soon ! As the article mentions , I agree that in the case of emergency remote learning, there must be a shift in evaluation. “ From the faculty point of view, student learning outcomes would be of primary interest. Did learners achieve the intended knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes that were the focus of the instructional experience? Attitudinal outcomes are also possibly of interest, for students and for faculty. For students, issues such as interest, motivation, and engagement are directly connected to learner success and so would be possible evaluation foci. For faculty, attitudes toward online instruction and all that it entails can affect the perception of success.”

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