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Mar 20

this book consistantly deals with this theme of men perceiving women differently in the way they act, I am super interested in this theme and good to see where it goes and what hurtson is trying to say

Mar 20

It is so interesting to see the perspective of how Jody is controlling Janie with her hair and her self representation as a person.

Mar 20

I love the way they describe Hicks as the “average Mortal” it truly shows how discriminatory they were towards blacks at this time and his own attitudes in the situation.

Mar 20

I think you are completely on the money considering where the story is at and it’s understanding, this “untouchable aura” you talk about is extremely prevelent and I think it will be a issue later on.

Mar 20

I keep noticing Hurstons choice of using Ah to represent I in dialogue instead of I itself, I find this super interesting in the characterization of them.

Mar 19

Les clandestines sont un fardeau pour notre pays et nous ne pouvons réflechir! Explusez-les!

Mar 19

Il est facile de pointer du doigt les sans-papiers, mais beaucoup d’entre eux travaillent dur et occupent des emplois essentiels que d’autres refusent de faire. Leur situation est souvent due à des circonstances difficiles, et les traiter avec mépris n’aide en rien. Au lieu de rejeter ces personnes, ne devrions-nous pas chercher des solutions plus justes et humaines ?

Mar 19

La situation de Bakary montre bien à quel point ces lois sont parfois déconnectées de la réalité. Ces personnes travaillent dur, construisent nos villes, mais quand-même, elles sont compares avec des criminels. C’est vrais que il faut des règles, mais ne faudrait-il pas aussi une approche plus humaine, qui tienne compte de leur contribution, de leur situation et du danger qu’elles affrontent au quotidien ?

Mar 19

Comme Bakary Coulibaly, il y a nombreux autres clandestines dans France. Ils ont caché, mais il lentement utilise nos ressources naturelles et il voler nos travails. Les immigrants illégal doit être éliminer de notre pays. Initialement, je l’ai accepté mais la goute d’eau qui a fait débordé la vase, c’est quand j’ai vu un homme africain polluer mon quartier. Cela va sans dire que les sans-papiers sont mal! Qu’est que tu pense?

Mar 4

Nanny’s slow, weary nod suggests a deep resignation and understanding, as if she’s seen this story play out before.

Mar 4

Janie’s struggling to express her feelings about Logan Killicks to Nanny. Her silence and pouting convey the pain and frustration she’s experiencing

Mar 4

When I read this Zora’s use of vivvid imagery really creates an image in my mind.I feel like I’m experiencing Janie’s desperation firsthand. She’s fleeing with her baby, still recovering from childbirth, and the thought of navigating that dark, treacherous swamp is terrifying.

Mar 4

To me, this line suggests that women often have to be intentional about what they remember and what they forget, and that can be a way to cope with difficult experiences they’ve had.

Mar 4

As I read the first paragraphs of “Their Eyes Were Watching God,” I get a sense of the calm atmosphere in Eatonville at sundown, which is disrupted by Janie’s return.

Feb 20

I think this situation is very relevant and important, because we tend to forget about these issues. Many times we think that it is not our problem, and the truth is that it is, if we try to raise awareness, we will help these problems decrease.

Jan 20

Very interesting article. I found some valuable info pieces, and there are things to think about. I agree that the educational system is not perfect and is “programmed” in a certain way. But I don’t think that it’s the correct thing to say that, in the end, the educational method and each student are the same. A lot of things depend on the student themself. Some educational institutions really inspire curiosity, critical thinking, and self-expression in students, and it is like this. I like my university, but sometimes I feel too pressured by tasks. I use edubirdie.com/pay-for-research-papers from time to time because such theoretical tasks are so time-consuming and complicated, and that time I can dedicate to something I find more useful and interesting.

Jan 15

there is nothing humorous about this story. The original poster told his horrific story of an above average fecal deposit that he had unfortunately had to come across.

Dec 19

Multiliteracies is a concept that expands the traditional notion of literacy to include a broader range of skills required to effectively communicate in a complex, digital, and globalized world. It acknowledges that literacy is not just about reading and writing traditional texts but involves multiple modes of meaning-making across different media and contexts.

Nov 14

geometry dash meltdown
this is scary when you go to the toilet without water

Oct 3

This paragraph insightfully highlights the deep connection between humans and their domesticated animals, particularly dogs and cats. The argument that our reliance on these furry companions has influenced human evolution is compelling, especially in terms of language development and tool use. Shipman’s comments effectively illustrate how having animals perform tasks, such as hunting or pest control, may have reduced the need for certain evolutionary traits in early humans. banana game

Sep 29

This sentence implies that one sees something that reflects the beauty of their own inner nature when they gaze upon a peaceful landscape, particularly the distant horizon. It suggests a relationship between a person’s inner beauty and the external beauty of the world. This concept is consistent with Transcendentalist concepts of the intrinsic beauty and goodness of both nature and people.

Sep 28

This statement implies that no one is ever fully aware of everything, so even the smartest person can never fully solve the mysteries of the natural world or the cosmos, and that curiosity will always exist. Transcendentalist ideals, which emphasize that there is always more to learn and discover about the world around us, are in accordance with this. Transcendentalists hold that some things are beyond human comprehension and that true wisdom arises from acknowledging the inherent mystery and beauty of nature.

Sep 9

I am imagining myself in situation like this my thinking would have been way different then his like when he said I had this to deal with. I would think let me satify my need by peeing and leaving the batroom as I found it

Sep 3

Clearly Satan was responsible for Job’s losses, as it is Satan who brings death and destruction and not God. Yet God takes the blame as we read in Chapter 2 verse 3: Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? And still he holds fast to his integrity, although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without cause.”

I think that we can learn here something about the character of God. He often takes the blame, just as he took the blame for my sins. God himself decided to leave heaven, to become fully human, to take my sins and to die on the cross for me. But Jesus did not only take my sins, he became my sin.
2 Corinthians 5:21
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

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