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Collection: Baseline Samples, Grade 2 - 2021-2022 Return to Group

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 30Q002 Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Throughout the school week, students are asked to use the classroom mood meter in all major content areas.

    Students were given their Hamburger Organizer and asked to use their mood meter to write how it is that they are feeling.

    The following activities have been completed since September, and as a grade and school, we are finding ways to incorporate SEL/CRSE into all content areas while reinforcing learning skills and addressing all CCSS and SEL Benchmarks.

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 69 Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    After reading Being a Good Citizen by Rachelle Kreisman during our literacy time students were asked to respond to a question.

    Think about the positive effects of being a good citizen on others in your community. Think about how you can be a good citizen.


    • Describe the ways you can be a good citizen at home
    • Describe the ways you can be a good citizen at school

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 70 Queens Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Students will make Text to Self connections by analyzing characters feelings and actions 

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  • over 3 years ago


    P.S. 85Q Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Classes create collages that represented who they are. They focused on their cultural background along with their family. The students were asked to create a writing piece where they described their culture based on the collages they made.

    The students were asked to use their collages and their writing pieces to have conversations with their classmates. With these conversations, the students were able to identify similarities between their culture and their peers culture. This activity gave the students an opportunity to appreciate, celebrate, and learn about their culture but also their classmates culture.

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  • over 3 years ago


    P.S. 92Q Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    The students were charged with exploring empathy by identifying their own feelings and then identifying with the feelings of others through role play activities with paper bag puppets.

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  • over 3 years ago


    P.S.112Q Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Classes reviewed communities and how different communities have similarities and differences.. Students also studied community maps, map keys and the compass roads. The students were asked to create a map key and a compass rose.

    The students were asked to use their map key and compass to create a map of their community. The map should show the physical representations of their community as well as street names.

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 149Q Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Book of the Month: The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson

    Students write about a time they overcame fear after reading The Day You Begin.

    Virtue of the month: Courage (to be yourself)

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 149Q Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Book of the Month: Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You

    Book by Sonia Sotomayor

    The students read this book to see how we are different and unique. We are not all the same and the student saw that and they wrote a sentence how they are unique and then with their hand prints they wrote out ten different things about being unique.

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 150 Grade 2 (Revised) Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Students listen to a read aloud of the Book of the Month, The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family. Students will make an inference about how the character is feeling and explain how they would make the situation better.

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  • over 3 years ago


    P.S. 150 Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    After listening to a read aloud of The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family, students will describe how the character is feeling

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  • over 3 years ago


    P.S. 151 Q Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Second grade completed Module 1 of Into Reading and focused on actions taken to be a good citizen.

    In Writing we read the text Just a Dream by Chris Van Allsburg.

    Focus Statement: Even the smallest actions can lead to big results.

    Task: Write a story about something you have done to make the world a better place.

    Think about the action you took that made someone or something better.

    Write about the action. Describe that action and explain how it made the world a better place

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 152 Grade 2 Information-grey


    The Task

    T.P. I can ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading.

    Directions given to Students:

    Before: Look at the title and the front cover. Pause to think about what you are wondering about. 

    During: As you are reading, pause to check your comprehension. Ask a questions about it. 

    After: Now think about what you are still wondering about. Ask a question. 

    Go back and answer the questions. Look around in the text and pictures for evidence or details to help you answer.  

    Guidelines/Success Criteria Provided

    I can ask questions when I read that begin with the words who, what, where, when, why and how. 

    I can answer the question using words from the question in my answer. 

    I can support my answer with evidence from the text.

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 166Q Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    After reading Goats Stop Fires, an article from Scholastic News, students were directed to share their opinion on the following question:

    Are goats a good solution for clearing brush?

    The success criteria include:

    1. Give at least three reasons citing text evidence.
    2. Use transition words between your reasons.
    3. Remember to write a concluding sentence.

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 171 Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task: '

    Math portfolio piece: Practice Addition and Subtraction Facts.

    Teaching Point: I can add and subtract quickly and accurately using mental math strategies.

    Students were asked to make and describe fact families.

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS 212 Grade 2 Information-grey


    Math - Place Value

    Learning Targets: 

    I can read a 3-digit number.

    🎯 I can draw a picture of the    

        3-digit number using 

        base ten blocks.

    🎯 I can write a 3-digit number.

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  • over 3 years ago


    PS222Q Firefighter Christopher A. Santora School Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    In Unit 1 of NYC Passports to Social Studies, students have been learning about our government. Students have been learning more about the roles and responsibilities of local, state, and national leaders. In addition, these leaders are elected by the people they represent.  Students learned more about the process of elections and the importance of voting through various resources. Students gained background knowledge by reading several informational texts. As a class we also read Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio.  In reading this text, students learned how the characters of the story were able to hold a school election through voting. Students also identified traits of the main character Grace, who campaigned in order to win the presidency.  To further solidify their understanding, students also participated in a mock class election.

    As a culminating activity, students used what they had learned through these lessons, various resources, and experiences to reflect on the question: How can we elect leaders for our communities? Students described and summarized the processes citizens would need to take in order to elect a community leader. Students used what they had learned about the roles and responsibilities of local, state, and national leaders to make connections. Specifically, text to text, text to self, and text to world connections and identified traits that leaders should have. Students have explained their thinking using complete sentences and through drawings.

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  • over 3 years ago


    P.S.280Q Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:


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  • over 3 years ago


    Q300 Grade 2 Information-grey


    General Description of the Task:

    Second Grade Maps!

    Learning Objectives: Students will apply their map knowledge and their understanding of the map key and compass rose to create a map.

    Task: Second graders were given a choice to design a map of our classroom or their bedroom at home. Students used a rubric and a checklist to make sure they included all of the important map components and features such as a title, map key and compass rose.  After completing their maps, students created questions about their map for a partner to answer.

    Social Studies Standard: Gathering, Interpreting and Using Evidence Recognize different forms of evidence used to make meaning in social studies (including primary and secondary sources, such as art and photographs, artifacts, oral histories, maps, and graphs).

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